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Votar Leer al comienzo de la clase o final. Escribe uno en el papelito y pon el papelito en el plato hondo.

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Presentation on theme: "Votar Leer al comienzo de la clase o final. Escribe uno en el papelito y pon el papelito en el plato hondo."— Presentation transcript:

1 Votar Leer al comienzo de la clase o final. Escribe uno en el papelito y pon el papelito en el plato hondo.

2 Bienvenida martes el 4 de octubre

3 ALC 15 martes el 4 de octubre

4 Make an ALC 1minute 20 seconds. Fold the paper into 8 squares. In square number 1 write ALC 15-21. In square number 2 write the following – Desk number in 32 font or ½ inch in the correct spot. – First and last name on the first line – The class on the second line – The period on the 3 rd line

5 ALC 15 martes el 4 de octubre Escribe los diez verbos. Subraya el raiz o usa el rotulador florescente para el raiz. Write the verbs. Underline the stem/root of the verbs or use a highlighter to mark the stem.

6 1.Cerrar e-ie – to close 2.Empezar e-ie – to begin 3.Pensar e-ie – to think 4.Perder e-ie – to lose 5.Dormir o-ue – to sleep 6.Morir o-ue – to die 7.Poder o-ue –to be able to 8.Volar o-ue – fly 9.Servir e-i – to serve 10.Repetir e-i – to repeat

7 1.Cerrar e-ie – to close 2.Empezar e-ie – to begin 3.Pensar e-ie – to think 4.Perder e-ie – to lose 5.Dormir o-ue – to sleep 6.Morir o-ue – to die 7.Poder o-ue –to be able to 8.Volar o-ue – fly 9.Servir e-i – to serve 10.Repetir e-i – to repeat

8 Objetivo Yo puedo escribir notas para “Stem changing verbs” y practicar conjugándolos.

9 Draw a verb tree on your paper from last class period.

10 Draw one circle around the verbs where the stem has changed. piensopensamos piensaspensáis piensapiensan

11 The letters in red should have a circle around them. iee e

12 Verbs where the vowels change in the stem are also called boot verbs. iee e

13 Write the verbs from your ALC onto your flash cards. Spanish one side. English the other. Be sure to show how their stem changes.

14 Types of stem changing/boot verbs e-ie mainly ar verbs but there are er and ir verbs. o-ue mainly ar verbs but there are er and ir verbs. e-i only ir verbs.

15 Praciticar White boards and markers

16 Timed conjugations You have 8 seconds to conjugate as many verbs from the list as you can according to the pronoun. When the timer is up, check to see if you have changed the stem and conjugated correctly. Raise your boards and show your work. Start on the verb you left off on.

17 Yo 1.Cerrar e-ie – to close 2.Empezar e-ie – to begin 3.Pensar e-ie – to think 4.Perder e-ie – to lose 5.Dormir o-ue – to sleep 6.Morir o-ue – to die 7.Poder o-ue –to be able to 8.Volar o-ue – fly 9.Servir e-i – to serve 10.Repetir e-i – to repeat

18 Check your work

19 Tú 1.Cerrar e-ie – to close 2.Empezar e-ie – to begin 3.Pensar e-ie – to think 4.Perder e-ie – to lose 5.Dormir o-ue – to sleep 6.Morir o-ue – to die 7.Poder o-ue –to be able to 8.Volar o-ue – fly 9.Servir e-i – to serve 10.Repetir e-i – to repeat

20 Check your work

21 Usted, él, ella 1.Cerrar e-ie – to close 2.Empezar e-ie – to begin 3.Pensar e-ie – to think 4.Perder e-ie – to lose 5.Dormir o-ue – to sleep 6.Morir o-ue – to die 7.Poder o-ue –to be able to 8.Volar o-ue – fly 9.Servir e-i – to serve 10.Repetir e-i – to repeat

22 Check your work

23 Nosotros 1.Cerrar e-ie – to close 2.Empezar e-ie – to begin 3.Pensar e-ie – to think 4.Perder e-ie – to lose 5.Dormir o-ue – to sleep 6.Morir o-ue – to die 7.Poder o-ue –to be able to 8.Volar o-ue – fly 9.Servir e-i – to serve 10.Repetir e-i – to repeat

24 Check your work

25 Vosotros 1.Cerrar e-ie – to close 2.Empezar e-ie – to begin 3.Pensar e-ie – to think 4.Perder e-ie – to lose 5.Dormir o-ue – to sleep 6.Morir o-ue – to die 7.Poder o-ue –to be able to 8.Volar o-ue – fly 9.Servir e-i – to serve 10.Repetir e-i – to repeat

26 Check your work

27 Ustedes, ellos, ellas 1.Cerrar e-ie – to close 2.Empezar e-ie – to begin 3.Pensar e-ie – to think 4.Perder e-ie – to lose 5.Dormir o-ue – to sleep 6.Morir o-ue – to die 7.Poder o-ue –to be able to 8.Volar o-ue – fly 9.Servir e-i – to serve 10.Repetir e-i – to repeat

28 Check your work

29 Usted, él, ella 1.Cerrar e-ie – to close 2.Empezar e-ie – to begin 3.Pensar e-ie – to think 4.Perder e-ie – to lose 5.Dormir o-ue – to sleep 6.Morir o-ue – to die 7.Poder o-ue –to be able to 8.Volar o-ue – fly 9.Servir e-i – to serve 10.Repetir e-i – to repeat

30 Check your work

31 Juego Get into groups of 3 or 4 Have one set of flash cards all face down. Roll the dice to see which pronoun to use One person flips the card Write the verb on the whiteboard The winner will roll the dice and flip the next card. Keep track of your points as the winner gets the bravo.

32 1.Yo 2.Nosotros 3.Tú 4.Vosotros 5.Usted/él/ella 6.Ustedes/ellos/ellas

33 Please be sure to fill out your participation sheet. Get caught up on your bravos before we leave.

34 Computer practice We will go to the computer lab. Pull up the website and go to today. Select the ppt that says computer activities.

35 Conjuguemos Click on the link and set the time to 3 minutes Go until you can do 20 verbs with 85% proficiency. e=spanish&id=27&source=public&type=verbs e=spanish&id=27&source=public&type=verbs

36 _rand=717286463 _rand=717286463

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