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Books of Wisdom –Proverbs –Job –Ecclesiastes (Qoheleth) –Sirach (Ecclesiasticus) –Wisdom of Solomon –Psalms –Song of Songs –Tobit –Baruch –(9 books total)

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Presentation on theme: "Books of Wisdom –Proverbs –Job –Ecclesiastes (Qoheleth) –Sirach (Ecclesiasticus) –Wisdom of Solomon –Psalms –Song of Songs –Tobit –Baruch –(9 books total)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Books of Wisdom –Proverbs –Job –Ecclesiastes (Qoheleth) –Sirach (Ecclesiasticus) –Wisdom of Solomon –Psalms –Song of Songs –Tobit –Baruch –(9 books total)

2 Writing flourished Contains maxims of good vs. evil/ virtues Sages (wise teachers)-adapted, goal was to inspire moral integrity Promote obedience to the divinely established moral order =Happiness God is the source of all wisdom Speaks of wholeness, integrity and sin as disintegration Writing styles-different types of poetry Most are attributed to Solomon (-psalms)

3 Some were in Solomon’s monarchy— scribes in royal court collected and wrote down Most written after the B. exile Intended to instruct the young Taught a virtuous life= success and prosperity / no hint of after life Practical wisdom—wise sayings

4 The Story of Job WHY DO GOOD MEN SUFFER? Mentality of the Babylonian exile (reward if good) is being questioned Dilemma is known as “problem of evil” Reasoned wasn’t always true: (good people get sick and are in poverty, and evil people have lots) No belief in after life: (Rewards and punishments were in this life) Poetic style @ virtuous man— Loses everything—asks Why? His friends insist Job’s sin was the reasons for his misfortune, that he must pray and repent and all would be well again. Job defends his life—He feels the absence of God

5 The Story of Job God is silent through Jobs questions (37 chapters)— Satan (adversary) not devil, a heavenly prosecutor whose job is to test the genuineness of human virtue Discourse-- God reminds Job that God is creator and sustains existence. Transformation takes place Job is humbled and awed admits the mystery of life is too big to understand God’s wisdom is far beyond him.

6 The Story of Job Book of Job did not answer why people suffer Establishes that it is not a punishment, it leaves us with a sense of humility: some things we just cannot grasp. We cannot rationalize evil in the world, instead we must trust God is in charge and loves and cares for us. The ultimate message of this book is that even in the darkest moments, God is in charge, loving and caring for us through it all

7 Psalms 1000-300 B.C.E Attributed to David (@1/2) Most likely not David Used in worship Sung Liturgy of the hours Poetry-format Concrete language 150 Psalter-book of Psalms only Rhythms have been lost in language translations Tehillim-Hebrew word for Psalm Psalmos-Greek translation

8 Psalms Very honest and trusting Told of Israel’s relationship with God About their sorrows and joys Types –Lament—need help or disconnect with God –Thanksgiving—about God’s amazing actions –Praise—God is creator

9 Ecclesiastes (or Qoheleth) Is Life lived in vain? Is there meaning to life? Written by a sage on the time of Greek rule of Jews Qoheleth means preacher Questioned no concept of after-life Appears pessimistic—Why? Could have written this way to challenge students

10 Ecclesiastes nothing makes a difference—we are born—we die and are forgotten // then Eccl 3 is written there is a time… Conclusion: All things are rewarded for the righteous and punishment for the wicked will be accomplished but in God’s time and we cannot understand it. Trust in God/Enjoy what God gives in life/ Everything has a proper time

11 The Song of Songs (Song of Solomon or Canticle of Canticles) Differs from other wisdom literature—love poetry Unknown authors @ 450 at time after the Babylonian Exile Collection of love poems—a dialogue of bridegroom and bride Beautiful/passionate poetry—love can even overcome death

12 Song of Songs In The Bible? Translated literally: –Affirms goodness of human sexuality and love –Human love is powerful and holy bond good and a gift from God As a religious allegory: –image of God’s love with Israel --Christ’s love with Church --Christ’s love with believer

13 Wisdom (Wisdom of Solomon) ) What is our Final Destiny? Author-scholarly Jew in Alexandria, Egypt @ 100BCE -(most recent writings of OT) Written to preserve Jewish faith and heritage Struggled with problem of evil Refused to accept reward for good and punishment for evil in this life (re: he lived in a time where virtuous Jews were tortured and put to death for refusing to give up their faith)

14 Wisdom Believed the answer was not in this life- death wasn’t end Our destiny = life forever with God Greek culture influenced this: Greeks believed in a soul Jews believed the person was whole (inseparable) Beginning of possibility of life beyond death Message: keep faith

15 Wisdom Three divisions: Reward of justice Praises of wisdom Reflection of Exodus events Literary characteristic—personification Wisdom is: Sophia Feminine Manifestation of the creative spirit of God

16 Other Wisdom Literature Proverbs –Wise sayings –God is personified as a woman –Tells us where to find wisdom Sirach (Ecclesiasticus) –Maxims for morality and instruction –Longest of Wisdom books (51 chapters) –Jesus ben Sirach ran a school of scripture study/ Jewish wisdom in Alexandria (under Greek empire) --200-175 BCE –Wanted to clarify confused students (between Jewish thought and Greek) –Wisdom = from God not from Greek thought –Depicts wisdom as a woman with God at creation –Wisdom tests us with difficulty—times to help us grow stronger

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