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HELP! WHAT DO I DO? James 1:5-8. Help! What Do I Do?  We are rolling through a series of sermons launched from the book of James  James is a book full.

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Presentation on theme: "HELP! WHAT DO I DO? James 1:5-8. Help! What Do I Do?  We are rolling through a series of sermons launched from the book of James  James is a book full."— Presentation transcript:

1 HELP! WHAT DO I DO? James 1:5-8

2 Help! What Do I Do?  We are rolling through a series of sermons launched from the book of James  James is a book full of wisdom for Christian living today  Tonight we continue to look at the first chapter of this particular book  Last week we studied the topic of “Trials”

3 Help! What Do I Do?  Have you ever found yourself in the midst of a problem and not known what to do?  It could be a minor issue, or perhaps one that is very complex  Many of us have had at least one point in our lives where we simply did not know what to do

4 Help! What Do I Do?  It’s nothing to be ashamed of…no one has all the answers all the time  The question we might ask is, “What do I do when I don’t know what to do?”  Sounds a bit confusing, but James answers that question immediately following his words on the trials of life

5 Help! What Do I Do?  1. Wisdom is the key (v. 5)  “If any of you lacks wisdom…”  What exactly is wisdom?  Wisdom is using the knowledge we have, properly, to make good decisions  Wisdom is understanding, insight, ability to discern

6 Help! What Do I Do?  1. Wisdom is the key (v. 5)  There are a couple of different kinds of wisdom as well (Js. 3:13-18)  There is the wisdom of the world or earthly wisdom  This wisdom is envious and self-seeking and will lead to confusion and evil

7 Help! What Do I Do?  1. Wisdom is the key (v. 5)  There is a heavenly wisdom as well  This wisdom is shown by good conduct in meekness  It’s a wisdom that is pure, peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality & hypocrisy

8 Help! What Do I Do?  1. Wisdom is the key (v. 5)  The problem is we do not always possess this type of wisdom  That is why James begins by saying, “If any of you lacks wisdom…”  So what do we do when we lack decision making power?

9 Help! What Do I Do?  2. Ask God for wisdom (v. 5)  God is the supreme source of wisdom  James speaks in chapter 3 of “the wisdom that is from above”  We do not get godly wisdom simply from our own “smarts”; we must recognize the true source

10 Help! What Do I Do?  2. Ask God for wisdom (v. 5)  Before I read books written by man, seek advice from friends, family, elders, etc., I must first petition God  James says we should “ask of God”  God should be our first source, not our last resort

11 Help! What Do I Do?  2. Ask God for wisdom (v. 5)  We ask God for wisdom, not just because He is the true source, but because He “gives to all liberally and without reproach”  Liberally = freely, bountifully  Reproach = not chide or taunt or find fault

12 Help! What Do I Do?  3. Ask God in faith (v. 6-7)  We always want to know what the catch is on some deal offered to us  The only catch here is that you believe that God is going to give you wisdom  That sounds easy, but can be very difficult when we tend to trust in ourselves

13 Help! What Do I Do?  3. Ask God in faith (v. 6-7)  Do you believe that God answers prayers?  Matthew 7:7-8 – Ask, Seek, Knock  I John 5:14-15 – We must ask for things that are according to His will (wisdom is one of those things)

14 Help! What Do I Do?  3. Ask God in faith (v. 6-7)  Matt. 21:22 – “And whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive”  Heb. 11:6 – “But without faith it is impossible to please Him…”  If we ask without faith, then we might as well not ask

15 Help! What Do I Do?  3. Ask God in faith (v. 6-7)  “For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord”  God blesses those who have faith in Him and His promises  Where is your trust when problems arise and you turn to prayer? (Heb. 4:16)

16 Help! What Do I Do?  4. Symptom of the greater problem (v. 8)  A lack of wisdom seems to be the initial problem (in light of trials)  However, there seems to be a deeper issue at stake here  “he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways”

17 Help! What Do I Do?  4. Symptom of the greater problem (v. 8)  A double-minded man is one who wavers or is inconsistent  He has no real principles but is influenced by popular feeling  This isn’t just a prayer problem or a faith problem

18 Help! What Do I Do?  4. Symptom of the greater problem (v. 8)  It’s a life issue; he’s unstable in all his ways  Quote from Albert Barnes…  We need to stand firm in the promises of God and put our faith in Him and His word!

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