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Presentation on theme: " Lorraine Johnson (Careers Consultant)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lorraine Johnson (Careers Consultant)

2 Checking I’m being useful? About me Understanding the context of careers counselling Career theory today Keeping in touch

3 Difference between career theory and career counselling Career theories are concerned with how individuals experience their career, make career decisions and the environment in which careers are made. Career counselling theories focus on how to intervene to assist individuals in their career development: they provide a basis for action Kidd, J.M. (2006) “Understanding Career Counselling, Theory, Research and Practice”. Sage Publications Ltd

4 What’s a career?

5 Economy/Paradigm/Interventions 1. Rogers (1952) Environment Fit 2. Super (1950’s) Developmental Model 3.Rogers (1960) Client Centred 4.Bandura (1986) self belief/efficacy 5. 1990’s NLP/Happenstance 6.2000 Career Narrative (Egan/Savickas) 7.2013 Career Adaptiveness/Learning


7 Living in the UK LABOUR MARKET (recovery/quality)  self employment  part-time and temporary contracts  zero hour contracts  No Guaranteed Minimum Hour (NGMH) contracts  Low pay POLICY (activist)

8 Egan’s Skilled Helper Model Stage 1 Exploration 1a - The story (What’s going on?) 1b- Blind spots (What’s really going on?) 1c- Leverage (focusing and prioritizing) Stage 2 New Understanding 2a - Possibilities (Ideally what do I want instead?) 2b- Change Agenda (SMART goals) 2c- Commitment (Check goals are right) Stage 3 Action 3a - Possible action (How many ways are there?) 3b - Best fit strategies (What will work for me?) 3c- Plan (What next and when?) Story 1 Story 2

9 Stage 1 – exploration The problem is… Could/should/always… Self minimizing statements… Awfulizing

10 Stage 2 – new understanding Emotional readiness Defaulting Quality of creative thinking Barriers – class/race/disability/gender and so on Decision making traps Confirming evidence trap Frame as a gain or loss trap Estimating and forecasting trap Overconfidence trap Prudence trap

11 Stage 3 – implementing Wishful thinking Playing it safe Striking a balance Inertia/fear In whose interest?

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