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LLP-AP workshop 2 – Nov 8 th 2013 Agenda 8-8.20 Intro and themes for the day 8.20-11.20 (incl. break) – Teams present on progress and plans 11.20-11.50.

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Presentation on theme: "LLP-AP workshop 2 – Nov 8 th 2013 Agenda 8-8.20 Intro and themes for the day 8.20-11.20 (incl. break) – Teams present on progress and plans 11.20-11.50."— Presentation transcript:

1 LLP-AP workshop 2 – Nov 8 th 2013 Agenda 8-8.20 Intro and themes for the day 8.20-11.20 (incl. break) – Teams present on progress and plans 11.20-11.50 – Key themes revisited 11.50-12.00 – Next steps 1

2 Lean Launchpad Roadmap Customer Discovery 1 Canvas: Value Proposition Customer Segment Get out of the bldg: Interviewing Customer Discovery 2 Canvas: Channels Cust Relationships Themes: Cust Decision Network Day in the Life Customer Ecosystem Whitespace Grid TAM/SAM/SOM Customer Validation 1 Canvas: Cust Relationships (Get-Keep-Grow) Revenue Model Cost Structure Themes: Finding Pivots Min Viable Product Customer Validation 2 Canvas: Revenue Redux End Game Interview objectives & script Interviews “Day in the Life” Validate/Pivot/Stop Interviews Cust decision network Cust Ecosystem Whitespace Grid TAM/SAM/SOM Interviews Min. viable product Sales roadmap Test selling Session 1Session 2Session 3Session 4

3 Themes: workshop 2 – Customer Decision networks (CD moving towards Validation) – A day in the life of your customer (Customer Discovery-CD) – Customer Ecosystem (Channels & Customer Relationships) – customer validation –CV – Competitors vs features and benefits grid: white space - CV – Market size: TAM/SAM/SOM (CV)


5 Customer Decision networks Can you identify the multiple players in the customer decision network? Their roles? And how they inter-connect?

6 “Service/Product” Journey “Who Is Your Customer or Customers?” – :idea: Sketch Your Product and the People it “touches” through it’s usage. Often it is difficult to determine who is your customer. The service journey gives you a “top level” insight. 6

7 7 :Service Journey V0.1:

8 ACOG ACS Doctor specialty committee Hospital Administration Technician Radiologist Mammography MammOptics Customer Workflow Current market Insurance

9 ACOG ACS Doctor specialty committee Hospital Administration Technician Radiologist Mammography MammOptics Customer Workflow Current market But what would happen if we replace mammography? Insurance

10 ACOG ACS Doctor specialty committee Hospital Administration Technician Radiologis t Mammography MammOptics Customer Workflow Breast Radiologists Technicians Hospitals Loss of jobs Eliminates loss leader Puts emphasis on biopsies Insurance

11 ACOG ACS Doctor specialty committee Hospital Administration Technician Radiologis t Mammography MammOptics Customer Workflow Insurance Same cost as mammography ($140) Reduced number of biopsies ($1000) ACOG/ACS Improved healthcare (mammography weak technique) Insurance

12 MammOptics Hospital purchasing decision tree

13 A day in the life of your customer (think user) Once you’ve focused in on who your customer really is, can you describe (and sketch) a day in their life? In detail? What do they do? How do they do it? What are their pains? And potential gains? What would change if your product/service was adopted?

14 See sketch on wine and water stress tool

15 Customer Ecosystem ( A start on channels and customer relationships ) How are you going to get to your customer? Information Access Physical vs. web/mobile Map the ecosystem for – Marketing – Sales – Distribution Thinking about Get, Keep, Grow

16 Market Adoption Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) Medical Journals Continuing Medical Education Conferences Breast Cancer Advocacy Groups American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) MammOptics Marketing A draft marketing and sales ecosystem Add their roles and connections

17 Customer Relationship: Get–keep-grow S. Blank, B. Dorf – The Startup Owner’s Manual, 2012

18 Competitors vs. features and benefits grid: white space

19 MammOptics Technology Comparison Risk Invasivenes s Resolution False Pos. False Neg. Device Cost Time Required MammOptics MammographyHigh.6 cm25%30%20-50k20 min. MRIMedium.1 cm70%5%1000k45 min. Ultra-SoundVery Low >.6 cm>30%>40%5-15k20 min.

20 Finding white space: from tech functions to customer benefits feature (benefit) US Comp 1 Comp 2 Comp 3 Sub 1 Sub 2 Sub 3 etc Tip 1: include substitutes as well as competitors Tip 2: think about the customer job to be done: pains removed, utility gains made Tips 3: Features are reasons to believe benefit claims

21 Market size: TAM/SAM/SOM TAM SAM SOM

22 Market/Opportunity Analysis How Big is It?: Market/Opportunity Analysis – Identify a Customer and Market Need – Size the Market – Competitors – Growth Potential

23 How Big is the Pie? Total Available Market Total Available Market TAM peopleHow many people would want/need the product? How large is the market be (in $’s) if they all bought? How many units would that be? How Do I Find Out? Industry Analysts – Gartner, Forrester Wall Street Analysts – Goldman, Morgan

24 How Big is My Slice? Served Available Market How many people need/can use product? How many people have the money to buy the product How large would the market be (in $’s) if they all bought? How many units would that be? How Do I Find Out? Talk to potential customers Served Available Market SAM Total Available Market

25 How Much Can I Eat? Target Market Who am I going to sell to in year 1, 2 & 3? How many customers is that? How large is the market be (in $’s) if they all bought? How many units would that be? How Do I Find Out? Talk to potential customers Identify and talk to channel partners Identify and talk to competitors Total Available Market Target Market SOM Served Available Market

26 Themes: workshop 2 details in readings and videos – Customer Decision networks (CD moving towards Validation) – A day in the life of your customer (Customer Discovery-CD) – Customer Ecosystem (Channels) – customer validation –CV – Competitors vs features and benefits grid: white space - CV – Market size: TAM/SAM/SOM (CV)

27 27 Customer Discovery: Exit Criteria What are our customers top problems? – How much will they pay to solve them Does our product concept solve them? – Do customers agree? – How much will they pay Can we draw a day-in-the-life of a customer – before & after your product Can we draw the org chart of users & buyers

28 Lean Launchpad Roadmap Customer Discovery 1 Canvas: Value Proposition Customer Segment Get out of the bldg: Interviewing Customer Discovery 2 Canvas: Channels Cust Relationships Themes: Cust Decision Network Day in the Life Customer Ecosystem Whitespace Grid TAM/SAM/SOM Customer Validation 1 Canvas: Cust Relationships (Get-Keep-Grow) Revenue Model Cost Structure Themes: Finding Pivots Min Viable Product Customer Validation 2 Canvas: Revenue Redux End Game Interview objectives & script Interviews “Day in the Life” Validate/Pivot/Stop Interviews Cust decision network Cust Ecosystem Whitespace Grid TAM/SAM/SOM Interviews Min. viable product Sales roadmap Test selling Session 1Session 2Session 3Session 4

29 Next steps Repeat customer discovery: validate, pivot, stop TAM/SAM/SOM Product/Competitor grid: specify MVP *Channels *Customer Relationships: get, keep, grow *Revenue Streams *Cost structure Moving towards customer validation V3 canvas and improved b-model

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