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The New Jerusalem Messages from Patmos for Today! Revelation Seminars 24.

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Presentation on theme: "The New Jerusalem Messages from Patmos for Today! Revelation Seminars 24."— Presentation transcript:

1 The New Jerusalem Messages from Patmos for Today! Revelation Seminars 24

2 1.Describe the glory of the New Jerusalem, the bride or God’s people. 2.Explain the abundant life that is promised for God’s people. 3.Prayerfully consider the final appeal of Revelation. objectives Revelation Seminars 24 The New Jerusalem

3 Q1 What does John see after the consuming lake of fire? Revelation 21:1 A The NEW heaven & earth Q2 What indicates that sin, and the separation it causes, will end? Revelation 21:1 A No more sea! Revelation Seminars 24 The New Heaven and New Earth – Revelation 21:1-8

4 Q3 What names are given to the capital of the new earth? Revelation 21:2 A 1. The holy city 2. The New Jerusalem Q4 What glorious assurance is given from the throne of heaven? Revelation 21:3 A God will dwell with His people Revelation Seminars 24 The New Heaven and New Earth

5 Q5 What present human experiences will cease to be? Revelation 21:4 A Death, mourning, crying & pain Q6 What statement indicates that God is going to do more than merely repair the world? Revelation 21:5 A “I am making everything new!” Revelation Seminars 24 The New Heaven and New Earth

6 Q7 Who will inherit a home in the new heaven and new earth? Revelation 21:6,7 A He who overcomes! Q8 Who will be excluded from the new earth and the Holy City? Revelation 21:8 A The cowardly, unbelieving, vile, murderers, sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, idolaters, all liars … Revelation Seminars 24 The New Heaven and New Earth

7 Q9 What is the Holy City, the New Jerusalem, also called? Revelation 21:2,9,10 A The BRIDE of the Lamb (19:7) Q10 How is the beauty of “the bride, the wife of the Lamb,” described? Revelation 21:11 A Revelation Seminars 24 1. The NEW JERUSALEM

8 Q11 How does John describe the bride? Revelation 21:12-14 A 1. It had a great high wall 2. With 12 gates 3. The wall had 12 foundations Q12 What measurements are given for the city or bride? Revelation 21:15-17 A The height, length & breadth = a cube! Revelation Seminars 24 1. The NEW JERUSALEM

9 Q13 What point is made by the detailed description of the city? Revelation 21:18-21 A The value of God people = His Most Holy! Q14 Why does John say that he saw no temple in the heavenly city? Revelation 21:22 A God Almighty & the Lamb are the temple! Q15 What else does the city not need? Rev 21:23 A Sun or moon – because of the light of Jesus Revelation Seminars 24 1. The NEW JERUSALEM

10 Q16 Who has access to the city of God or to being the bride? Revelation 21:24-27 A Those with their names in the Book of Life Revelation Seminars 24 1. The NEW JERUSALEM

11 Q17 What flows from the throne of God through the heart of the city and believers? Rev 22:1,2 A The River of the Water of Life Q18 What stands in the midst of the city and believers? Revelation 22:2,3 A The Tree of Life Q19 What other promises will become a reality for the city and believers? Revelation 22:4-6 A 1. They will see Jesus’ face (sealed) 2. There will be no more night (spiritual darkness) Revelation Seminars 24 2. The Abundant Life – Revelation 22:1-6

12 Q20 What PROMISE, made at the beginning of Revelation, is repeated in the conclusion? Revelation 22:7 A “Behold I am coming soon! Q21 What ADMONITION, given to John in this conclusion, is central to the message of Revelation? Revelation 22:8,9 A Don’t worship creatures or creation! Revelation Seminars 24 2. The Final Appeal

13 Q22 What APPEAL is inherent in the promise that Jesus is soon coming to reward everyone? Revelation 22:10-16 A Be washed, clothed & sealed! Q23 What INVITATION is extended by the Spirit and the bride? Revelation 22:17 A “Come!” Revelation Seminars 24 2. The Final Appeal

14 Q24 What WARNING is given concerning the testimony of Revelation? Revelation 22:18,19 A Don’t add or take away from! Revelation Seminars 24 2. The Final Appeal

15 Q discussion 1.The bride of the Lamb is the New Jerusalem. 2.The bride of the Lamb is God’s church or faithful people. 3.The “Morning Star” of revelation is Jesus Christ. 4.The command to “worship God” (Rev 22:9) underscores the theme of the book. Q yes/no/not sure 5.Are you choosing to follow Scripture, trust Jesus as your Saviour, obey the Standard of the commandments, keep holy the Sabbath day, and are you ready for the Second coming of Jesus Christ? Revelation Seminars 24 quiz

16 My Response... Q You have begun (or have been on) a journey - following scripture, trusting your Saviour, obeying the standard of the commands, enjoying the holy Sabbath day, and living ready for Jesus to come. What has this journey come to mean to you? A Revelation Seminars 24 NewChurchLife Resource –

17 The New Jerusalem Messages from Patmos for Today! Revelation Seminars 24

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