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INFSO-RI-508833 Enabling Grids for E-sciencE Irish ROC - Report John Walsh Stephen Childs Eamonn Kenny Kathryn Cassidy Brian Coghlan.

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1 INFSO-RI-508833 Enabling Grids for E-sciencE Irish ROC - Report John Walsh Stephen Childs Eamonn Kenny Kathryn Cassidy Brian Coghlan

2 Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI-508833 UKI ROC, CERN - Thursday 26 April 2007 Partner Review, CERN 2 TCD (partner 15): Overview TCD hosts Grid-Ireland OpsCentre (Irish ROC) TCD also runs a grid site (csTCDie) Grid-Ireland OpsCentre Management –Brian Coghlan –John Walsh –Stephen Childs Other OpsCentre Staff [  not in PPT] –Eamonn Kenny –Kathryn Cassidy –David O’Callaghan  –Geoff Quigley  –John Ryan  –Stuart Kenny  Website: Successes –  30 TCD papers thus far since 2006 –  OpsCentre developing adaptive e-Learning (XeL) –  Integrated architecture, centrally managed virtualised CE/SE/UI, transactional rollout –  Fully virtualised certification, experimental, porting & eLearning Testbeds –  Grid-Ireland monitoring (Irish SFTs/I4C/GIDS/trust-eval) plus central Irish AccessGrid service –  OpsCentre supports grid MPI (Chair TCG WG, app support, courses, workshop with, etc) –  White Paper and subsequent proposal for a sustainable Irish eInfrastructure (e-INIS) –  Grid-Ireland has been confirmed as the defacto Irish NGI –  K.Cassidy is Secretary OGF Ed.Training WG, ICEAGE member & ISGCC07 programme committee –  JRA1: Stuart Kenny is writing the R-GMA Authorisation code  additional regional effort

3 Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI-508833 UKI ROC, CERN - Thursday 26 April 2007 Partner Review, CERN 3 TCD (partner 15): Overview OpsCentre –Irish ROC Management –Local Support for Ireland –Middleware certification –Grid-Ireland central services  –EGEE plus additional services –Deploy/Manage 18 grid gateways  –Irish Service Monitoring (I4C)  –Accounting: EGEE and Irish  –Authentication: policy + Irish CA –Authorisation: policy + Irish VOs  –Security: monitoring, vulnerability –All Grid-Ireland operations  TCD –csTCDie site: 64 CPUs –strongly supports BIOMED VO DIAS –cpDIASie site: 32 CPUs UCD –mpUCDie site: 256 CPUs –  OpsCentre had to develop remotePBS jobmanager –no non-national VO enabled yet ICHEC –giHECie site: 952 CPUs –  head-node-only model requires OpsCentre to develop proxy software –WNs not able to talk to RB/LFC yet UCC,NUIG,DCU,NUIM,UL,RCSI,QUB, ARM,DIT,AIT,WIT,ITC,ITTA,ITTR –no shared resources (yet) –nonetheless, all ready for WNs 9638411,500  additional regional effort

4 Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI-508833 UKI ROC, CERN - Thursday 26 April 2007 Partner Review, CERN 4 TCD (partner 15): Activity = being done Activity

5 Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI-508833 UKI ROC, CERN - Thursday 26 April 2007 Partner Review, CERN 5 TCD (partner 15): Activity Activity –TSA1.1.1: ROC Management  Grid-Ireland Production Service, 4 Irish sites EGEE-registered. 18 Irish sites Total  Excellent TCD/RAL working relationship –TSA1.2.1: Coordination and support for m/w deployment  Grid-Ireland coordination task simplified to LRMS & WN by integrated deployment architecture  centrally managed with CE/SE/UI/MON virtualised  transactional rollout of RPMs & profiles from central repository to site Quattor instances  support to deploy on heterogeneous site WNs  deployment of remotePBS and customised site information providers –TSA1.2.2: Regional certification of middleware releases  OpsCentre does regional certification of software releases  Certification Testbed (SA1/SA3) - virtualised replica of Grid-Ireland  OpsCentre manages Porting Testbed (SA3)  OpsCentre manages Experimental TestGrid (research)  OpsCentre manages eLgrid (eLearning) infrastructure –TSA1.3.1: 1st line support for ops problems in region   RT  Appropriate Grid-Ireland tickets go through RAL’s footprints to GGUS  Bugs go to Savannah –TSA1.3.2: Oversight and management of ops problems  Grid-Ireland Grid Manager (John Walsh) and Deputy Grid Manager (Stephen Childs) –TSA1.3.3: Run essential regional grid services  OpsCentre provides EGEE services plus Grid-Ireland central services (RB/BDII/etc)   additional regional effort

6 Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI-508833 UKI ROC, CERN - Thursday 26 April 2007 Partner Review, CERN 6 TCD (partner 15): Activity –TSA1.3.4: Weekly operator on duty support   OpsCentre op-on-duty rota –TSA1.3.5: Grid services for infrastructure or VOs   Grid-Ireland monitoring (Irish SFTs/I4C/GIDS) plus central Irish AccessGrid services –TSA1.4.1: Grid incident response coord in region  OpsCentre (TCD’s John Walsh, David O’Callaghan, Stuart Kenny) and –TSA1.4.2: Security vulnerability and risk analysis  Security vulnerability (TCD’s John Walsh, SA1/SA3)  Grid-wide Intrusion Detection System (GIDS) developed by TCD  Prototype trust evaluation service developed by TCD –TSA1.4.3: CA management  Grid-Ireland CA (TCD) plus RAs (UCD, NUIG) –TSA1.5.2: helpdesk for ROC  Via RT –TSA1.5.3: VO support, integration support  EGEE VOs supported: alice,atlas,cms,lhcb,fusion(,biomed,egode,planck,dteam,ops  Grid-Ireland VOs supported: cosmo,eirevo,gene,webcom,solovo,gitest  Central VO Admin support:   OpsCentre must develop s/w to suit non-EGEE site model for VOs like LHCb   OpsCentre specifically supports MPI users –TSA1.5.4: User training in region  Hands-on Irish courses, e.g. Grid MPI Course (with NeSC)   OpsCentre developing adaptive e-Learning (XeL)  additional regional effort

7 Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI-508833 UKI ROC, CERN - Thursday 26 April 2007 Partner Review, CERN 7 TCD (partner 15): Activity –TSA1.5.5: Site admin training in region  Specific Irish Grid admin and VO admin courses –TSA1.6.2: Accounting coordination in region  Irish accounting records published to Grid-Ireland R-GMA Irish records for EGEE-registered sites republished to EGEE R-GMA Irish national VO records very infrequently republished –TSA1.7.1: National and regional grid projects  Existing Irish WebCom-G, CosmoGrid, MarineGrid projects   In Jul-06, a White Paper proposed a sustainable Irish eInfrastructure, e-INIS  A proposal was submitted in Mar-07 for funding e-INIS  A proposed e-PSI Physical Sciences Initiative coupled to e-INIS –TSA1.7.2: International grid projects   TCD’s Stephen Childs is Chair TCG Working Group on MPI Ran the joint EGEE/ MPI Workshop in Dec-06  TCD has been instrumental in establishing strong working relations between EGEE and to enhance MPI submission MPI is very important to Irish computational scientists   Grid-Ireland has been confirmed as the defacto Irish NGI  TCD’s Brian Coghlan represents Ireland regarding EGI –TSA1.8.1: ROC management of resources/SLAs  Slow evolution, will be a focus of e-INIS organisation –TSA1.9.1: ROC representation in coordination  All Irish coordination issues involve OpsCentre Task simplified by integrated deployment architecture  additional regional effort

8 Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI-508833 UKI ROC, CERN - Thursday 26 April 2007 Partner Review, CERN 8 TCD (partner 15): Activity –TSA1.A.3: EGEE conferences (preparation & attendance)  TCD delegates at all EGEE conferences, and have made presentations as well –TSA1.A.5: Participation to Standardisation bodies (GGF)   Kathryn Cassidy is Secretary of OGF Ed.Training WG –TSA1.A.7: Dissemination   30 TCD papers thus far since 2006  See also: –TSA1.A.8: EGEE training (as a trainee)   Kathryn Cassidy attended EGEE Summer School –TSA1.A.9: EGEE training (as a trainer)   Kathryn Cassidy is informal NA3 member And is ICEAGE member and on ISGCC07 programme committee –TSA1.A.10: Partner related tasks (administration, …)  TCD does cost claims, ICC, PPT, etc. –Non-SA1 activities   Stephen Childs is an active member of LCG Quattor Working Group Ran the Quattor Workshop in Mar-07  GridPP Deployment Board: John Walsh  EUGridPMA: Brian Coghlan & David O’Callaghan   JRA1: Stuart Kenny is writing the R-GMA Authorisation code  SA3: Eamonn Kenny – coordinator for porting, heterogeneity, works intensively with ETICS  SA3: John Walsh - vulnerability, certification (R-GMA)  additional regional effort

9 Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI-508833 UKI ROC, CERN - Thursday 26 April 2007 Partner Review, CERN 9 TCD (partner 15): Activity –Grid-Ireland has also developed useful additional middleware  Service monitoring  I4C service monitoring, see:  GIDS grid-wide intrusion detection system, see:  Prototype trust evaluation service  Jobmanagers  RemotePBS jobmanager that allows loosely connected batch systems to be connected to the EGEE & Grid-Ireland infrastructures (these batch systems are typically in separate administrative domains)  GIP dynamic scheduler plugin for Condor LRMS  Virtual Machine support  pypxeboot PXE boot loader for Xen  GridBuilder, see:  Grid Filesystem  gridFS, see: Notable Successes –Grid-Ireland deploys 5 complete Grids using Quattor  Production, certification , porting , experimental  and eLearning    All five Grids are heavily reliant on Virtual Machines Irish ROC Future –Will increase number of sites and number sharing resources –Will be a partner in EGEE-III and the Irish NGI member of EGI –Will move towards sustainability  additional regional effort

10 Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI-508833 UKI ROC, CERN - Thursday 26 April 2007 Partner Review, CERN 10 Grid-Ireland Accounting

11 Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI-508833 UKI ROC, CERN - Thursday 26 April 2007 Partner Review, CERN 11 Grid-Ireland Accounting

12 Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI-508833 UKI ROC, CERN - Thursday 26 April 2007 Partner Review, CERN 12 Grid-Ireland Accounting

13 Enabling Grids for E-sciencE INFSO-RI-508833 UKI ROC, CERN - Thursday 26 April 2007 Partner Review, CERN 13 Grid-Ireland Accounting

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