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Do Now ◦ Name two artists from the Renaissance period and tell me their contributing work of art.

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now ◦ Name two artists from the Renaissance period and tell me their contributing work of art."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now ◦ Name two artists from the Renaissance period and tell me their contributing work of art.


3 Medieval Art

4 New Concepts ◦ Humanism – a study of the classics (literary works of ancient Rome) ◦ Grammar, rhetoric, poetry, moral philosophy, and history ◦ Fresco – painting done on fresh, wet plaster with water-based paints ◦ Helps give depth to paintings ◦ Oil-based painting – allowed for a wider variety of colors, creating realistic paintings.

5 Leonardo da Vinci The Mona Lisa The Last Supper

6 Fun side story – the Theft of the Mona Lisa ◦ In 1911, someone stole the Mona Lisa from the Louvre museum in Paris ◦ “The news shocks the world. "Of course it had worldwide repercussions. It was on the front page of every major newspaper," says Reit. Who could have done such a thing? Perhaps one of the countless cleaners and workmen who labor in the Louvre, or the underpaid security guards. Even the Louvre administrators themselves are suspected of staging the theft to boost attendance. "One of the head directors was fired. Another was suspended. Various maintenance people were fined and questioned and vilified." ◦ For two years her whereabouts would remain unknown. Then, in November of 1913, with all other leads long since exhausted, a letter arrives at the office of a Florentine antique dealer that would change everything. ◦ The Mona Lisa was eventually found very near the spot where she had been conceived four centuries earlier... having been hidden for two years in the humble apartments of her kidnapper only blocks from the Louvre. She rests again now in the Louvre museum – under considerably more rigorous security – where millions visit her each year

7 Compare perspective

8 Michelangelo Statue of David Sistine Chapel

9 Compare Roman sculptures with The Statue of David

10 Fun facts about the Sistine Chapel ◦ Pope Julius II commissioned Michelangelo to paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in 1508. Michelangelo initially tried to refuse, but he eventually gave in to pressure. ◦ Each ceiling panel is a fresco. ◦ Michelangelo worked on his back on scaffoldings, which was physically demanding. ◦ It took Michelangelo 4 years to complete the Sistine Chapel. He said “After four tortured years, more than 400 over life-size figures, I felt as old and as weary as Jeremiah. I was only 37, yet friends did not recognize the old man I had become.“

11 More Sistine Chapel Creation of Adam

12 Creation of Adam spoofs

13 Raphael ◦ Humanism at its finest! ◦ What other Renaissance techniques do you see here?

14 Raphael’s Madonna with Child

15 More Raphael humanism ◦ The Parnassus ◦ Raphael was commissioned to paint frescoes for the Pope

16 Jan Van Eyck ◦ Used oil paint for more realism and depth ◦ Giovanni Arnolfini and his Bride

17 Review ◦ The School of Athens?

18 Review ◦ Giovanni Arnolfini and his Bride ?

19 Review ◦ The Mona Lisa?

20 Review ◦ Statue of David?

21 Review ◦ Madonna with Child?

22 Review ◦ Sistine Chapel?

23 Review ◦ What is humanism? ◦ What is a fresco? ◦ Who made oil-based paint popular?

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