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New Testament BCM 103 Dr. Dave Mathewson Gordon College/Denver Seminary.

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Presentation on theme: "New Testament BCM 103 Dr. Dave Mathewson Gordon College/Denver Seminary."— Presentation transcript:

1 New Testament BCM 103 Dr. Dave Mathewson Gordon College/Denver Seminary

2 Galatians Judaizers –circumcision and the true people of God Judaizers –circumcision and the true people of God Don’t rely on law but faith in Christ Don’t rely on law but faith in Christ Law doesn’t need to play a role in lives of Gentile Christians Law doesn’t need to play a role in lives of Gentile Christians

3 Contrast in Galatians Life in present world Who I am in Christ Life in present world Who I am in Christ Sin Death Flesh law Life Righteousness Holy Spirit

4 Galatians in Rhetorical Criticism Epistolary Prescript (1.1-5) Epistolary Prescript (1.1-5) Exordium – statemet of problem (1.6-11) Exordium – statemet of problem (1.6-11) Narratio – thesis and facts (1.12-2.14) Narratio – thesis and facts (1.12-2.14) Propositio – summary of points of Propositio – summary of points of agreement (2.15-21) agreement (2.15-21) Probatio – proofs and support (3.1-4.31) Probatio – proofs and support (3.1-4.31) Exhortatio – exhortations (5.1-6.10) Exhortatio – exhortations (5.1-6.10) Epistolary Postscript – (6.11-18) Epistolary Postscript – (6.11-18)

5 Contrast in Galatians Life in present world Who I am in Christ Life in present world Who I am in Christ Sin Death Flesh law Life Righteousness Holy Spirit

6 Galatians 1-2 Paul’s life before his conversion 1:13-14 Paul’s life before his conversion 1:13-14 Summary of Paul’s life in Judaism Summary of Paul’s life in Judaism Paul’s conversion 1:15-17 Paul’s conversion 1:15-17 Paul’s life after his conversion 1:18-2:15 Paul’s life after his conversion 1:18-2:15 Connection with the situation in Galatia Connection with the situation in Galatia

7 Why the law cannot save? Saved by faith not by works of law: Galatians 2:16f Saved by faith not by works of law: Galatians 2:16f Luther  legalistic works contra faith Luther  legalistic works contra faith New Perspective  not against legalism but exclusivism/nationalism (Gentiles/Jew) New Perspective  not against legalism but exclusivism/nationalism (Gentiles/Jew) No one can keep it perfectly (3:10) No one can keep it perfectly (3:10) The Law was only meant to be temporary, until the coming of Christ (Chaps. 3-4) The Law was only meant to be temporary, until the coming of Christ (Chaps. 3-4)

8 The Law in History Promise to → (Mosaic Law) → Fulfillment Promise to → (Mosaic Law) → Fulfillment Abraham temporary role in Christ Abraham temporary role in Christ Gal 3:17 law after promise to Abraham Christ brings fulfillment Gal 3:17 law after promise to Abraham Christ brings fulfillment Argument from culture 3:23ff Argument from culture 3:23ff Law Jailor/Schoolmaster [disciplinarian] to bring us to Christ—why go backwards? Law Jailor/Schoolmaster [disciplinarian] to bring us to Christ—why go backwards? Paul mounting case against Judaizers Paul mounting case against Judaizers

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