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What is a civil engineer? One of the oldest types of engineering Works on public works projects Projects help community.

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2 What is a civil engineer? One of the oldest types of engineering Works on public works projects Projects help community

3 College Background Bachelor of Science in civil engineering from George Washington University Master of Science in civil engineering with specialty in environmental engineering from the University of Maryland College Park

4 Steps to Become an engineer Must be good in math and science Worked at engineering consulting firm-CDM (Camp Dresser Mckee) Worked in coop at GW Worked for US army corps of engineers Now works for city of Rockville in dept. of public work

5 Why civil engineering Originally wanted to be biomed engineer No strong biomed programs at the time Noticed civil engineers can do things with environment such as water treatment

6 Past Projects Design of 12 inch water main Sewer projects Cleaning up hazardous materials waste site Uses GIS CAD for computer design


8 Outside Work Has two kids in middle school Has been able to arrange schedule so she is home for kids Very happy with her job

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