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Wisdom in Family Matters Review Life is short –Our choices determine the quality of this life –Our choices determine our eternal destiny Therefore, we.

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2 Wisdom in Family Matters

3 Review Life is short –Our choices determine the quality of this life –Our choices determine our eternal destiny Therefore, we should avoid bad choices Prov 11:29 –Wisdom is especially needed in family relationships –Not enough time to use “trial and error” when raising a family Fortunately, God has provided wisdom for us

4 Providing for a family The world says, “Provide the necessities.” –Food, clothing, and shelter –Most would also add, to provide Luxuries the parents never had A good education so they can get a high-paying job The “wisdom” (or lack of it) of the world’s approach is seen as each generation passes –More stress, more suicides, etc. –More need for medicating ever younger kids –More greed, selfishness, etc

5 Providing for a family What does God say? –Prov 15:16 Fearing God is better than riches. Why? –Prov 1:7 – beginning of knowledge –Prov 10:27 – prolongs life –Prov 16:6 – keeps away from evil –Prov 22:4 – the key to true prosperity –Prov 15:17 Giving love more important than luxuries –Problem kids come from unloving homes, not poor homes

6 Providing for a family What does God say? –Prov 17:1 Providing peace more important than money –Most family / marital problems are centered around finances –Spiritual provisions are more important than physical But that doesn’t mean God wants us to ignore physical provisions

7 How to provide material goods Prov 20:7 –Be righteous Don’t engage in unrighteous business Put God’s kingdom first – Mt 6:33 Trust God to help you meet the physical needs – Mt 6:24-32 –And the children will be blessed They will learn from the example set

8 How to provide material goods Prov 24:3-4 –Concentrate on acquiring wisdom and knowledge, not wealth and possessions When considering job opportunities, don’t just look at the salary –What will the job / location do for the family spiritually While providing for physical needs, make sure they are subservient to the spiritual needs –1 Tim 5:8 – Provide for your own –1 Tim 6:6-8 – Godliness, food and clothing, contentment

9 Raising Children The world says, –“Don’t spank them” –“Give them whatever they want” –“Quality time is more important than quantity” The results of the world’s “wisdom” –Younger and younger criminals –School shootings, murder-suicides –Increasing bullying (cyber-bullying) –The “Me-First” generation

10 Raising Children What does God say? –On corporal (bodily) punishment Prov 13:24 – Shows love if diligent, not sporadic Prov 22:15 – Removes foolishness Prov 23:13-14 – Saves souls –On correction and not “giving-in” Prov 29:15 – Gives wisdom and avoids shame Prov 29:17 – Will give you comfort and delight your soul

11 Raising Children What does God say? –On the timing and manner of discipline Prov 19:18 –Before the situation gets “out of hand” »Some say. ‘It’s not too serious’ and let it go »When it is serious, it may be too late »Some are gone so much, that any discipline is too far removed from the problem to be effective –Not with the attitude of causing harm »Don’t strike a child in anger »Spanking is to get the child to understand the seriousness of the problem »Eph 6:4

12 One last bit of advice Prov 22:6 – Three main interpretations 1)Children will turn out exactly as raised If child goes bad, it’s parents fault If child stays good, praise the parents 2)Raise children according to their talents, desires, abilities Don’t try to make a doctor when he wants to be a mechanic Can be carried too far, allowing children to have their own way

13 One last bit of advice Prov 22:6 – Three main interpretations 1)Children will turn out exactly as raised 2)Raise children according to their talents, desires, abilities 3)Children need constant guidance and correction Like training a plant to a shape (topiary, bonsai, hedge, espalier, etc) Daily attention (not sporadic), constant and consistent rules and discipline, will shape the future course of their lives

14 Conclusion Families are very important –No time to use “trial and error” –Mistakes can have consequences for generations God provides wisdom for families –Starting with the focus of families on God and spiritual matters –Including how to provide for our families and how to raise children Next, we’ll see the wisdom God supplies for us in regard to our friendships


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