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Timothy D. Kruse, M.S., NCC Cognition, Wisdom, & Expertise Chapter 9 Synopsis.

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1 Timothy D. Kruse, M.S., NCC Cognition, Wisdom, & Expertise Chapter 9 Synopsis

2 Timothy D. Kruse, M.S., NCC Introduction  Differences in schools of thought  Findings from information-processing & intelligence perspectives  General findings from cognitive development  Tying together different approaches

3 Timothy D. Kruse, M.S., NCC Theories of Cognitive Development  Characteristics of cognitive stages –Invariant movement –Qualitative change –Hierarchical integration –Universal progression –Structured wholeness

4 Timothy D. Kruse, M.S., NCC Piaget’s Stage Theory  Sensorimotor stage (birth – 2 yrs.)  Preoperational stage (2 – 7 yrs.)  Concrete operational stage (7 – 12 yrs.)  Formal operations stage (12 + yrs.)

5 Timothy D. Kruse, M.S., NCC Formal Operational Thought  Must display logical thought  Must display abstract thought  Must display hypothetical reasoning  Must display use of scientific thought  Must be true for all people over 12

6 Timothy D. Kruse, M.S., NCC Criticisms of Piaget’s Formal Operational Thought  Many do not achieve formal operational thought  Formal operational thought may not generalize across tasks  May be related to area of expertise

7 Timothy D. Kruse, M.S., NCC Criticisms of Piaget  Piaget argued for formal operations except in cases of extremely low stimulation  Research on formal operations robs theory of generalizability for Stage 4  Berzonsky argues for branching of Stage 4 –Interpersonal processes –Symbolic –Semantic –Figural

8 Timothy D. Kruse, M.S., NCC Criticisms of Piaget’s Formal Operational Thought  Overemphasizes pure logic in problem solving  Underemphasizes pragmatic qualities of real-life cognitive activity (e.g., social, affective)  Only suited for problems using scientific method  Places greater emphasis on problem-solving rather than problem-finding  Geared for solution of well-defined problems  Ending at 12 years of age

9 Timothy D. Kruse, M.S., NCC Postformal Operational Development  Perry (1968) proposed early theory –Dualistic thought –Contextual relativism –Commitment to relativism

10 Timothy D. Kruse, M.S., NCC Postformal Operational Development  Kitchener & King – reflective judgement model –Stage 1: absolute correspondence between reality & perception –Stage 2: belief in objective reality & absolute knowledge of reality –Stage 3: belief that some types of knowledge may be unavailable temporarily

11 Timothy D. Kruse, M.S., NCC Postformal Operational Development –Stage 4: belief that objective reality can never be known with certainty –Stage 5: belief that knowledge is relative but reality is also –Stage 6: while knowledge may be subjective, some forms are more valid –Stage 7: knowledge is result of critical inquiry

12 Timothy D. Kruse, M.S., NCC Encapsulation Model  Basic mental abilities become dedicated to specific domains or areas of expertise  Knowledge acquisition in other domains reduced  Mental abilities in area of expertise show little to no decline – encapsulated

13 Timothy D. Kruse, M.S., NCC Expertise  Encapsulation model suggests domains of expertise may be protected from age-related declines  Research –Typing (Salthouse, 1984) –Chess (Charness, 1985) –Medical diagnostics (Clancy & Hoyer, 1994)

14 Timothy D. Kruse, M.S., NCC Wisdom  Defining wisdom –Philosophical wisdom – abstract understandings –Practical wisdom – real-life matter

15 Timothy D. Kruse, M.S., NCC Studying Wisdom  Used “life review problems” for a young or older client  Interview young & old clinical psychologists  Found older women better at responding to problems of older clients  With young client, young & old did equally well  Top 25% of responses came from older clinician  Wisdom applied more to existential life questions rather than life planning

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