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Our Vision A world where people are free from violence and oppression Our Mission To protect women and children from violence and abuse through community.

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Presentation on theme: "Our Vision A world where people are free from violence and oppression Our Mission To protect women and children from violence and abuse through community."— Presentation transcript:

1 Our Vision A world where people are free from violence and oppression Our Mission To protect women and children from violence and abuse through community based outreaches and to reduce the burden of poverty

2 Community Interventions Primary education A revolving loan scheme DVBP (Domestic violence and bride price violations) programming. Legal aid services in Tororo Healthcare service provision

3 Mifumi-Net A network of 20 organizations Across five districts: Iganga, Busia, Tororo, Mbale and Soroti Protecting women and children from violence.

4 Domestic Violence Under this programme we strengthen our response to violence and abuse against women and children by enhancing joint advocacy work and survivor support using the 3-pronged approach of: PROVISION-PREVENTION-PROTECTION

5 Domestic violence is a serious health issue

6 Roots of Violence The underlying cause of violence against women lies in discrimination which denies women equality with men in all areas of life.

7 Home is where the hurt is….

8 Domestic violence is a serious health issue

9 It is a matter of life and death

10 Femicide

11 Domestic Violence and Health Domestic violence has been recognized as a public health issue and a serious health problem causing injury to thousands of women each year (WHO 1996, 2005, UNICEF, 1999)

12 Domestic Violence

13 Domestic violence and health Between 1 in 4 and 1 in 3 women will experience domestic violence during their lifetime (British Medical Association).

14 Domestic violence and health One of the goals of safe motherhood is the avoidance of injuries during pregnancy (WHO 1999). I in 6 women suffer domestic violence in pregnancy.

15 Ministry of Health Policy Sub-section D: Violence against women… To promote and support agencies and organizations that work to reduce domestic violence, female genital mutilation and other forms of violence and abuse against women.

16 Domestic Violence and Health Health staff need to: Be alert to the problem Understand the medico/legal context Know how to respond

17 Domestic Violence and Health MIFUMI’s objectives… To develop a curriculum for Gender Based Violence in collaboration with COBES and other stakeholders.

18 Domestic Violence and Health MIFUMI’s objectives… To collaborate with COBES and other stakeholders to encourage health authorities and practitioners to develop positive responses to domestic violence by: developing referral tools, advocacy and lobbying for resources, improved advice and documentation etc.

19 Bride Price Problems

20 MIFUMI’s Position on Bride Price Bride price should be non obligatory. It should form a non essential ingredient of marriage. Bride Price should not be refunded when a relationship breaks down.

21 Defilement Forced marriages are on the increase with the commercialization of bride price in the sale of girls. Early/forced marriages compromise the health and autonomy of millions of young girls with many brides being younger than 15.

22 Defilement

23 According to the Uganda Police Annual Report released this year, defilement accounted for the top two or three crimes with 15,000 cases reported to police representing a 650% increase in the number of cases over 10 years from 2000 cases in 1997.

24 Defilement

25 Karate Girls..dismantling stereotypes of women and girls as submissive and subordinate.

26 MIFUMI – protecting children

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