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Published byPaulina Nicholson Modified over 9 years ago
What is American culture known for?
What does our culture teach us about Jesus? He’s a nice guy. He was just a man. His followers are goofy. He’s not involved. He gets votes. He was all about love.
How much of my expectation for the Christian life is defined by my culture?
Tullian Tchividjian, Unfashionable (37): Therapeutic techniques, marketing strategies, and the beat of the entertainment world often have far more influence over how we live and think, what we like and don't like, than does the Word of God.... We absorb the values and worldview of our current culture without ever asking, 'What does the Bible say about this?'
The Culture of Heaven Jesus started his ministry preaching a new culture! The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand! (Matthew 4:17)
The Culture of Heaven 1. Our Money 2. Our Relationships 3. Our Faith
The Culture of Heaven 1. Our Money How much of my attitude about money derives from the culture of Heaven? How much derives from American culture?
The Culture of Heaven 1. Our Money Malachi 3:8-12 "Should people cheat God? Yet you have cheated me! But you ask, 'What do you mean? When did we ever cheat you?' You have cheated me of the tithes and offerings due to me. You are under a curse, for your whole nation has been cheating me. Bring all the tithes into the storehouse so there will be enough food in my Temple. If you do," says the Lord of Heaven’s Armies…
The Culture of Heaven 1. Our Money "I will open the windows of heaven for you. I will pour out a blessing so great you won't have enough room to take it in! Try it! Put me to the test! Your crops will be abundant, for I will guard them from insects and disease. Your grapes will not fall from the vine before they are ripe," says the Lord of Heaven's Armies. "Then all nations will call you blessed, for your land will be such a delight," says the Lord of Heaven's Armies. Malachi 3:8-12
The Culture of Heaven 1. Our Money Luke 6:38 Give, and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full - pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back.
The Culture of Heaven 1. Our Money Matthew 6:19-21 Don't store up treasures here on earth, where moths eat them and rust destroys them, and where thieves break in and steal. Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal. Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be.
The Culture of Heaven 1. Our Money Isaiah 55:1-2 Is anyone thirsty? Come and drink — even if you have no money! Come, take your choice of wine or milk — it's all free! Why spend your money on food that does not give you strength? Why pay for food that does you no good? Listen to me, and you will eat what is good. You will enjoy the finest food.
The Culture of Heaven 2. Our Relationships How much of my attitude about dating derives from the culture of Heaven? How much derives from American culture?
The Culture of Heaven 2. Our Relationships 1 Thessalonians 4:3-8 God's will is for you to be holy, so stay away from all sexual sin. Then each of you will control his own body and live in holiness and honor — not in lustful passion like the pagans who do not know God and his ways…
The Culture of Heaven 2. Our Relationships 1 Thessalonians 4:3-8 Never harm or cheat a Christian brother in this matter, for the Lord avenges all such sins, as we have solemnly warned you before. God has called us to live holy lives, not impure lives. Therefore, anyone who refuses to live by these rules is not disobeying human teaching but is rejecting God, who gives his Holy Spirit to you.
The Culture of Heaven 2. Our Relationships 1 Timothy 5:2 Treat older women as you would your mother, and treat younger women with all purity as you would your own sisters.
The Culture of Heaven 2. Our Relationships 2 Corinthians 1:12 We can say with confidence and a clear conscience that we have lived with a God-given holiness and sincerity in all our dealings. We have depended on God’s grace, not on our own human wisdom. That is how we have conducted ourselves before the world, and especially toward you.
The Culture of Heaven 3. Our Faith How much of my attitude about my faith derives from the culture of Heaven? How much derives from American culture?
The Culture of Heaven 3. Our Faith Matthew 13:53-58 When Jesus had finished telling these stories and illustrations, he left that part of the country. He returned to Nazareth, his hometown. When he taught there in the synagogue, everyone was amazed and said, "Where does he get this wisdom and the power to do miracles?" Then they scoffed, "He's just the carpenter's son, and we know Mary, his mother, and his brothers — James, Joseph, Simon, and Judas…
The Culture of Heaven 3. Our Faith Matthew 13:53-58 All his sisters live right here among us. Where did he learn all these things?" And they were deeply offended and refused to believe in him. Then Jesus told them, "A prophet is honored everywhere except in his own hometown and among his own family." And so he did only a few miracles there because of their unbelief.
The Culture of Heaven 3. Our Faith Romans 3:3-4 True, some of them were unfaithful (anti-faith); but just because they were unfaithful (anti-faith), does that mean God will be unfaithful (anti-faith)? Of course not! Even if everyone else is a liar, God is true.
The Culture of Heaven 3. Our Faith Mark 16:15-18 And then he told them, "Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone. Anyone who believes and is baptized will be saved. But anyone who refuses to believe will be condemned…
The Culture of Heaven 3. Our Faith Mark 16:15-18 These miraculous signs will accompany those who believe: They will cast out demons in my name, and they will speak in new languages. They will be able to handle snakes with safety, and if they drink anything poisonous, it won’t hurt them. They will be able to place their hands on the sick, and they will be healed."
The Culture of Heaven A Transformative Power! New thinking New goals New plans New belief New “normal” New purpose New power New life New reality New humanity
The Culture of Heaven 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 We are human, but we don't wage war as humans do. We use God's mighty weapons, not worldly weapons, to knock down the strongholds of human reasoning and to destroy false arguments. We destroy every proud obstacle that keeps people from knowing God. We capture their rebellious thoughts and teach them to obey Christ.
The Culture of Heaven Romans 12:1-2 And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice — the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him. Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.
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