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Leadership in Sports. Limitations to Leadership Insecurity- people need constant validation, cover up with false confidence and ego Fear of Rejection-

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Presentation on theme: "Leadership in Sports. Limitations to Leadership Insecurity- people need constant validation, cover up with false confidence and ego Fear of Rejection-"— Presentation transcript:

1 Leadership in Sports

2 Limitations to Leadership Insecurity- people need constant validation, cover up with false confidence and ego Fear of Rejection- this fear leads to people not taking any action Fear of Failure- this fear causes people to play with constant worry and little improvement

3 Limitations to Leadership Not Being Prepared- if you are not ready you cannot fake it Moodiness/Drama- People will not follow someone whom they cannot predict Lack of Motivation- if you don’t have it, you cannot expect others to

4 Limitations to Leadership Criticism- people don’t follow those who are always negative Stubborn- if a leader can’t adapt to change then they fail those who follow them Pride- when you are trying to make yourself the best, you aren’t thinking about your team

5 Standards Vs. Rules People rise to reach standards and try to break rules Standards are simple and cover much of what athletes need to know to be better When a team establishes standards together, then they are all committed to upholding them

6 Seven Keys to Leading Your Team

7 1. Be the First to Serve and the Last to be Served Dispel the idea of entitlement Work harder, take on more responsibilities Cannot think “What will I get out of this?” Meritocracy All roles have equal value Authority is most effective when used sparingly

8 What are five qualities on the lists on Page 7 that you think are needed for a good leader?

9 2. Be the First to Lead by Example and the Last to Violate Team Standards You are the first to set the team attitude and the last to lose it The attitude of the team will be the most accurate reflection of leadership

10 Athletic Attitude- Bruce Brown “Understand and model the core covenants of the team. Be aggressive, confident, disciplined and complete fearlessly. Be intelligent enough to listen and develop the ability to work and learn. Have faith in the people you are working with, don’t let your teammates down and always put the team ahead of yourself. Maintain integrity and your sense of humor.”

11 2. Be the First to Lead by Example and the Last to Violate Team Standards Cont. Learn to take criticism as a compliment Performing in sports can be emotional and you must learn to keep your poise through challenges Your teammates will always see WHAT you do rather than what you say you will do

12 3. Be the Lifeline of Communication Between the Coach and Team Know what your role is as a leader- have it defined by a coach Always be honest and direct Be inclusive Listen to what people have to say

13 4. Be the First to Praise Others and be the Last to Brag or Draw Attention to Yourself A humble leader takes more than their share of the blame and less of the credit when things go well Confidence builder vs. confidence cutter Positive, negative, or nothing

14 4. Be the First to Praise Others and be the Last to Brag or Draw Attention to Yourself Cont. Confidence or Arrogance? Arrogance and Overconfidence = insecurity Show the respect you would expect to receive

15 5. Be the First to Protect and Defend, the Last to Criticize When athletes put on a team’s jersey, there is a sense of pride and family Leaders (and coaches/managers) who are loyal will gain loyalty in return Never compromise values for personal gain

16 5. Be the First to Protect and Defend, the Last to Criticize cont. There is a time and place to criticize, but once the decision is made, loyalty is required Always be willing to admit your mistakes

17 6. Confront Violations of Team Standards and Recognize Problems Establish core covenants When dealing with violations, always do so with character Always do what is right, not what is popular Be vigilant for potential problems

18 6. Confront Violations of Team Standards and Recognize Problems cont. 1.Before the season starts, discuss potential problems 2.Be specific, and try to do so without emotions 3.Determine solutions, ask for help if needed 4.Decide on a solution that best fits the team 5.Create a plan of action with objectives, timeline, deadline 6.Implement the plan 7.Follow up to ensure the problem is solved

19 7. Be the First to Encourage and the Last to Become Discouraged Lead by encouragement, never criticism, fear, or blame Things happen quickly during a game- be confident in making a choice Stay positive, enthusiastic, and confident; do not succumb to failure, injury, or loss

20 7. Be the First to Encourage and the Last to Become Discouraged cont. When you are passionate about what you do, it will reflect in your actions and attitude Worry only about things in your control Remain positive


22 Schedule for the Rest of the Year June 9- Finish Leadership Presentation, introduce nutrition June 11- Nutrition Assignment June 13- Nutrition Assignment June 17- Presentation by Nurse (Nutrition assignment due) June 19- Fit testing June 23- Fit testing June 25- Sports day

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