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The Role of Reputation: History, Status and Outlook of Romany and Basque.

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Presentation on theme: "The Role of Reputation: History, Status and Outlook of Romany and Basque."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Role of Reputation: History, Status and Outlook of Romany and Basque

2 Introduction  Romany & Basque Similarities Similarities Mysterious HistoriesMysterious Histories Plagued with poor reputationsPlagued with poor reputations Differences Differences Land ClaimsLand Claims Economic StatusEconomic Status State RecognitionState Recognition

3 Romany

4 History of the Roma People  Centuries ago the Roma migrated to Europe from Northern India.  In the 18 th Century a linguistic link between Romany and Sanskrit was discovered.  Traveling musicians, blacksmiths, pot menders, entertainers.  Highly persecuted throughout history.  Stereotyped predominantly as thieves.

5 Status of Romany  Approximately 1.5-4.5 Million speakers  Many dialects A collection of related languages that comprise all the members of a single genetic subgroup. A collection of related languages that comprise all the members of a single genetic subgroup.  No Official Status in Europe  Falls under the protection of the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages

6 Outlook of Romany  Many do not identify themselves as Roma  Traditional lifestyles clash with modern societies  BUT transnational organizations have emerged to promote the rights of the Roma and the preservation of Romany.

7 Basque

8 History of Basque  Language Isolate  Languages of the Region were: Latin Latin French or Castilian Spanish French or Castilian Spanish  Basque Nationalist Movement began in the middle of the 19 th Century.  In 1950s, the nationalism swelled into separatism.

9 Status of Basque  A standardized Basque Grammar was published in 1968.  Schools began using Basque as the primary language of instruction.  In 1982 Basque became one of the official languages of the region.  There are approximately 600,000 speakers, primarily in Spain and France.  Basque is protected under the European Charter for Regional and Minority Languages.

10 Outlook of Basque  Strong associations of language with culture and nationalism.  Today there are: Daily newspapers Websites and Institutes promoting Basque Study Abroad Programs Pop Music in Basque  Recently Basque gained recognition as a working language within the EU.

11 Conclusion  Basque and Romany are endangered languages with very different statuses.  Basque’s advantages: Claim to land and standardized language Claim to land and standardized language Strong nationalism associated with language Strong nationalism associated with language Traditionally European Traditionally European Recognized and protected by Spain and the EU Recognized and protected by Spain and the EU  Romany’s Advantages: Nomadic group with limited contact with outsiders Nomadic group with limited contact with outsiders Over 1 million speakers Over 1 million speakers Recent enlargement of EU could be advantageous Recent enlargement of EU could be advantageous  At the current state, Basque has managed to overcome its image as terrorists and appears to have a much better chance for survival.

12 Bibliography  “Basque Language.” 25 Sep. 2005. Wikipedia. 26 Sep. 2005  “Basque Nationalism.” 21 Sep. 2005. Wikipedia. 26 Sep. 2005  Bretting, J. (2003). “The East European Gypsies: Regime Change, Marginality, and Ethnopolitics.” The Journal of Politics 65(3), 935-937.  Capras, D. “Go Europe--Use English.” Spotlight 15 Jun 2005. 26 Sep 2005  Durnescu, I. et. al. (2002), “Incidence and Characteristics of Rroma Men in Romanian Prisons.” The Howard Journal of Criminal Justice 41(3), 237-244.  European Charter for Minority and Regional Languages (2005). Wikipedia. Nov 1, 2005  Green, J. (1999). “Language: Romany Rise.” Critical Quarterly 41(3), 118-122.  Guglielmo, R. & Waters T. (2005). “Migrating Towards Minority Status: Shifting European Policy towards Roma.” Journal of Common Market Studies 43(4), 763-86.  “Language Isolate.” 25 Sep. 2005. Wikipedia. 26 Sep. 2005  Posavek & Hrvatic (2000). “Intercultural education and Roma in Croatia.” Intercultural Education 11(1), 93-105.  “Regional and minority languages of the European Union.” Education and Training. 28 Feb. 2005. Europa. 26 Sep. 2005  Romany (2005). Wikipedia. Nov 1, 2005  Roma People (2005). Wikipedia. Nov 1, 2005  Salleh, A. (2004). “Romany Gypsies came out of India.” News in Science. Nov 1, 2005  Sever, I. (1999). “The Never-Ending Roma Question.” The Patrin Web Journal. Nov 1, 2005  Tejerina, B. (2001). “Protest cycle, political violence and social movements in the Basque Country.” Nations and Nationalism 7(1), 39-57.  “The languages of Spain.” Cyberspain. 26 Sep. 2005  Urla, J. (2003). “Euskara: the 'terror' of a European minority language.” Anthropology Today, 19(4), 1-3.

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