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Ms Mahvish Syed TheCitySchoolGulshanJuniorGirls Science Faculty.

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Presentation on theme: "Ms Mahvish Syed TheCitySchoolGulshanJuniorGirls Science Faculty."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ms Mahvish Syed TheCitySchoolGulshanJuniorGirls Science Faculty

2 Goals  To enhance IT skills.  To develop scientific reasoning and investigative skills.  To develop proper searching and exploring skills.  To use 21 st century approaches.  To motivate collaborative environment.  To enhance critical thinking skills.

3 Anticipated challenges in 21 st century  The Effective Principal is based on Instructional Leadership For High-Quality Learning.  Students centered class rooms.  Learning behavior's type.  A focus on teaching students to discover and research in order to explore the knowledge, solve problems, and think creatively (high order thinking).  To avoid monotonous.

4 Topics Aug-Dec 2011 August Interdependent And Adaptation September Humans October Food Chain November More About Dissolving Reinforcement And Evaluation Time Line

5 21 st Century Approaches  Observing & Monitoring Skills  Giving Direction Skills  Listening & Speaking  Questioning Skills  Encouraging Skills  Intervening Skills 21 st century Skills  1.Accountibility & Adaptability  2.Communication Skills  3.Creativity & Intellectual curiosity  4.Critical Thinking & System Thinking  5.Information & Media Literacy Skills  6.Interpersonal & Collaborative Skills  7.Self Direction  8.Problem Identification & Solution  9.Social Responsibility

6 Bloom’s Taxonomy Evaluation Analyze Create Apply Understand Remember

7 T opics 21 st Century approach Techniques /resources Interdependent And Adaptation Observing & Monitoring Skills Giving Direction Skills Demonstrations Plantation Activity, Field survey Humans Listening & Speaking Questioning Skills Model Display Multimedia Presentation Food Chain Encouraging Skills Picture Display Simulation on Heinemann Explorer More About Dissolving Intervening Skills Encouraging/Intervening Skills Experiments: Dissolving jelly crystals. Instructional strategies Tasks

8 Instructional strategies Tasks Cont TopicObjectiveMethodologyAssessment Encourage the students Food Chain To know about food link series of living thing To know about food link series of living thing relationship in food chains beginning with green plants relationship in food chains beginning with green plants Children are usually unable to observe food chains in action; video clips and TV programs are helpful. Activity After the activity there is an option of Test. There is also an option to check the score through which motivation skill in introduced Test Encourage the students by giving the Certificate and through course assessment sheet, motivation in the students will be produce Certificate course assessment sheet Certificate course assessment sheet

9 ChallengesSolutions  Availability of ICT Lab  Availability of multimedia  Pre booking  Acknowledgements  Encouragement  Management of class in student centered environment.  Availability of teaching aids.  Group working  Permission from Head Mistress and Parents.  Motivation of students  Encouragement  Extra time.  Certificates and awards.  Multimedia presentation  Permission.  Research work.  Letter of permission.  Availability of  Books & apparatus  Application to Head mistress.  Purchasing by own.

10 Resources bbcks3bitesizescience. bbcks3bitesizescience. bbcks3bitesizescience.

11 Acknowledgements District Trainer  Omer Fahim  Shahid Iqbal Master Trainees  Ms Sehrish Ambreen  Mrs Sumaira Junaid  Head Mistress  Mrs Afroz Zafar

12 All of the top achievers I know are life-long learners... Looking for new skills, insights, and ideas. If they're not learning, they're not growing... not moving toward excellence. Denis Waitley Thank You!

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