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Week 4. Effective Planning Systemizing the Organization.

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Presentation on theme: "Week 4. Effective Planning Systemizing the Organization."— Presentation transcript:

1 Week 4

2 Effective Planning

3 Systemizing the Organization

4 Effective Planning Systemizing the Organization Implementing Change

5 Effective Planning Systemizing the Organization Implementing Change Planning Leadership


7 Independent Dependent Co-Dependent Interdependent


9  I need no one  I can do it all myself  Don’t bother me  I can do it faster and better  Or at least they think they can


11  I need you  I cant do it myself  I probably don’t want to do it myself  I lean on you more than I should


13  I need you and you need me  I can’t go on if I don’t have you  I will let you control me  You meet my needs because I can’t or wont do it myself


15  We need each other  We are mutually connected to one another  We work hand in hand and side by side  It is about personal relationships

16 Realizing the following: Who God is What I do How we work or how we make it work

17 Who God is  I John 4:7-21

18 What I do  Barnabas- Acts 4:36; 9:27; 11:23; 15:39  Elijah-1 Kings 19:19-21

19 Mentoring Investing Producing Discipling

20 How we work or how we make it work Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

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