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22/10/08 The School of the 7 Petals. The School of the 7 Petals 1.Physical Development and Action 2.Development of an Articulate Cognition 3.Social Development.

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Presentation on theme: "22/10/08 The School of the 7 Petals. The School of the 7 Petals 1.Physical Development and Action 2.Development of an Articulate Cognition 3.Social Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 22/10/08 The School of the 7 Petals

2 The School of the 7 Petals 1.Physical Development and Action 2.Development of an Articulate Cognition 3.Social Development 4.Artistic Development 5.Ecology 6.Productive Development 7.Personal Development

3 2. Articulate Cognition 3. Emotional, Social and Multicultural 1.Physical Development and Action 7. Personal Development 4. Arts, Beauty and Bio-architecture 6. Self-Sustainability 5. Ecology 7 axis for an integral development of the human being, society and the Planet

4 2. Verbal-Linguistic Logical Mathematical 3. Interpersonal Verbal-Linguistic Musical Emotional 1.Kinaesthetic 7. Intrapersonal Existential Intuitive 6. Co-creator Kinaesthesic Logical-mathematical Practical 5. Naturalistic It develops all the Multiple Intelligences 4. Co-creator Visual-Spatial Musical

5 2. Intelligent and creative that uses both hemispheres and lateral thinking 3. With stable emotions, a solidary teamworker 1.Healthy and energetic That accepts and fully enjoys its incarnation on Earth 7. Is stable and in Peace. Knows the Universal Laws. 4. Knows how to create harmony and beauty 6. Self-esteem. Knows how to solve problems in this level and how to fulfil its talents. 5. Has ecological awareness. Loves its Planet and takes care of it. Healing. It Co-builds a human being that is…

6 2. Intelligent and of ample multi-faceted vision - More science development - More discoveries 3. Development - Social and multicultural - Culture of Peace - Responsible Citizen 1.Healthy - Reducing costs of public health - Reduction of depression and suicides 7. Stable and mature Trascendental Development and heart-mind balance Wise society 4.Beauty, wellbeing and harmony New Town-planning and Art of Living 6. Responsible and active, protagonist of its society and capable of providing a fair economy 5. Sustainable Ecology Bio Technology Renewable Energy Permaculture It Co-builds a society that is/has… New Humanist Leaders (NHL)

7 1. Physical Development and Action A happy child is an active child, in constant movement that makes and builds

8 1. Physical Development and Action It’s about sharing physical activities of all kinds, and about learning through action and movement.

9 1.Physical Development and Action  Participates in cooperative activities:  trekkings, swimming, camping…  Daily Sports  Dancing, contemporary and ancestral dances  Martial Arts, Yoga, Brain Gym and more… Matching with the other petals, especially the red petal, the productive.

10 Petal1: Physical Development &Action 1. Children like: Extreme Sports Aerial Acrobatics Climbing Parkour Break Dance … 1.1 Sports 1.2. Dancing and funny movements 1.3. Martial Arts, Yoga 1.4. Outdoor Activities.1.5 Psychomotor activities and cooperative games 1.6. Anatomy and pre-emptive health 1.7. Student Modules

11 2. Articulate Cognition A happy child is a curious child

12 2. Articulate Cognition

13 - Renewed and interlaced subjects - A curriculum that is articulate and that actually responds to children’s requests  Promotes self-discovery -It should allow them to explore and find solutions - Areas lead to projects executed with and by children (matching petal 6, productive development)

14 2. Articulate Cognition This is not about accumulating knowledge, but about - Acquiring the wisdom of knowledge - Through the prism of Love - And the determination of an altruistic service. Love Wisdom Good Will


16 Petal 2: Articulate Cognition 2. Children like: Free energy IT Neodymium magnets Splitting Time … 2.1. Mathematics and Geometry 2.2 Writing / Reading 2.3Physics 2.4 Chemistry 2.5 High Tech 2.7 Students’ modules 2.6 Computer Science

17 3. Social Development A happy child is pro-active in its society and proud of its roots.

18 -School is integrated in society in a harmonic and constructive manner - It’s protagonist and pro-active in its social and cultural environment and town - It honours the local knowledge and culture - Multiculturality and ancestral pedagogy - It aims at fraternity and at Culture of World Peace P - Puts in action activities to develop Emotional Intelligence every day, promoting teamwork - Family 3. Social Development

19 Petal 3: Social Development 3. Children like: Theatre Travelling Social Network … 3.1 Languages 3.2 Social Studies 3.3 Communication 3.4 Geography and history 3.5 Emotional Intelligence 3.6 Family 3.7. Students’ Modules

20 4. Aesthetic Development A happy child creates beauty Every day is a day for Work and Art

21 4. Aesthetic Development

22 Petal4: Aesthetic Development 4. Children like: Murals Ceramics Engraving 4.1 Visual Arts 4.2 Audio visual Arts 4.3 Universal Geometry 4.4 Bio-Architecture 4.5 Music 4.6 Utilitarian Arts 4.7. Students’ Modules Making Movies …

23 5. Ecological Development A happy child loves and cares for the Earth This is the petal of Health and of Connection with Earth

24 - Permaculture  Work in the Orchard, in the greenhouse - Recognitin of medicinal plants - Management of recyclable material - Sustainable management of the environment and bio technology -Natural food is produced and consumed - Preemptive Health and alternative therapies - Human Ecology: harmony with oneself and with all the natural beings.

25 Petal 5: Ecology 5. Children like: Harvesting Watering … 5.1 Ecology 5.2 Alternativa technology 5.3 Biology, Natural Sciences 5.4 Botanics 5.5 Agronomy 5.6 Nutrition and therapies 5.7. Students’ Modules

26 6. Productive Development A happy child is that who knows that it can act assertively in any circumstance. Providing autonomy, independence and emancipation. It helps find its Purpose of Life.

27 6. Productive Development - Projects of sustainable development - Production,trades, workshops… - Fair and co-creative economy - Activities involve families, neighbours, professionals and are part of the life of the neighbourhood or community.

28 6. Productive Development The School of the 7 Petals is a multifaceted centre, where ideas, attitudes, projects and trend-setting technologies are generated and applied.

29 Petal 6: Productive Development 6. Children like: Jewellery weaving Cooking Carpentry Mechanics … 6.1 Manual Labour 6.2 Talleres 6.3 Cocina 6.4 Tecnología aplicada 6.5 Robótica 6.6 Fair Economía 6.7. Módulos de los estudiantes

30 7. Personal Development A happy child knows itself, in all its dimensions

31 7. Personal Development - Integral Personal Development

32 7. Personal Development

33 Petal 7: Personal Development 7. Children like: Mandalas Circular Dances Relaxation … 7.1 Active Philosophy 7.2 Spiritual growth 7.3 Comparative Religion 7.4 Universal Laws 7.5 Concept of “service” 7.6 Intuition, metalanguage 7.7. Students’ Modules




37 Concept: Noemi Paymal Architectural Counsellor: Arq. Oscar Senmache Sketches and Counsellor: Arq. Ángel Martínez, Amalur Arquitectos

38 THANK YOU Photos Isabel González, PFF de San Luis, P3000 and Web

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