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Australia and New Zealand Competition Law Enforcement and Governance.

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Presentation on theme: "Australia and New Zealand Competition Law Enforcement and Governance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Australia and New Zealand Competition Law Enforcement and Governance

2 Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP Why a joint assessment of New Zealand and Australia?  Politically, economically and culturally very similar.  ANZCERTA: – Total freedom of movement of people and labour – (Almost) total freedom of trade and commerce – Mandate to harmonise business law  Business law harmonisation: – Synchronising policy – Reducing regulatory barriers to trans-Tasman commerce (e.g. mutual recognition of filings) – Ultimate ambition: a single agency exercising equivalent jurisdiction in both countries  Result: convergence between New Zealand and Australian competition policy and institutional arrangements

3 Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP Mandate

4 Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP Mandate Competition  Per se prohibitions: – Price fixing/hard core cartels – Resale price maintenance – Certain kinds of exclusionary arrangements  Rule of reason: – Monopolisation – Cooperation/collusion – Mergers and acquisitions (which can be cleared or authorised) Regulation  Objective: – Mimic competitive outcomes – Reserved for markets with structurally limited competition  Mechanisms: – Access regulation for essential facilities – Information disclosure – Negotiate/arbitrate – Price/quality investment pathways

5 Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP Penalties  Maximum (corporate) penalties of: a) $10,000,000; or b) Either: i. Three times the commercial gain attributable to the infringement; or ii. If the commercial gain cannot be calculated, 10% of worldwide group turnover  Fines vary for individuals: $500,000 - $750,000  Ten years’ imprisonment for hard core cartel conduct in Australia

6 Institutional structure

7 Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP Institutional structure

8 Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP Due process norms

9 Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP Due process norms  Due process based on civil rather than criminal expectations of fairness  Principles of natural justice: – Right to be heard – Right to adequate notice of reasoning and evidence relied upon  Investigations: agencies have substantial latitude, and occasionally use them in an allegedly oppressive manner  Independence: ✔  Proportionality: ✔

10 Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP Due process norms (continued)  Rights of review and appeal: variable: – Regulatory appeals on merits severely constrained – typically appeals are limited to questions of law or procedure – Very difficult to challenge even a manifest error in economic reasoning  Challenges of criminalisation: – Use of compelled testimony – Giving appropriate cautions – Tainted evidence – Parallel criminal and civil proceedings – ACCC confident, given support from CDPP, but practitioners convinced the first prosecutions will be problematic

11 Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP Institutional performance

12 Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP Public accountability  Accountable to courts, tribunals and ombudsman for day-to-day activities  Accountable to Parliament and government departments for overall performance and budget  Accountable to media  But note deliberate trade off between accountability and independence A-

13 Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP Timeliness  Mergers: – New Zealand: 40-65 days – Australia: Between two and twelve weeks depending on complexity  Enforcement: traditionally unduly prolonged, but an area of focus under the current administration and improving  Regulatory determinations: extremely prolonged as a result of overly rigorous consultation obligations, to the ultimate dissatisfaction of both the agencies and industry B+

14 Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP Expertise  Agencies highly regarded by practitioners, and rated favourably in international comparisons  Both agencies have successfully recruited talent internationally, and contracted consultant expertise for specific workstreams  Weakness is probably in high level economic expertise: comparatively fewer economics PhDs than other sophisticated competition agencies (DOJ, OFT, DG Comp)  New Zealand courts can sit with a lay-member to assist with expert economic evidence. Australian federal courts not similarly equipped, but the ACT sits with two lay-members. A-

15 Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP Investigative and sanctioning powers  Maximum penalties float according to size of company and magnitude of commercial gain attributable to the breach  Broad powers to injunct conduct (including on an interim basis through cease and desist orders) and to disqualify directors  Criminal penalties for hard core conduct in Australia (and soon to be introduced in New Zealand)  In practice, significant penalties increasingly imposed  Wide range of investigative tools, and plenty of latitude to use them  Chairs of the agencies reported no concerns with their existing powers A+

16 Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP Reasonable predictability  Procedure governed either by statute or by guidelines issued by agencies, and hence very predictable (with the exception of investigations)  Merger control predictable given extensive guidelines on substantive assessment and high level of know-how amongst practitioners  Regulatory determinations predictable insofar as final outcomes are signaled well in advance through draft reports and consultation papers  Enforcement increasingly predictable due to enforcement policies and guidelines, with the exception of monopolisation which is completely unpredictable  Also, enforcement depends a lot on the personality of the current chairperson A-

17 Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP Transparency  Strong culture of transparency: – Publicly available annual reports that report on activities and budget – Press releases announcing significant decisions or actions – Full text registers of merger clearances and restrictive trade practice authorisation – Freedom of information legislation – Wide range of information available on website  However, both agencies are a bit reluctant to publicise decisions or outcomes that reflect poorly on them  Also, ACCC publishes less information on mergers due to its informal merger clearance regime A

18 Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP Public consultation  Public invited to participate in policy-making process through consultations on: – Draft legislation – Agency guidelines  Public also invited to make submissions regarding merger clearances, RTP authorisations and regulatory determinations  Enforcement proceeds through a private litigant model, so public does not participate in agencies’ litigation strategy or enforcement decisions A

19 Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP

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