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Conflict Management Consideration of Others Conflict Management b What is the definition of CONFLICT? b Originally defined as “striking at another”,

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2 Conflict Management Consideration of Others

3 Conflict Management b What is the definition of CONFLICT? b Originally defined as “striking at another”, “to fight with the enemy or do battle with opposing forces”. b Later meanings included “being antagonistic”, or “a clash between contradictory impulses between individuals.

4 Conflict Management b Some of conflicts in my lifetime: b ‘48-’49: Israeli-Arab War, also ‘67 & ‘73 b Korea: ‘50-‘53 b Vietnam: ‘61- ‘75 b India - Pakistan (Bangladesh) War: ‘71 b Soviet occupation of Afghanistan: ‘79-‘89 b Iran - Iraq War: ‘80-‘88 b Falkland Island War: ‘83

5 Conflict Management b Grenada invasion - ‘83 b Iran-contra affair-Khomeini/Shah/Ollie N b Panama invasion - ‘89 (Noriega) b South Africa-Namibia, etc 1 1/2 M killed b Indonesia-E. Timor, Suharto killed 700,000 b Cambodia-Pol Pot & Khmer Rouge b Philippines-Ferdinand Marcos: ‘72 b Iraq-Hussein: crushed Shi’ites & Kurds

6 Conflict Management b Libya: COL Gaddafi - Marine barracks Leb b Uganda: Idi Amin ‘71-‘79, Entebbe b Romania: Nicolae Ceausescu b Rwanda: ‘94, almost one million killed b Somalia: Hassan vs Aideed, 300 K dead b Angola: 70 K amputees, 17 K < 15 years old b North vs South Korea - DMZ violations, tree

7 Conflict Management b Chinese - Tiananmen Sq: ‘89 - 158 still in jail b Haiti: ‘84 - Uphold Democracy - Aristide b U.S. vs Cuba - Bay of Pigs b Sri Lanka - Tamil vs Sinhalese b Munich ‘72 - 11 Israeli athletes killed b Nicaragua vs United States - Somoza b South Africa - apartheid b Unification of East/West Germany

8 Terrorism & the U.S b 10/83 - Bombing of Beruit Marine Barracks b 12/88 - Pan Am Fl 103, Lockerbie, Scotland b 8/92 - Ruby Ridge, ID Mother, son, and U.S. Marshall killed: while separatism, relig mil b 3/96 - Montana Freemen - rejected federal and state authority b 2/93 - Br Davidians, 69 died, 51 day siege

9 Terrorism & the U.S. b 1/93 - Pakistani national kills 2, wounds 3 outside CIA HQ at Langley, VA b 2/93 - World Trade Center - Islamic Fundamentalists kill 6, injure 1050 b 4/95 - Oklahoma City Federal Bldg - Tim McVeigh killed 168 b 7/97 - Olympic Cent. Park, 2 dead, 110 hurt

10 Conflict Management b Poland & Solidarity - Lech Walensa b East & West German unification b Former USSR - Georgia/Chechnya, etc. b India vs Pakistan - nuclear explosions b Greek vs Turkish Cypriots since ‘7 4 b Ireland: IRA & Sinn Fein b Former Yugoslavia - Bosnians/Serbs/Croat

11 Conflict Management b Local conflicts b State - funding priorities b County - population control b City - school problems b APG - downsizing problems b CHPPM - building inadequacies b DEDS - deployments

12 The Nature of Conflict bCbCbCbConflict inevitable when together for time bDbDbDbDifferent people will have different viewpoints, ideas, and opinions bObObObOccurs when no internal harmony within a person, or whenever there is a dispute between individuals bWbWbWbWhen you hear conflict, what kind of picture comes to mind?

13 Negative Connotations (Associated with Conflict Situations) b Getting b Getting angry is a waste of time b They b They won’t understand me b I’m b I’m afraid of the consequences b Confrontation b Confrontation is unprofessional b They b They will only counter my argument

14 Levels of Conflict b Intrapersonal conflict - experience that takes place within the individual. b Occurs when there is a disagreement between how a person feels about their behavior versus how they really act. b E.G. A soldier who feels guilty about telling sexual or ethnic jokes but vigorously participates when friends are around.

15 Levels of Conflict b Interpersonal conflict - Experiences between individuals in the same location, e.g. coworkers, roommates, team members. b Exists whenever people interact or come together to accomplish a common goal. b Their background, personality and experiences being different may make attainment of the goal quite difficult.

16 Levels of Conflict b Intragroup conflict - Conflict between groups in the same organization/command b Occurs whenever there is contact or interaction between groups. b Sources of conflict = issues of group cohesion, “sticking together”, leadership and status, power or influence, and lack of or limited resources.

17 Sources of Conflict b Different values and beliefs b Role pressure or clarification b Perception differences b Diverse goals or objectives b Group status or identity b Race, ethnicity, or gender differences

18 Sources of Conflict b Personality clash b Competition for limited resources b Disagreement on how things done b Personal, self, or group interest b Tension and stress b Power and influence b Examples of above from own experiences?

19 Negative Factors of Conflict b Diverts attention from important issues b May damage morale b May cause polarization b Reinforces differences in values b Produces regrettable behaviors

20 Positive Factors of Conflict b Stimulates interest b Forum for discussions b Increases cohesiveness b Promotes change b Provides means to work together

21 Methods of Managing Conflict b Denial or Avoidance b Suppression b Power or Dominance b Third Party Intervention b Compromise or Negotiation b Integration or Collaboration

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