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James 3: 13-18.  It’s election time, what is a Christian to do?  Most agree – Christians should vote – wisely!  James: True wisdom is applying knowledge.

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Presentation on theme: "James 3: 13-18.  It’s election time, what is a Christian to do?  Most agree – Christians should vote – wisely!  James: True wisdom is applying knowledge."— Presentation transcript:

1 James 3: 13-18

2  It’s election time, what is a Christian to do?  Most agree – Christians should vote – wisely!  James: True wisdom is applying knowledge well.  V. 14 “selfish ambition” means “electioneering, intrigue, partisanship.”  Contrary to it is “humility”, it and honesty we should expect in Christians and politicians.  Peace loving is essential for believers, and that cannot be done without a humble attitude.

3  John Calvin, “Those truly wise towards God, while peaceable and tolerant towards their neighbors, yet make it their chief concern to sow righteousness, not cloaking men’s sins, but reproving them with such peaceable moderation as to be the physicians, rather than the executioners, of sinners.”  Meekness isn’t weakness, but wise and trusting  Virtues in v17 good way to measure candidates!  James list of true wisdom like ‘Fruit of the Spirit’

4  Pure, Peace loving, considerate (gentle), submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.  Summary, “Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness.” may have been a quote from Jesus.  He also said, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God” Mt. 5:9  External conformity w/o internal transformation is NOT the Lord’s way!

5  Peacemakers have wholeness and integrity!  54. Followers of the Prince of Peace are called to be peacemakers, promoting harmony and order and restoring what is broken. We call on our governments to work for peace and to restore just relationships. We deplore the spread of weapons in our world and on our streets with the risks they bring and the horrors they threaten. We call on all nations to reduce their arsenals to what is needed in the defense of justice and freedom. We pledge to walk in ways of peace, confessing that our world belongs to God; he is our sure defense. Isaiah 2:1-4 expresses God’s will for peace, and Jesus said, “Blessed are the peacemakers...” (Matthew 5:9).

6  “Our help is in the name of the LORD!”  He is on the Throne, ruling with justice and mercy!  “What is popular is not always right, what is right is not always popular!”  Stand for and do what is right, no matter what.  God bless you as you vote wisely!

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