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1 27 August, 2010 QRMH3, Nottingham, UK Vania Ranjbar The University of Edinburgh ‘Set me free...’ The role of Belief, Blame, and.

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Presentation on theme: "1 27 August, 2010 QRMH3, Nottingham, UK Vania Ranjbar The University of Edinburgh ‘Set me free...’ The role of Belief, Blame, and."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 27 August, 2010 QRMH3, Nottingham, UK Vania Ranjbar The University of Edinburgh ‘Set me free...’ The role of Belief, Blame, and Respect when Recovering from Sexual Abuse

2 2 Aims and Objectives (1) Participants’ own definitions of “being recovered” (2) Factors facilitating / impeding recovery  medical, legal, institutional, social aspects 27 August, 2010 QRMH3, Nottingham, UK

3 3 Method Online qualitative questionnaire Thematic Analysis (influenced by Braun and Clarke, 2006) 27 participants Female, 18+ Experience of sexual abuse, 13+ Recovered Terminated relationship 27 August, 2010 QRMH3, Nottingham, UK

4 4 Tentative route to recovery Accept and Free to Move on 27 August, 2010 QRMH3, Nottingham, UK

5 5 “To me recovery is the acceptance that I can't change what happened.” [Participant 11] “Being recovered” 27 August, 2010 QRMH3, Nottingham, UK

6 6 Support and Help of Competent Others Accept and Free to Move on Tentative route to recovery 27 August, 2010 QRMH3, Nottingham, UK

7 7 “I went to my GP for help, but couldn’t disclose the abuse... you don’t want to disclose to anyone straight away, and they don’t pick up on the signs and you end up talking about some rubbish.” [P5] Support and Help of Competent Others 27 August, 2010 QRMH3, Nottingham, UK

8 8 Tentative route to recovery Support and Help of Competent Others Accept and Free to Move on Better Reception - Belief 27 August, 2010 QRMH3, Nottingham, UK

9 9 “Things that are important to recover are to be believed above all.” [P5] Better Reception - Belief 27 August, 2010 QRMH3, Nottingham, UK

10 10 Tentative route to recovery Support and Help of Competent Others Accept and Free to Move on Better Reception - Belief Better Treatment - Respect 27 August, 2010 QRMH3, Nottingham, UK

11 11 “This has been one of the more difficult aspects of my trauma to deal with, because I see no reason why they needed to treat me so disrespectfully.” [P23] Better Treatment - Respect 27 August, 2010 QRMH3, Nottingham, UK

12 12 Tentative route to recovery Support and Help of Competent Others Remove Guilt and Fear Accept and Free to Move on Better Reception - Belief Better Treatment - Respect 27 August, 2010 QRMH3, Nottingham, UK

13 13 “I think that the most important aspect of ‘recovery’ from sexual abuse is the realization, both intellectually and emotionally, that it was not my fault. That I deserve none of the blame.” [P20] Remove Guilt and Fear 27 August, 2010 QRMH3, Nottingham, UK

14 14 Tentative route to recovery Support and Help of Competent Others Remove Guilt and Fear Accept and Free to Move onNot alone Better Reception - Belief Better Treatment - Respect 27 August, 2010 QRMH3, Nottingham, UK

15 15 “You dont [sic] have to be strong all the time. Trying to be just makes people delay getting help until it has reached a crisis stage and they have no choice, making recovery much longer.” [P17] Not alone 27 August, 2010 QRMH3, Nottingham, UK

16 16 Tentative route to recovery Support and Help of Competent Others Remove Guilt and Fear Accept and Free to Move onNot alone Better Reception - Belief Better Treatment - Respect 27 August, 2010 QRMH3, Nottingham, UK

17 17 Implications for Practitioners More training of health and legal professionals (collaborating with voluntary organisations) Reduce revictimisation / Timely medical care Facilitate and accelerate recovery 27 August, 2010 QRMH3, Nottingham, UK

18 18 Thank you! References Braun, V., & Clarke, V. (2006). Using thematic analysis in psychology. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 3(2), 77-101. Acknowledgement Dr Susan A. Speer, The University of Manchester 27 August, 2010 QRMH3, Nottingham, UK

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