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KOMUNIKASI DALAM MENDUKUNG PENGAMBILAN KEPUTUSAN Pertemuan-7 Mata Kuliah : CSS 113, Konsep Sistem Informasi Tahun Akademik : 2012/2013 Sasaran Pembelajaran.

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Presentation on theme: "KOMUNIKASI DALAM MENDUKUNG PENGAMBILAN KEPUTUSAN Pertemuan-7 Mata Kuliah : CSS 113, Konsep Sistem Informasi Tahun Akademik : 2012/2013 Sasaran Pembelajaran."— Presentation transcript:


2 KOMUNIKASI DALAM MENDUKUNG PENGAMBILAN KEPUTUSAN Pertemuan-7 Mata Kuliah : CSS 113, Konsep Sistem Informasi Tahun Akademik : 2012/2013 Sasaran Pembelajaran : Pada akhir pertemuan ini, diharapkan mahasiswa akan mampu : Menunjukkan hubungan komunikasi dalam mendu kung pengambilan keputusan dalam konsep work sistem 7-1

3 Materi Pokok Konsep Dasar komunikasi Konsep dasar pengambilan keputusan Dukungan IS pada komunikasi dan pengambilan keputusan 7-2

4 Opening Case.... What do you think? Is “mass customization” as mentioned here going to be a major force? What type of information system is this? It is: – an information system that supports communication and decision making Compare & contrast this with online shopping 7-3

5 Can we use the WCA to describe this case? Sure! 7-4

6 7-5

7 7-6

8 7-7

9 How can information systems improve communication and decision making? 7-8

10 7-9

11 Basic Communication Concepts Social Context Personal, Impersonal and Anonymous Communication Time, Place and Direction of Communication 7-10

12 7-11

13 Basic Communication Concepts Approaches for Improving Communication – Enhancing communications (presentation tools) – Self-service…deal with machines for simple stuff, let people take the exceptions – Make things systematic and well-ordered – A richer language is developing…multimedia Can technology help us with the “spatially and temporally dislocated workforce?” 7-12

14 Basic Decision Making Concepts Steps in a Decision Process Rationality and Satisficing Common Flaws in Decision Making Approaches for Improving Decision Making 7-13

15 Decision-making steps 7-14

16 How IT can counteract problems in the decision-making process POOR FRAMING Description: Allowing a decision to be influenced excessively by the language used for describing the decision How an information system might help: Provide information encouraging different ways to think about the definition of the issue RECENCY EFFECTS Description: Giving undue weight to the most recent information How an information system might help: Provide information showing how the most recent information might not be representative PRIMACY EFFECTS Description: Giving undue weight to the first information received How an information system might help: Show how some information is inconsistent with the first information received POOR PROBABILITY ESTIMATION Description: Overestimating the probability of familiar or dramatic events; underestimating the probability of negative events How an information system might help: Make it easier to estimate probabilities based on pertinent data 7-15

17 How IT can counteract problems in the decision-making process OVERCONFIDENCE Description: Believing too strongly in one’s own knowledge How an information system might help: Provide counterexamples or models showing that other conclusions might also make sense ESCALATION PHENOMENA Description: Unwillingness to abandon courses of action decided upon previously How an information system might help: Provide information or models showing how the current approach might give poor results ASSOCIATION BIAS Description: Reusing strategies that were successful in the past, regardless of whether they fit the current situation How an information system might help: Provide information showing how the current situation differs from past situatioins GROUPTHINK Description: Bowing to group consensus and cohesiveness instead of bringing out unpopular bias How an information system might help: Provide information inconsistent with the current consensus and prove its relevance 7-16

18 Decision-making in action... Let’s discuss decisions that you’ve made recently How about your decision to register for your courseload…how did you decide? How does this fit with the the phases and common flaws we’ve discussed? 7-17

19 Roles of Different Types of Information Systems in Communication and Decision Making Office Automation Systems: Supporting General Office Work Communication Systems: Making Communication Effective and Efficient Transaction Processing Systems: Structuring Repetitive Communication and Decision Processes Management and Executive Information Systems: Providing Information Systems for Management Decision Support Systems: Providing Information and Tools for Analytical Work Execution Systems: Helping People do the Work that Provides Value for Customers 7-18

20 Office Automation Systems Spreadsheets Text/Word processing Presentation (e.g. Powerpoint) Database systems Others? 7-19

21 Communication Systems Teleconferencing (October 12th class will explore this further) Messaging – Asynchronous (email, vmail) – Synchronous (chat & instant messaging) – Fax Is fax dead? Issues with messaging? Groupware 7-20

22 Transaction Processing Systems We talked about this during our database discussions… Systems that store data about transactions, which are business “events” that generate information in a system Management/Executive Information Systems Support management decisions – information about organizational performance and operation EIS provides this for senior management – adds information about external context of business – Focus on strategic, not tactical issues 7-21

23 Decision Support Systems Provide support for analytical work Tactical decision support Closing Konsep Dasar komunikasi Konsep dasar pengambilan keputusan Dukungan IS pada komunikasi dan pengambilan keputusan ========== thanks 4 your attention ========== 7-22

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