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CHURCH POWER AND CORRUPTION Claire Ziegler and Jessie Jacob.

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1 CHURCH POWER AND CORRUPTION Claire Ziegler and Jessie Jacob

2 AGE OF FAITH  Middle ages – Age of Faith In a failing society, faith in the church increased because people needed something to believe in.  Time between the fall of the Roman Empire and the Renaissance

3 AGE OF FAIH  Large role in society  Increase in church power

4 INFLUENCE ON SOCIETY  Politics Leaders of the church played an important role in Politics Ex. Archbishop of Canterbury was the Chancellor of England

5 INFLUENCE ON SOCIETY  People People followed laws through fear of punishment Laws derived through God/church  Punishment Guaranteed a long walk to hell Expulsion from church  Entertainment Festivals were held on Holidays – social opportunity

6 INFLUENCE ON SOCIETY  “Tithes” – Taxes Enforced by manorial court Usually paid through food, animals, gold, etc  Increased welfare

7 POWER  Available to all people  Establish papacy (Pope has dominance)  Missionaries were sent to expand the church  Bishop controlled the church hierarchy


9 CORRUPTION  Simony 1. The making of profit out of sacred things. 2. The sin of buying or selling ecclesiastical preferments, benefices, etc.  Indulgences Pay for cleansing of sins Clears punishment after death for sins Taught salvation was achieved through buying indulgences


11 CORRUPTION  Priests Rarely educated Led to poor religious services Meant to obtain chastity but engaged in relationships

12 WORKS CITED  "Money (Part 2) |" Fed By Ravens: Meat from the Mouths of Scavengers. Web. 22 Nov. 2011..  "Rock Church: Rock Church Holds Memories." RootsWeb: Freepages. Web. 22 Nov. 2011..\  "The Church in Medieval Life." ThinkQuest. Web. 21 Nov. 2011..  "The Church and the Middle Ages." Seidenberg School of Computer Science and Information Systems | Seidenberg School of Computer Science and Information Systems | Pace University. Web. 22 Nov. 2011..

13 WORKS CITED  "Heaven And Hell Bible - Heaven and Hell Bible Verses - Heaven and Hell Bible Verses Study - Heaven and Hell Bible Verses Study on Heaven and Hell Bible Verses Meaning, Heaven and Hell Bible Verses Explained, Heaven and Hell Bible Verses Message and How Heaven and Hell Bible Verses Message Affects You." Christian Website - Christian Website Ministry - Free Christian Website Community with Free Christian Websites Programs, Free Christian Websites Studies, Free Christian Websites Entertainment, Free Christian Websites Chat, Free Christian Websites Forums, Free Christian Websites Activities and Free Christian Websites Resources. Web. 22 Nov. 2011..  Walker Jr., Max. "Corruption of the Church in the Middle Ages." Ezine Articles. Web. 22 Nov. 2011..

14 WORKS CITED  "2004 January « The Life of the Law." The Life of the Law. Web. 22 Nov. 2011..  "Education Law Roundtable | Psab News and Notes." Psab News and Notes | Shouts and Murmurs from the Public Service Advisory Board at Washington Univ. School of Law. Web. 22 Nov. 2011..  "File:Orthodox Indulgence.jpg." Wikimedia Commons. Web. 22 Nov. 2011..  ""Parish": a Definition." The Victorian Web: An Overview. Web. 22 Nov. 2011. <

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