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EDMOULD LLP/LDV/TOI/2009/SK/93100534 PROJECT INTRODUCTION 1st meeting of the project partners Improvement of Vocational Education in Field of Injection.

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Presentation on theme: "EDMOULD LLP/LDV/TOI/2009/SK/93100534 PROJECT INTRODUCTION 1st meeting of the project partners Improvement of Vocational Education in Field of Injection."— Presentation transcript:

1 EDMOULD LLP/LDV/TOI/2009/SK/93100534 PROJECT INTRODUCTION 1st meeting of the project partners Improvement of Vocational Education in Field of Injection Moulding EDMOULD LLP/LDV/TOI/2009/SK/93100534 DURATION: 18 months


3 EDMOULD LLP/LDV/TOI/2009/SK/93100534 ABOUT A-OMEGA, Ltd. – applicant co-ordinator - Personnel counselling agency - Offers complete services in the sphere of searching, selection and recruitment of HR for investors, especially in field of industrial production organizes consulting for new investors external HR management personnel consulting focused on solving problems designing educational programmes and trainings according to clients’ needs -The only company in SR with an accreditation in field of Operating and Setting-up of Injection Moulding Machines ROLE IN THE PROJECT - Management and coordination of project partners: Creation of innovative educational program in field of injection moulding of plastic material; Coordination of partners while pilot testing of educational program and the assurance of controlling the quality and output products; Implementation of acquired innovation in educational system to existing educational system within SR.

4 EDMOULD LLP/LDV/TOI/2009/SK/93100534 PROJECT PARTNERS P0 – A-Omega, Ltd. P1 - Superior Institute of Plastics Alencon (ISPA) P2 – MAPRO, Ltd. P3 - Trenčín Regional Chamber of Slovak Chamber of Commerce and Industry (TRC SCCI) P4 - Prešov Regional Chamber of Slovak Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PRC SCCI) P5 – Slovak Plastic Cluster (SPC) P6 – TECOS

5 EDMOULD LLP/LDV/TOI/2009/SK/93100534 SUMMARY Plastic industry - a half-branch between technical and chemical industry Technological process = injection moulding No education realised in SR + no future plans - Educational material does not reach the level of didactical composed text with new innovative methods or content (e-learning,optimalisation) - A need of solving this situation by transferring educational material from countries where educational programmes in plastic processing have a long-term experience and tradition Partnership - formed by 7 organizations from four countries (FR, SI, CZ, SK) - partners are public bodies, associations, and representatives of educational organizations

6 EDMOULD LLP/LDV/TOI/2009/SK/93100534 MAIN AIM To increase the quality of further education in field of plastic processing by technology called injection moulding Educational products from project partners: P1 – France – ISPA: educational curriculum in injection moulding P2 – Czech Republic – MAPRO: innovative content and trainings in field of optimalisation of injection moulding process - guide for plastic processing and lectors and trainings of lectors P6 – Slovenia – TECOS: innovative ICT-based content in plastic industry – e-learning as content and form

7 EDMOULD LLP/LDV/TOI/2009/SK/93100534 OBJECTIVES 1.To increase the quality of specialised education in this field in SR through innovated educational material and curriculum 2. To increase the quality of specialised education in this field in SR through transfer of the Guide for plastic processing 3. To introduce new technologies to specialised technical education through application of e-learning method in teaching process

8 EDMOULD LLP/LDV/TOI/2009/SK/93100534 TARGET GROUPS A) Setupers, technologists and maintainers in injection moulding B) Teachers and trainers in injection moulding  60 participants of testing who will successfully complete the modular educational program – also with the theoretical and practical examination  6 schooled trainers teaching by innovated educational program

9 EDMOULD LLP/LDV/TOI/2009/SK/93100534 MAIN PROJECT ACTIVITIES 1. To create educational program fulfilling all levels of further education for adults in field of injection moulding (the basis, training, self-solving problems in praxis, process optimalisation) through provided educational modules (the content), method, and curriculum from project partners. 2. To test and adapt the educational material to conditions of Slovak system of vocational education. 3. To integrate the innovated content, method and curriculum to existing program in SR. 4. To extend, disseminate and commercialize products after project termination.

10 EDMOULD LLP/LDV/TOI/2009/SK/93100534 WORKPACKAGES RESULTS 1 Project management Evaluation system of Quality management 2 Preparation of educational program from plastic injection moulding based on the know-how provided by partners Curriculum for educational program in plastic processing and educational material for participants Training of trainers Modular educational program 3 Testing of innovated educational program E-learning in plastic processing education and training Modular educational program 4 Formation of evaluation system and assurance of quality management Evaluation system of Quality management 5 Dissemination Dissemination and Commercialization plan 6 Exploitation Dissemination and Commercialization plan

11 EDMOULD LLP/LDV/TOI/2009/SK/93100534 TESTING Tools used in testing of transferred materials:  Comprehensive checks – questions from particular modules + practical tasks  Feedback questionnaires after graduation of each course in modules – detecting quality of educational process, quality of lectors, educational materials, methods and forms

12 EDMOULD LLP/LDV/TOI/2009/SK/93100534 OUTCOMES DIRECT: Innovated modular educational program for learners in injection moulding Innovated educational material including e-learning Evaluation system of educational program INDIRECT: Increase of quality of education for companies from which the participants will come from Maintenance of specialized work positions in companies involved in educational program - during the project realization not reducing the staff from specialized work positions


14 EDMOULD LLP/LDV/TOI/2009/SK/93100534 Thank you for your attention Veronika Ridziková

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