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NOTE: Al Islam Team takes full responsibility for any errors or miscommunication in this Synopsis of the Friday Sermon Sermon Delivered by Hadhrat Mirza.

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Presentation on theme: "NOTE: Al Islam Team takes full responsibility for any errors or miscommunication in this Synopsis of the Friday Sermon Sermon Delivered by Hadhrat Mirza."— Presentation transcript:

1 NOTE: Al Islam Team takes full responsibility for any errors or miscommunication in this Synopsis of the Friday Sermon Sermon Delivered by Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba); Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community relayed live all across the globe Khalifatul Masih II: Pearls of Wisdom January 23 rd 2015

2 Khalifatul Masih II: Pearls of Wisdom Summary The Promised Messiah ( on whom be peace) had great regard for the Holy Prophet (pbuh). He would not accept greetings of those who insulted the Holy Prophet (pbuh), disciplined his children from a very young age to be respectful and was always ready to defend the honour of Islam. Divine chastisement occurs as a result of malevolent actions of individuals; not because people disbelieve. Dishonesty and conflict does not behold an Ahmadi. We should observe absolute silence during Friday sermon. January 23 rd 2015

3 Today’s Friday sermon was based on the narrations of Hazrat Musleh Maud (may Allah be pleased with him) about the Promised Messiah’s (on whom be peace). Hazrat Musleh Maud (may Allah be pleased with him) related incidences demonstrating his high regard for the honour of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him). Some narrations of Hazrat Musleh Maud (may Allah be pleased with him) The Promised Messiah as had utmost regard for the Holy Prophet (pbuh) Divine chastisement Honesty and truthfulness Silence during Friday sermon January 23 rd 2015

4 Lekh Ram was an influential Arya Samaj Pandit who used to talk about the Holy Prophet (pbuh) in a disrespectful and derogatory manner. The Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) explained to his followers that his greetings mean nothing while he continued to use insulting language towards his holy master, the Holy Prophet ( pbuh). Once at a station, Lekh Ram, personally came to the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) to greet him; the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) ignored him. As Lekh Ram had high social and political standing, some regarded it an honour if he walked to them to greet them. Some narrations of Hazrat Musleh Maud (may Allah be pleased with him) The Promised Messiah as had utmost regard for the Holy Prophet (pbuh) Divine chastisement Honesty and truthfulness Silence during Friday sermon January 23 rd 2015

5 The Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) adored his children, so much so that his children used to think that he never gets angry. We can see this love in one small incidence when he carried a brick in his pocket for days as his son asked him to safeguard it for him, even when the brick caused him pain in the ribs. Once young Mubarak Ahmad, who everyone thought was the most loved child, in his ignorance of childhood, uttered something which was discourteous to the Holy Prophet (pbuh). Despite all his love and affection for him, the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) gave his son a sharp smack for being disrespectful. Some narrations of Hazrat Musleh Maud (may Allah be pleased with him) The Promised Messiah as had utmost regard for the Holy Prophet (pbuh) Divine chastisement Honesty and truthfulness Silence during Friday sermon January 23 rd 2015

6 The Promised Messiah ( on whom be peace) was invited to a Arya Samaj meeting and he sent Hazrat Maulana Noor ud Din and others as his representatives. Prior to accepting the invitation, the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) was reassured that nothing derogatory will be said about the Holy Prophet (pbuh). Anyway, during the meeting the speakers used the most disrespectful language about the Holy Propeht ( pbuh). When the Promised Messiah ( on whom be peace) came to know that Ahmadis remain seated during these disrespectful speeches, he was very annoyed with them! The Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said how could their sense of honour for the Holy Prophet ( pbuh) let them continue to sit in such a disrespectful gathering! Some narrations of Hazrat Musleh Maud (may Allah be pleased with him) The Promised Messiah as had utmost regard for the Holy Prophet (pbuh) Divine chastisement Honesty and truthfulness Silence during Friday sermon January 23 rd 2015

7 When the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) had claimed to be the Messiah, the Maulawis had passed their edicts of disbelief and ‘liable to be killed’ on him. After that non- Ahmadis asked him to represent Islam at a debate with a Christian. The Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) readily agreed. This is because the debate was to uphold the honour of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) and Islam. The Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) travelled out of Qadian for this lengthy debate. This debate with Abdullah Atham, a Christian missionary is published in the Promised Messiah’s book ‘Jung e Muqadas’. Some narrations of Hazrat Musleh Maud (may Allah be pleased with him) The Promised Messiah as had utmost regard for the Holy Prophet (pbuh) Divine chastisement Honesty and truthfulness Silence during Friday sermon January 23 rd 2015

8 At the end of the debate, the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) supplicated with extreme humility. He was distressed to see how the public was being distracted and attempts were made to smear the holy personality of the Holy Prophet (pbuh). To his heart rendering supplications, God responded by a revelation which contained a conditional prophecy. It was foretold that those who lied during the debate, will die with in 15 months, if they show no sign of repentance. When Abdullah Atham did not die within 15 months people raised clamour and derision that the prophecy was false. At this, the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) invited Abdullah Atham to publicly declare on oath that he has not repented and has not retracted his public attacks on the Holy Prophet (pbuh). Abdullah Atham never accepted this invitation and died 7 months later. Some narrations of Hazrat Musleh Maud (may Allah be pleased with him) The Promised Messiah as had utmost regard for the Holy Prophet (pbuh) Divine chastisement Honesty and truthfulness Silence during Friday sermon January 23 rd 2015

9 When the 15 months were about to end people prayed most passionately and heartrendingly for his death in order for the prophecy to be proven true. However the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) was displeased by this because he said who would have more sense of honour for the fulfilment of His words more than God Himself? Indeed, the prophecy was fulfilled with all its glory but Atham was given a temporary respite because of his remorse. When Atham had heard the words of the prophecy he went pale, started trembling and repented. He stopped his opposition and did not write anything hostile. Some narrations of Hazrat Musleh Maud (may Allah be pleased with him) The Promised Messiah as had utmost regard for the Holy Prophet (pbuh) Divine chastisement Honesty and truthfulness Silence during Friday sermon January 23 rd 2015 He had called the Holy Prophet (pbuh), God forbid, Dajjal and after listening to the prophecy had repented.

10 Here, Huzoor (aba) also explained a point of principle about Divine chastisement. Divine chastisement does not befall when people have false beliefs. The judgement about beliefs and faith will take place on the Day of Judgement in the Hereafter. Divine chastisement befalls when mischief is made. If people disbelieve and do not create disorder and malice, they are not punished in this world. It is difficult for weaker individuals to accept faith, if there is too much conflict and disorder. Therefore, when people create malevolence that hinders weaker people from accepting faith, Divine chastisement befalls. Some narrations of Hazrat Musleh Maud (may Allah be pleased with him) The Promised Messiah as had utmost regard for the Holy Prophet (pbuh) Divine chastisement Honesty and truthfulness Silence during Friday sermon January 23 rd 2015

11 Therefore, if these missionaries have even an iota of faith, why do not they show us the miracle by curing these blind, deaf and dumb themselves! The Promised Messiah (on whom be peace)reminded the missionaries that the Bible says that anyone with an iota of faith can move mountains and can show miracles greater than those shown by Jesus (as). The Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) replied with great aplomb and said he never believed that Jesus (as) cured those who were physically blind, deaf and dumb; it was a spiritual revival. Once the Christian missionaries gathered some blind, deaf and dumb people and said to the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) that since he claimed to have come as the second-coming of Jesus, could he cure the blind, deaf and dumb as Jesus (on whom be peace) had. Some narrations of Hazrat Musleh Maud (may Allah be pleased with him) The Promised Messiah as had utmost regard for the Holy Prophet (pbuh) Divine chastisement Honesty and truthfulness Silence during Friday sermon January 23 rd 2015

12 This quest for miracle can lead to spiritual downfall! Mir Abbas Ali was a follower of the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) and was very dedicated. He was a man with great spiritual powers but.... on provocation of non-Ahmadi Maulwis he challenged the Promised Messiah ( on whom be peace) to show a Karamat (a form of miracle). This arrogance and conceit got to him and he ended up renouncing his faith. Man is ever prone to hypocrisy and disbelief; these two failings attack man after he has accepted faith. Indeed, Surah Al Fatihah tells us that the Jews and the Christians lost their way after being recipients of Divine blessings. Thus, we should pray that God grants us steadfastness in His blessings of faith. Some narrations of Hazrat Musleh Maud (may Allah be pleased with him) The Promised Messiah as had utmost regard for the Holy Prophet (pbuh) Divine chastisement Honesty and truthfulness Silence during Friday sermon January 23 rd 2015

13 The Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) once sent a parcel to someone and placed a letter in the parcel. He did not know this was against the law. The case came to court and his lawyer suggested that as there were no witnesses, the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) should deny placing the letter in the parcel. The Promised Messiah said it would be untrue and he was not prepared to do; the lawyer said that he could go to jail for that. During the hearing, the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) most honestly admitted to placing a letter within the parcel but said that he did not know it was against the rules. In the end the judge exonerated the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) and the case was dismissed. However, people living in these countries act contrary to this when seeking benefits or asylum or in insurance cases. This incident is often cited and it gives us a standard of honesty to maintain. Ahmadis who do this should think about it as dishonesty does not behove Ahmadis. Some narrations of Hazrat Musleh Maud (may Allah be pleased with him) The Promised Messiah as had utmost regard for the Holy Prophet (pbuh) Divine chastisement Honesty and truthfulness Silence during Friday sermon January 23 rd 2015

14 It was written about him that when a day was left in the Abdullah Atham time limit the Promised Messiah had some formulaic prayer said on some chick peas which were then thrown in a well outside Qadian. This deed was not consistent with the practice of the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace). This only took place as someone saw a dream that they were doing this and the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) simply asked them to enact on their dream. Sometimes dreams are enacted so that if God wills He can remove their bad effect. This is proven from Ahadith. When the Holy Prophet (pbuh) saw Suraqa wearing gold bangles belonging to Chosroes in a vision it indicated that Islam would triumph over Persia. Since seeing gold in dream is interpreted as trouble or grief, the vision could also be interpreted that after victory of Persia, some problems may follow. Therefore, Hazrat Umer (may Allah be pleased with him) made Suraqa wear the gold bangles not only to fulfil the vision but also to avert any harmful effects associated with the conquest of Iran. Some narrations of Hazrat Musleh Maud (may Allah be pleased with him) The Promised Messiah as had utmost regard for the Holy Prophet (pbuh) Divine chastisement Honesty and truthfulness Silence during Friday sermon January 23 rd 2015

15 Hazrat Musleh Maud (may Allah be pleased with him) gave a sermon in which he advised Jama’at To avoid conflicts To observe absolute silence during Friday sermon as it is part of Friday Prayers. This should be instilled in children from a very young age. Some narrations of Hazrat Musleh Maud (may Allah be pleased with him) The Promised Messiah as had utmost regard for the Holy Prophet (pbuh) Divine chastisement Honesty and truthfulness Silence during Friday sermon January 23 rd 2015

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