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Lifelong Learning Programme

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1 Lifelong Learning Programme
Neža Pajnič CMEPIUS

2 Content Overview of LLP Structure of the LLP
Role of the National Agencies (NAs) / Executive Agency (ExAg)

3 LLP HISTORY The Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP) is the successor to the Socrates, Leonardo da Vinci and ICT / Open & Distance Learning ( ) . It supports learning opportunities from childhood to old age in every single life situation.

4 Lifelong Learning Programme
The European Commission’s Lifelong Learning Programme enables people at all stages of their lives to take part in stimulating learning experiences, as well as helping to develop the education and training sector across Europe.

5 LLP EU education and training policies have gained impetus since the adoption of the Lisbon Strategy in 2000, EU Member States and the European Commission strengthened co-operation in 2009 with strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training ("ET 2020") The approach recognises that high-quality pre-primary, primary, secondary, higher and vocational education and training are fundamental to Europe's success. the EU's overarching programme focusing on growth and jobs. The strategy recognised that knowledge, and the innovation it sparks, are the EU's most valuable assets, particularly in light of increasing global competition. a follow-up to the earlier Education and Training 2010 work programme launched in 2001.

6 LLP AIMS With each EU Member State responsible for its own education and training systems, Union- level policies are designed to support national actions and help address common challenges Aims: Making lifelong learning and mobility a reality; Improving the quality and efficiency of education and training; Promoting equity, social cohesion and active citizenship; Enhancing creativity and innovation, including entrepreneurship, at all levels of education and training. common challenges such as: ageing societies, skills deficits among the workforce, and global competition. These areas demand joint responses and countries can benefit from sharing experiences. AIMS = The long-term strategic objectives of EU education and training policies are:

7 LLP 2007-2013 AIMS A series of benchmarks are set for 2020:
at least 95% of children between the age of four and the age for starting compulsory primary education should participate in early childhood education; the share of 15-years olds with insufficient abilities in reading, mathematics and science should be less than 15%; the share of early leavers from education and training should be less than 10%; the share of year olds with tertiary educational attainment should be at least 40%; an average of at least 15 % of adults (age group 25-64) should participate in lifelong Learning EU level activities are being developed to address priority areas in each of the different levels of education and training – early childhood, school, higher, vocational and adult education – based on these overall aims. Budget of nearly €7 billion These include, for example, expanding opportunities for learning mobility or enhancing partnerships between education and training institutions and the broader society. Other actions are relevant to all levels of education, such as promoting multilingualism, innovation, creativity and adoption of ICT (Information and Communication Technology).

8 STRUCTURE of LLP Sectoral Sub-programmes Transversal programmes
Comenius - schools Erasmus – HE Leonardo da Vinci – VET Grundtvig - AE Transversal programmes Policy cooperation and innovation Languages ICT Dissemination and exploitation of results Jean Monnet Eurydice The sectorial sub programmes focus on different stages of education and training and continuing previous programmes: Comenius for schools Erasmus for higher education  Leonardo da Vinci for vocational education and training  Grundtvig for adult education The transversal programmes aim to complement the sectorial sub programmes and to ensure that they achieve the best results possible. They aim to promote European cooperation in fields covering two or more of the sub-programmes. In addition they seek to promote quality and transparency of Member States' education and training systems. Four key activities focus on: Policy cooperation and innovation Languages Information and communication technologies - ICT Dissemination and exploitation of results The Jean Monnet programme also falls under the LLP umbrella, in addition to the sectorial and transversal programmes, The Jean Monnet programme stimulates teaching, reflection and debate on European integration, involving higher education institutions worldwide. Eurydice is an institutional network for gathering, monitoring, processing and circulating reliable and readily comparable information on education systems and policies throughout Europe. Although it forms part of the LLP transversal programmes, Eurydice does not provide financial support or fund projects. Eurydice is a Network consisting of a European Unit and National Units. The European Units are funded by the European Commission, while the National Units are funded by the governments that establish them. They may also receive financial support from the European Commission.

9 LLP TARGETS Targets have been set for the four sub-programmes: Comenius should involve at least 3 million pupils in joint educational activities, over the period of the programme; Erasmus should reach a total of 3 million individual participants in student mobility actions since the programme began; Leonardo da Vinci should increase placements in enterprises to a year by the end of the programme; Grundtvig should support the mobility of individuals involved in adult education a year by 2013. How structure relates to the aims of the programme

(Where to apply, who does selection, contractualisation) CENTRALISED Executive Agency Combination (LDV-TOI) NAs & European Commission DECENTRALISED National Agencies

11 LLP - COMENIUS The Comenius programme focuses on the first phase of education, from pre-school and primary to secondary schools. It is relevant for all members of the education community: pupils, teachers, public authorities, parents’ associations, non-government organisations, teacher training institutes, universities and all other educational staff. Comenius has the following goals: To improve and increase the mobility of pupils and educational staff in different Member States To enhance and increase partnerships between schools in different Member States, with at least three million pupils taking part in joint educational activities by 2010   To encourage language learning, innovative ICT-based content, services and better teaching techniques and practices  To enhance the quality and European dimension of teacher training  To improve pedagogical approaches and school management Mobility Comenius "mobility" actions enable individuals to travel abroad to take part in a project: Individual pupil mobility: gives secondary school pupils the chance to spend a study period abroad for up to ten months; In-service training of staff grants: enable teachers and other education staff to undertake training abroad, for up to six weeks; Assistantship grants: fund student teachers to work in a school abroad for up to ten months. Partnerships Organisations involved in the school education sector from different European countries can work together in various ways through the programme: Schools partnerships: enable school co-operation and class exchanges; Regio partnerships: co-operation between different regions; eTwinning: internet platform for teachers and schools. Multilateral projects and networks These are larger-scale actions, with organisations from different countries working together to develop, promote and disseminate good practice and innovation in school education. Read more about Comenius multilateral projects and networks. Find out more about how to apply for funding under the Comenius Programme.

12 LLP - ERASMUS It is one of the best-known Community actions and addresses the teaching and learning needs of all those in formal higher education and vocational education and training at tertiary level. It supports the achievement of a European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and reinforces the contribution of higher education and advanced vocational education to the process of innovation. The Erasmus programme was launched in June 1987 and in 2012 celebrates its 25th anniversary. Erasmus actions: Individual mobility for students and staff Intensive programmes EILC support Erasmus centralised actions support transnational cooperation among higher education institutions and other relevant stakeholders across Europe through multilateral projects, including projects designed to reach out to the world of business, as well as networks and accompanying measures.

13 LLP – LEONARDO da VINCI Leonardo da Vinci focuses on vocational education and training, other than at tertiary level. It addresses both the learning and teaching needs in the sector, and is therefore aimed at all parties involved, namely trainees in vocational education, teachers and trainers, institutions and educational bodies, enterprises, associations, social partners and bodies relating to either lifelong learning or the labour market. Initial VET, continuous VET

14 LLP – Leonardo da Vinci AIMS
To support participants in training and further training activities in the acquisition and the use of knowledge, skills and qualifications to facilitate personal development. To support improvements in quality and innovation in vocational education and training systems, institutions and practices. To enhance the attractiveness of vocational education and training and mobility for employers and individuals and to facilitate the mobility of working trainees.

To improve the quality and to increase the volume of mobility throughout Europe of people involved in initial vocational education and training and in continuing training, so as to increase placements in enterprises to at least per year by the end of the LLP To improve the quality and to increase the volume of co-operation between institutions or organisations providing learning opportunities, enterprises, social partners and other relevant bodies throughout Europe To facilitate the development of innovative practices in the field of vocational education and training other than at tertiary level, and their transfer, including from one participating country to others To improve the transparency and recognition of qualifications and competences, including those acquired through non-formal and informal learning To encourage the learning of modern foreign languages To support the development of innovative ICT-based content, services, pedagogies and practice for lifelong learning.

16 LLP – Leonardo da Vinci ACTIONS
MOBILITY projects IVT PLM VETPRO PARTNERSHIPS MULTILATERAL PROJECTS Transfer of Innovation Development of Innovation THEMATIC NETWORKS Mobility of individuals which may include: Transnational placements in enterprises or in training institutions Placements and exchanges aimed at the further professional development of trainers and guidance counsellors, and at those responsible for training establishments and for training planning and career guidance within enterprises Partnerships focusing on themes of mutual interest to the participating organisations Multilateral projects in particular those aimed at improving training systems by focusing on the transfer of innovation involving the linguistic, cultural and legal adaptation to national needs of innovative products and processes developed in different contexts Multilateral projects aimed at improving training systems by focusing on the development of innovation and good practice Thematic networks of experts and organisations working on specific issues related to vocational education and training Study and preparatory visits for mobility, partnership, project or network activities Other initiatives aimed at promoting the objectives of the Leonardo da Vinci Programme (‘Accompanying Measures’) Who can participate? • People learning in all forms of vocational education and training except at tertiary level • People in the labour market • Institutions and organisations providing learning opportunities in the fields covered by the Leonardo da Vinci Programme • Teachers, trainers and other staff within those institutions or organisations • Associations and representatives of those involved in vocational education and training, including trainees’, parents’ and teachers’ associations • Enterprises, social partners and other representatives of working life, including chambers of commerce and other trade organisations • Bodies providing guidance, counselling and information services relating to any aspect of lifelong learning • Persons and bodies responsible for systems and policies concerning any aspect of vocational education and training at local, regional and national level • Research centres and bodies concerned with lifelong learning issues • Higher education institutions • Not-for-profit organisations, voluntary bodies, and NGOs

17 LLP - GRUNDTVIG Launched in 2000 and now part of the LLP, Grundtvig aims to provide adults with ways to improve their knowledge and skills, keeping them mentally fit and potentially more employable. It not only covers learners in adult education, but also the teachers, trainers, education staff and facilities that provide these services. These include relevant associations, counselling organisations, information services, policy-making bodies and others involved in lifelong learning and adult education at local, regional and national levels, such as NGOs, enterprises, voluntary groups and research centres.

18 LLP - Grundtvig AIMS To respond to the educational challenge of an ageing population in Europe To help provide adults with pathways to improving their knowledge and competences

To improve the quality and accessibility of mobility throughout Europe of people involved in adult education and to increase its volume, so as to support the mobility of at least of such individuals per year by 2013 To improve the quality and to increase the volume of co-operation between organisations involved in adult education throughout Europe To assist people from vulnerable social groups and in marginal social contexts, in particular older people and those who have left education without basic qualifications, in order to give them alternative opportunities to access adult education To facilitate the development of innovative practices in adult education and their transfer, including from one participating country to another To support the development of innovative ICT-based content, services, pedagogies and practice for lifelong learning To improve pedagogical approaches and the management of adult education organisations

20 DECENTRALISED activities
GRUNDTVIG ACTIONS DECENTRALISED activities Visits and Exchanges for adult education staff Assistantships In-Service training for adult education staff Workshops Learning Partnerships Senior Volunteering Projects CENTRALISED activities Multilateral projects Multilateral networks The following actions are supported by the Grundtvig Programme: • Mobility of individuals4, which comprises in-service training, visits, assistantships and exchanges for adult education staff, as well as various opportunities for adult learners including attendance at Grundtvig Workshops and participation in Learning Partnerships and Senior Volunteering Projects under the Grundtvig Initiative for Volunteering in Europe for Seniors ("GIVE") • Partnerships focusing on themes of mutual interest to the participating organisations(“Learning Partnerships”) • Multilateral projects aimed at improving adult education systems through the development and transfer of innovation and good practice • Thematic networks of experts and organisations (‘Grundtvig Networks’) working in particular on: - Developing adult education in the discipline, subject area or management aspect to which they relate - Identifying, improving and disseminating relevant good practice and innovation - Providing content support to projects and partnerships set up by others and facilitating interactivity between such projects and partnerships - Promoting the development of needs analysis and quality assurance within adult education • Preparatory visits: a mobility grant to enable a representative from an institution either to attend a contact seminar or a meeting with prospective partners • Other initiatives aimed at promoting the objectives of the Grundtvig Programme (‘Accompanying Measures’).

21 Transversal – KA1 Policy cooperation and innovation OBJECTIVES:
to achieve comparative analyses of educational systems in the EU, with a view to ensuring an adequate supply of comparable data, statistics and analysis to underpin lifelong learning policy development, as well as to monitor progress towards objectives and targets in lifelong learning and to identify areas requiring particular attention. The Key Activity of Policy cooperation and innovation in Lifelong learning is supporting policy development and cooperation, notably in the context of the Lisbon process and the Education and Training 2010 work programme, as well as the Bologna and Copenhagen processes and their successors. Its objectives are to achieve comparative analyses of educational systems in the EU, with a view to ensuring an adequate supply of comparable data, statistics and analysis to underpin lifelong learning policy development, as well as to monitor progress towards objectives and targets in lifelong learning and to identify areas requiring particular attention.

22 Transversal – KA2 Languages AIM:
to raise awareness of the importance of acquiring linguistic skills, boost access to language- learning resources and develop teaching materials. In a Europe where linguistic diversity is a fact of life, learning to speak other languages can open many doors. For individuals, it can pave the path to a better career and help them to live, study or work abroad. For companies, multilingual staff can smooth the road to European and global markets. This key activity aims to raise awareness of the importance of acquiring linguistic skills, boost access to language- learning resources and develop teaching materials.

23 Transversal – KA3 Information and Communication Technology
Actions are not about developing technology itself, but about the use of ICT tools to enhance learning environments and experiences The promotion of ICT for learning is one of the four key activities of the LLP's transversal programme, supporting actions that address general issues concerning two or more educational sectors. It is also an integral part of the Comenius, Erasmus, Grundtvig and Leonardo sub-programmes. Progress in the use of ICT for education and training across Europe has been substantial in the last years. However, studies show that ICT has not yet had as significant an impact as expected. Effective integration of ICT into education must go beyond simply replacing, streamlining or accelerating current practices. It must also find new and more effective ways of operating, supporting pedagogical and organisational innovation. ICT has become embedded in our social and economic fabric and it should be similarly embedded in education and training systems. Actions are not about developing technology itself, but about the use of ICT tools to enhance learning environments and experiences. This includes aspects such as the use of simulations, discovery learning, attracting drop-outs back to education, enabling learning outside the school environment and bridging the 'digital divide' between those with access to technologies and relevant skills, and those without.

24 Transversal – KA4 Dissemination and Exploitation of Results
AIM: to promote the creation of a framework for the effective exploitation of the results of the Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP), and also previous related programmes, at sectoral, regional, national and European levels. OPERATIONAL OBJECTIVE: to ensure that the results of the LLP are appropriately recognised, demonstrated and implemented on a wide scale.

25 Support Measures Eurydice Network on education systems and policies in Europe. Europass Enables citizens to present their qualifications and skills in Europe Euroguidance Guidance activities and information on mobility. NARIC network Recognition of diplomas and periods of study. eTwinning Internet portal and digital media to promote European school cooperation. Bologna Experts Provide a pool of expertise for higher education reform. ECTS and Diploma Supplement Labels Award labels for excellence in applying the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System and/or the Diploma Su

26 Thank you!

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