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 As we go through these slides, you will make a study dictionary of some of your vocabulary words.  For each word you will draw a picture to help you.

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Presentation on theme: " As we go through these slides, you will make a study dictionary of some of your vocabulary words.  For each word you will draw a picture to help you."— Presentation transcript:

1  As we go through these slides, you will make a study dictionary of some of your vocabulary words.  For each word you will draw a picture to help you visualize what it means.  Vocabulary words: reflection, angle of incidence, angle of reflection, refraction, diffraction, interference, constructive interference, destructive interference, standing wave, nodes, antinodes, resonance, seismic waves, primary waves, secondary waves, surface waves, and seismographs



4 Wide gap = small diffractio n effect Narrow gap = large diffraction effect Large wavelength = large diffraction effect DIFFRACTION

5 CONSTRUCTIVE INTERFERANCE  Helping each other  2 waves combine to make a LARGER amplitude DESTRUCTIVE INTERFERANCE Destruct = destroy 2 waves combine to make a SMALLER amplitude

6  When an incoming wave and reflected wave combine at a specific place, the wave APPEARS to be standing still.  In reality, the waves are just passing through each other.


8  Yesterday we watched water in the bucket continue to vibrate long after the disturbance was over. This is an example of resonance.  Examples: Pushing someone in a swing, jumping rope, rolling a bowling ball back and forth with someone




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