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The bride comes to yellow sky vocabulary. Environment Definition- the surrounding things, conditions, or influences; surroundings; milieu Sentence- the.

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Presentation on theme: "The bride comes to yellow sky vocabulary. Environment Definition- the surrounding things, conditions, or influences; surroundings; milieu Sentence- the."— Presentation transcript:

1 The bride comes to yellow sky vocabulary

2 Environment Definition- the surrounding things, conditions, or influences; surroundings; milieu Sentence- the sound of trees singing was part of the environment Picture-

3 Elation Definition- a feeling or state of great joy or pride; exultant gladness; high spirits. Sentence- I had elation when I hangout with my girlfriend Picture-

4 Porter Definition- A person employed to carry burdens, especially an attendant who carries travelers' baggage at a hotel or transportation station Sentence- the attendant helped the elderly man, Jeff Crady, to put his baggage to the airplane. Picture-

5 Surveyed Definition- To examine or look at comprehensively Sentence- the water repair man surveyed the water leak Picture-

6 Snobbery Definition- Snobbish behavior or an instance of it Sentence- the boy had a snobbish behavior when his mom wouldn’t get him a pack of gum Picture-

7 Oppressed Definition- to burden with cruel or unjust impositions or restraints; subject to a burdensome or harsh exercise of authority or power Sentence- Sherriff Johnson thought he had oppressed by taking away the cons work privilege Picture-

8 Derisive Definition- characterized by or expressing derision contemptuous; mocking Sentence- the bird was derisive when the people was talking Picture-

9 Evince Definition- to show clearly; make evident or manifest; prove Sentence- the boy had to evince in court that he was innocent Picture-

10 Charm Definition- a power of pleasing or attracting, as through personality or beauty Sentence- the girl had a charm of beautifulness Picture-

11 Coquetry Definition- the behavior or arts of a coquette; flirtation Sentence- the girl was a professional at coquetry with the boys Picture-

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