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Published byGwendolyn Bryant Modified over 9 years ago
Adult II Couples Class
PhysicalSpiritualPracticalChurchMisc -The Savages -Country Haven Church -Heup Family -Tony: Cancer treatments -Cathy Laster: Cancer treatments -Abraham Garcia: Cancer treatments -Griffith Goodyear -Harold Allen -Jim Riva: Leukemia -Global Missions Offering -Woffords Traveling
Benevolence Fund Pastor Appreciation R.E.A.P. (A-Team) Scripture Readers Needed Monthly Fellowships October?? November?? December - Woffords Dinner out Friday (26 Oct) 5th Sunday Breakfast (30 Dec) Betts Box Quarterly Service Project Samaria Project: $750 raised!! Crocheting Class (20, 27 Oct) Men’s Golf Scramble (20 Oct) Homecoming (21 Oct) Olive Grove Terrace Visitation (28 Oct) Harvest Festival (31 Oct) Goulde Shower (4 Nov)
Adult II Couples Class
Creation: God reveals His goodness through creation and His mercy in response to sin. Patriarchs: God reveals His response to the faithfulness of men (Job, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph). Exodus: God liberates Israel, and leads them to the Pro- mised Land and shapes them into a nation holy to Himself. Conquest: Joshua, relying on God’s presence and power, leads Israel to possess and settle the Promised Land. Judges: Every man does what is right in his own eyes, and Israel falls into the sin cycle.
Kingdom: God raises up a suc-cession of kings from Saul to Solomon who rule over a united Israel. Divided: Israel divides into the northern and southern king- doms and each descends into rebellion and idolatry, inciting God’s judgment. Captivity: A succession of wicked kings brings God’s judg-ment of captivity on first Israel, then Judah. God moves to preserve a remnant of Judah for seventy years in Babylon. Return: After the seventy years, God moves in the hearts of pagan kings to authorize the rebuilding of Jerusalem’s temple and allow His people to return to their own land. Silent: After the Jews return, God is silent for 400 years. Israel builds religious schools that evolve to teach religious interpretations of God’s Law rather than the Law itself.
Iva May and Dr. Stan May
The King’s ministry begins with initial reception and crowds be- gin to follow Jesus throughout His ministryThe King’s ministry begins with initial reception and crowds be- gin to follow Jesus throughout His ministry He heals the blind He heals the blind Causes the lame to walk Causes the lame to walk Cleanses lepers Cleanses lepers Preaches the gospel to the poor Preaches the gospel to the poor Feeds the multitude on two occasions Feeds the multitude on two occasions He guards against those who wish to make Him an earthly king by forceHe guards against those who wish to make Him an earthly king by force He is not a common earthly monarch He is not a common earthly monarch His kingdom is not of this world His kingdom is not of this world
He begins to make demands of those who would follow HimHe begins to make demands of those who would follow Him The crowds begin to drift away The crowds begin to drift away Only those who are truly committed remain Only those who are truly committed remain To these remaining disciples, He begins to reveal the true nature of His kingdom and those who serve in itTo these remaining disciples, He begins to reveal the true nature of His kingdom and those who serve in it Only those with the attitude of a child may enter into His kingdom Only those with the attitude of a child may enter into His kingdom All must swear full allegiance only to the King All must swear full allegiance only to the King
There is a cost to those who desire to follow Christ and choose His kingdom over this worldThere is a cost to those who desire to follow Christ and choose His kingdom over this world This truth is demonstrated in the account of the rich young ruler whose reliance upon the security of his wealth prevents him from entering the kingdom of heavenThis truth is demonstrated in the account of the rich young ruler whose reliance upon the security of his wealth prevents him from entering the kingdom of heaven
How many loaves of bread did Jesus use to feed the 4,000? “…and He took the seven loaves and the fish; and giving thanks, He broke them and started giving them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the people. And they all ate and were satisfied, ” (Matthew 15:36-37) Who appeared with Jesus on the mount of the transfiguration? “Elijah appeared to them along with Moses; and they were talking with Jesus. ” (Mark 9:4) What did James and John suggest as a parting gift for the Samaritan village that refused to welcome Jesus and His disciples on their journey to Jerusalem? “When His disciples James and John saw this, they said, “Lord, do You want us to command fire to come down from heaven and consume them?” (Luke 9:54)
The Syrophoenician woman petitioned Jesus to heal her daughter, but he initially refused, saying it wasn’t right to take the children’s bread and give it to dogs. What did she say to impress Jesus so that he healed her daughter? “But she answered and said to Him, “Yes, Lord, but even the dogs under the table feed on the children’s crumbs.” (Mark 7:28) What was the going price for five sparrows in Jesus’ day? “Are not five sparrows sold for two cents? Yet not one of them is forgotten before God.” (Luke 12:6)
Adult II Couples Class
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