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Computers and English: A match made in Heaven ! 熊本県内高等学校英語教育研究大会 Kumamoto Prefecture High School English Teachers Conference 平成1 5 年1 1 月 1 3日 米岡ジュリ (Judy.

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Presentation on theme: "Computers and English: A match made in Heaven ! 熊本県内高等学校英語教育研究大会 Kumamoto Prefecture High School English Teachers Conference 平成1 5 年1 1 月 1 3日 米岡ジュリ (Judy."— Presentation transcript:


2 Computers and English: A match made in Heaven ! 熊本県内高等学校英語教育研究大会 Kumamoto Prefecture High School English Teachers Conference 平成1 5 年1 1 月 1 3日 米岡ジュリ (Judy Yoneoka) 熊本学園大学英米学科 (English Dept. Kumamoto GAKUEN University)

3 Why? Two requirements for being in the top 5% in the 21 st century: Computer ability and English ability

4 A quick survey 1 Do you know use E-mail? Chat or messenger services? BBS (bulletin boards)? Mailing lists? Online dictionaries or encyclopedias? Online translation sites?

5 A quick survey 2 At your school do you have use A computer lab? A language lab? Access to internet? Free student access after class? OFFICE (word, excel, powerpoint) MSN (AOL, etc.) messenger?

6 Facts about computers About 300 million computers in use in 1999 About 500 million users of Internet (and growing by leaps and bounds) Keitai users are internet users too! (I-mode, J-Sky, EZ-web)

7 Facts about English About 375 million ENL users (English as a native language) About 375 million ESL users (English as a second language) About 750 million EFL users (English as a foreign language) Graddoll 1995 =The most widely used language in the world! =3/4 of the world ’ s English users are non- native!

8 Links between Computers and English 70% of Internet home pages are in English 40% of Internet users are (native?) English speakers Iseri 2002 In Japan, over 95% of Japanese computer vocabulary is in Katakana In Africa: Internet usage in 2001 was almost 4 times higher in English countries than in non-English countries (although the latter outnumber the former by 33 to 22) Iseri 2002

9 Examples of computer use in my English classes my English classes Listening Writing Speaking World Englishes American Studies Current Events Computers and English

10 Approach to Computers and English ( Old Model ) Research Communication Education Keypals, home page creation, chat, presentations Educational home pages (Multimedia, Language, news, music, movies) Online journals, Corpora Computers and English

11 Communi- cation Education HP creation, Presentations Online journals, Corpora Research Mailing lists, BBS, keypals, chat rooms Language, news, music, movie HPs ETC E-learning, Blended learning Dictionaries Encyclopedias Resource HPS Surveys Polls =Field work =Reference =Interaction New Model

12 As Education Materials “ Leading students to drink ” My study page One exampleexample English conversation, games, quizzes, travel sites, translation sites, on-line dictionaries, etc. Listening pages Movie trailers News files and scripts Englishes dialects

13 As a Communication Tool “ Linking with the World ” Keypal sites ( ) US 58%、 UK 16%、 Australia 13% Canada 11% France 19%、 Korea 14%、 China, Italy 7%、 Germany, Russia, Spain 5%、 Brazil, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Sweden …Hong Kong, Africa ? North Korea! Partner classes Mailing lists (Kumamoto-I)Kumamoto-I Chat PowerPoint presentations English conversation: online menusonline menus

14 As a Research Tool “ finding information ” Translation Sites Translation Sites Online dictionaries Online encyclopedias Questionnaires (polls)polls Traveling Corpus research Answering “ Thank you ” Answering “ Thank you ”

15 Current Events: an example of blended learning Current events home page hp Current events home pagehp A sample quiz Passwords Chat room A sample chat room day Using excel for grading

16 A Chat about Chat Three types of chat: Open chat (ICQ, excite) can meet and talk with anyone Semi-private chat (MSN messenger) uses a buddy list Password chat (current events) must use the same password

17 Dilemma 1: Misconceptions Arts vs. Sciences Computers=>computing The “ better safe than sorry ” syndrome The Internet jungle Learning is not playing No sound, no games, no chat = no fun!

18 Dilemma 2: Lack of Resources No free-time use No time for authoring No specialists

19 Dilemma 3: True Dangers Misinformation Internet predators Internet crime Plaigarism

20 The future: Towards E-learning US education : Most US universities offer distance education programs High school programs are available too High school programs

21 Japanese education : the die is being cast Monbukagakusho preparations distance learning: up to 60 credits lifelong learning Interuniversity cooperation general education ( 総合学習) University/high school cooperation ( 高大連携) The Okayama University of Science program University credits for high school students!

22 Possibilities and Proposals 1 Introduction to American Studies Introduction to American Studies ( アメリカ事情)事情 Requirements: Room with one computer per student Video/web camera with sound Home or school free access time (net caf é ok too) MSN messenger (free messaging software) Or

23 Possibilities and Proposals 2 Information Processing Seminar 1 ( 情報処理演習1)演習 Requirements: All of the above and word, excel (office) Hidemon, Letter chase (free typing software) AND MOST OF ALL: AN ENTHUSIASTIC PARTNER !

24 Other Considerations Time schedules 5 th period 4:20-5:50 School restrictions Convincing authorities And …..?

25 A match made in heaven! The match is burning — Shall we light a fire? Thank you. Comments or questions?

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