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The Comenius Programme 27th ESP Conference 2013 Gouda, March 6 – 10 Cees Brederveld

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1 The Comenius Programme 27th ESP Conference 2013 Gouda, March 6 – 10 Cees Brederveld


3 Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP) European programme for education January 2007 – December 2013 Budget: 6,9 billion euro 33 participating countries: 27 EU member states, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Turkey and Croatia

4 Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP) Comenius School education Preparatory visits Erasmus Higher education Leonardo da Vinci Vocational education and training Grundtvig Adult education Transversal Programme 4 key activities – Political development (including Study Visits); Language learning; ICT; Dissemination of best practiceStudy Visits Jean Monnet Programme 3 key activities – Jean Monnet Action; European Institutions; European associations

5 Who can take part? Anyone involved in school education

6 Multilateral School Partnerships Three or more schools from three or more countries Activities aimed at pupils and/or the school as organisation Grant for cross-border mobility of staff, but also for local project activities Mobility: project meetings, teacher exchanges, teacher placements, visits of heads of schools, etc. Grant period: 2 school years Deadline was February 21th 2013 except for preparatory visits preparatory visits

7 Bilateral School Partnerships Two schools from two countries Activities aimed at pupils Grant for cross-border mobility of staff and pupils, but also for local project activities Mobility: pupil exchange of 10 days, project meetings, teacher exchanges, teacher placements, visits of heads of schools, etc. Grant period: 2 school years Deadline was February 21th 2013 except for preparatory visits preparatory visits

8 Regio Partnerships Two local / regional authorities with a role in education from two countries Together with at least one school and at least one other organisation from their region Activities aimed at improving education at local / regional level Grant for cross-border mobility and local activities Grant period: 2 school years Deadline 2013 passed (21 February)

9 In-service training for staff Training activities for up to six weeks Online course database available Free courses also possible Deadlines in 2013: 16 January (passed), 30 April and 17 September Grant covers (most part of) travel, subsistence and course costs Individual applications at own National Agency htm htm

10 Assistantships for future teachers Future teachers as assistants in a primary, secondary or vocational school Applications from students and host schools to their own National Agency Duration: 13 – 45 weeks Deadline 2013 passed (31 January)

11 ‘Erasmus for All’ European programme for education January 2014 – December 2020 Budget proposal: 15 billion euro Budget and programme proposals currently under discussion at European Parliament and European Commission More details expected first half of 2013

12 Plans for the new programme Pool applications by school or school board for variety of activities? No more individual applications? Less administration at application stage? More advice and monitoring by National Agency?

13 Erasmus for All Investing in education is unlocking potentials Streamlining: less is more Three main types of action Two completely new elements No changes, focus on cooperation


15 Useful information Information on the Lifelong Learning Programme in several languages: learning-programme/doc78_en.htm Comenius Handbook for Schools: comenius/handbook08_en.pdf

16 Comenius Team in the Netherlands NA LLP / European Platform Kennemerplein 16, Postbus 1007, 2001 BA Haarlem T +31 (0)23 553 1162 Other NA’s: learning-programme/national_en.htm learning-programme/national_en.htm

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