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Freda Lacey Mental Health Development and Participation.

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Presentation on theme: "Freda Lacey Mental Health Development and Participation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Freda Lacey Mental Health Development and Participation

2 Who are we? General issues regarding Participation Recent Participation Case Study –Overview of event –Getting people involved/engaged –Results –Highlight two people’s experience –Next steps Any questions?

3 Powys Association of Voluntary Organisations (PAVO) is an interdependent intermediary body whose purpose is to empower and equip the third sector in Powys, enabling it to deliver its aims and objectives effectively, and to represent and facilitate the engagement of the third sector at all levels of the strategic planning process. Who are we?

4 General issues regarding Participation Understanding people – Stakeholder Analysis Overwhelming number of “participation” activities? – What’s in it for me? (WIFM) Language – Keep it Short and Simple (KISS) How to reach the “Silent Majority” – Is this possible? Statutory jadedness, how to collaborate? When to wield pressure and when to massage need? Transportation, geographic issues


6 Keynote Speaker Eleanor Longden Mentioned as a key contributor to success of event

7 The Making of a “Schizophrenic” Cause Sexual abuse Physical and emotional harm Lack of protection No escape Denial Betrayal Powerlessness Effect Hearing voices Self-injury Dissociation Unusual beliefs - ‘delusions’ Eleanor Longden

8 Exerpt from Eleanor’s mental health assessment notes

9 Hearing Voices and Human Variation * Data limited to Western, industrialised nations

10 DVD available from

11 Round Table Discussion – Everyone equal


13 Participation Exercise – A Journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step (Lao Tzu)

14 Participation Exercise – Journey to Wall of Discovery – Words to Inspire

15 Hope Belonging Power Control Responsibility Motivation Inspiration Choice Recovery

16 (Feedback from participant) Good morning Freda, I came home yesterday absolutely shattered but full of hope. I learnt more yesterday about Mental Health and indeed myself in what seemed like a few very short hours, than all of my ten years fighting the illness and the system. I don't normally write letters of praise but you and your team have taken the system and given it a good old shake up and to give us "a voice" - fantastic! Until yesterday I thought I was a "Victim" I want to keep this short, I have to mention "Eleanor Longden", when she stood up and introduced herself and said "I will be talking to you all for 45 minutes" I thought oh god, 45 minutes, how wrong could I be! I could have listened to that brave and courageous lady all day. It was a privilege and an honour to witness. Lastly, my Wife Helen has organised trade and direct selling events etc for 24 years and I know the hard work that goes into an event such as this. What impressed me was the "loose format". The fact that all of the Survivors, who like me struggle at social events, it is a great testament to you and your team that we were still there for the close of the event. Thanks again, John 52 - Bi- Polar but not stupid :) Freda, if you could make it happen, I would like this letter printed in a trade publication or local press, somewhere that it might do some good for others. I think at long last I don't feel ashamed of my illness!

17 Participation Result Jane is now involved in speaking about her experiences and participates in on-going work with the Police

18 Next Steps? John – Event and Report consultation, photography and publicity Jane – Advising Police Confidence and Equality Group, Care Planning Participation – Four people who use services involved post event Report – Four people who use services involved in writing report Future events – World Mental Health Week, October 2012 Participation IS a risk worth taking

19 To laugh is to risk appearing a fool, To weep is to risk appearing sentimental To reach out to another is to risk involvement, To expose feelings is to risk exposing your true self To place your ideas and dreams before a crowd is to risk their loss To love is to risk not being loved in return, To hope is to risk despair, To try is to risk failure. But risks must be taken because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing. The person who risks nothing, does nothing, has nothing, is nothing. They may avoid great suffering and sorrow, But they cannot learn, feel, change, grow or live. Chained by servitude, they are a slave who has forfeited all freedom. Only a person who risks is truly free….. William Arthur Ward To Risk

20 Any Questions? Tel: 01597 828668

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