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Possible Symptoms of Poor PBA

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1 Possible Symptoms of Poor PBA
You cave in to peer pressure easily. You wrestle with feelings of depression and inferiority. You’re overly concerned about what others think of you. You act arrogant to help hide your insecurities. You self-destruct by making negative choices: drugs, alcohol, etc.! You get jealous easily, especially when someone close to you succeeds.

2 Possible Symptoms of a Healthy PBA
You stand up for yourself and resist peer pressure. You’re not overly concerned about being popular. You see life as a generally positive experience. You trust yourself. You are goal driven. You are happy for the success of others.

3 PBA Deposits PBA Withdrawals
Keep promises to yourself Break personal promises Do small acts of kindness Keep to yourself Be gentle with yourself Beat yourself up Be honest Be dishonest Renew yourself Wear yourself out Tap into your talents. Neglect your talents

4 How are your relationships with…… Lousy Excellent
Your friends? 1 2 3 4 5 Your siblings? Your parents or guardian? Your girlfriend or boyfriend? Your teachers?

5 Relationship Bank Acct. Deposits Relationship Bank Acct. Withdrawals
Keep promises Break promises Do small acts of kindness Keep to yourself Be loyal Gossip and break confidences Listen Don’t listen Say you’re sorry Be arrogant Set clear expectations Set false expectations

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