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Is God Still the “Creator of Heaven and Earth?” The Darwin Effect in Theology.

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Presentation on theme: "Is God Still the “Creator of Heaven and Earth?” The Darwin Effect in Theology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Is God Still the “Creator of Heaven and Earth?” The Darwin Effect in Theology

2 17 th century conflicts Galileo

3 “Choice of David and Zion” L’osservatore romano of Sept. 22, 2005

4 21 st Century Controversies

5 19 th – 21 st century reconciliations Vatican I (1870) Pope Pius XII Divinu afflante spiritu (1946) Humani generis (1950) Vatican II (1962-65) Pope John Paul II Pontifical Academy of Sciences (1996) Pope Benedict XVI Pontifical Academy of Sciences (2008)

6 Creation What the Bible says about creation, and why Lorenzo GHIBERTI (1425-52 )

7 “Creator of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible….” Council of Nicaea (325) The Pantokrator presiding over all creation (Monreale, 12 th century)

8 Medieval order The medieval understanding of the order and harmony of the universe La sainte chapelle (13 th century)

9 The Darwin Effect Who is God? (theology) Human relations: competition or cooperation? (anthropology) May the Church alter its structure? (ecclesiology) Is there a divine plan for salvation? (soteriology) “It is the combination of chance and necessary processes in a fertile universe that best explains the universe as seen by science.” ~ George Coyne, S.J., former director of the Vatican Observatory.

10 What creation tells us about God Tintoretto (1550) “From the greatness and beauty of created things comes a corresponding perception of their Creator.” (Wisdom 13:5)

11 Competition or Cooperation?

12 Evolving Church? Hierarchical Corporal

13 The Divine Plan Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, S.J. The Divine Milieu Baptistery of Florence (11 th – 12 th centuries)

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