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Bremner – J306 Sacred Scripture and Jesus the Christ.

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1 Bremner – J306 Sacred Scripture and Jesus the Christ


3 .

4 Purpose of this class: Give you a general knowledge and appreciation of Sacred Scripture. Help you to encounter Jesus Christ in the Living Word of God and in your daily lives. Introduce a contextualist interpretation of Scripture. Help you to see the Bible as a guidebook to become the person God calls you to be.

5 Syllabus See Edline

6 Today’s Lesson: “God speaks to us through Scripture – even today.”

7 Homework Bring in item and write a paragraph

8 Instructions for Show and Tell Without TALKING – show your item to your partner Have your partner GUESS the story (be specific in your guess) Tell them the real story Alternate following same procedure

9 Special Item and Paragraph Why did we do this? –Get to know each other better –Help me learn some names –Lesson: Things have value because we GIVE them value –Lesson: When you know the story/history of something, you are more likely to respect and value it.

10 Common Themes Gift Reminder of deceased Importance of family Celebrate/Symbolize an accomplishment Reminder of childhood Tradition – family heirloom, yearly activity, etc.

11 Bible: Love letter (time capsule?) from God? “…thought of as a description of the love relationship between God and his people and an invitation into that relationship.” “the story of God’s love…”

12 Key Term - Testament Testament = What is a covenant? Why enter into a covenant? Old - The pact or alliance that God made first with the Patriarchs and then with the Jewish people through Moses; a Saviour is promised and a Law is proclaimed, and salvation is through the Law. New – covenant/alliance that God made with all people whereby, through Jesus, all can be saved

13 A Word about ‘OLD and NEW’ United – incomplete without the other Does NOT replace, but fulfills Hebrew Scriptures = Old Testament Christian Testament = New Testament Christian Scriptures = Bible used by Catholics

14 Key Term - Inspiration Inspired NOT dictated NOT all factually correct or historically valid (Grandma’s journal) “God ensured the scriptures contain all the truths needed for our salvation.” Inspire (spire) – pnuema – breathe into

15 Key Term - Canon Word means… “THE Canon” 46 / 27 Jewish (and influences) Christian (finality?)

16 Makeup of the Canon 4 Sections of Old Testament 1. Pentateuch 2. Historical Books 3. Wisdom Books 4. Prophetic Books

17 Makeup of Canon (cont’) 4 Sections of New Testament 1. Gospels (4) 2. Acts of the Apostles 3. Letters/Epistles 4. Revelation


19 Why STUDY the Bible? Knowing the HISTORY will help discover original intent of the author Knowing LITERARY style will clarify author’s approach/intent Written in languages long dead, in the manner and idiom of the time. Not just to know more about the Bible or even its theological meaning; rather, deeper intent of study is that we might fall in love with the Bible, and with God, who is its source and inspiration.

20 Literalist: One who reads the Bible at face value, interpreting the Bible with the belief that the words are ‘literally’ true.

21 Contextualist: One who interprets the Bible by examining such questions as, “Who wrote it, when was it written, what was going on historically when it was written, who is the intended audience…?” Essentially, one who looks at the ‘context’ of the writing in an attempt to properly interpret it.

22 Divino Afflante Spiritu Pius XII 1943 Contextual v. Literal

23 Other Key Terms Tradition – the process of passing on the Church’s guidance and teachings on essential truths of faith Magisterium – the official teaching voice of the Church Salvation history – the story of God’s actions and the people’s responses over many centuries Torah – word meaning “law” or “instruction”; another word for the first 5 books (Pentateuch) Revelation – the self-communication of God and his will Word of God – what God reveals through both Scripture and Tradition

24 Scrolls PapyrusParchment

25 Development of Canon Old Testament New Testament Written 1,000 – 100 B.C.55 – 100 A.D. Period Covered 1,850 B.C. – 100 B.C.0 – 100 A.D.

26 Prehistory: ?-1850 BC Age of the Patriarchs: 1850-1700 BC Slavery in Egypt: 1700-1250 BC Age of Saviors: 1250-1000 BC United Kingdom of Israel: 1000-931 BC Age of Kings and Prophets: 931-587 BC Babylonian Exile: 587-537 BC Age of Rebuilding: 537-333 BC Age of Hellenism: 333-166 BC Maccabean Period: 166-63 BC Roman Period: 63 BC-Onward

27 Authors of the Pentateuch Yawhist900’s“YHWH” Elohist800’s“Elohim” Deuteronomist600’shmm… Priestly Author500’sRight worship/conduct

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