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Expatriate Reduction and Mariachi Circles Trends in MNC Human-Resource Practices in Mexico 劉慧琴.

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2 Expatriate Reduction and Mariachi Circles Trends in MNC Human-Resource Practices in Mexico 劉慧琴

3 SIHRM(strategic international human- resource management) * The lessons learned from studies conducted in other regions may not generalize to Latin America. * SIHRM practices of MNCs in Mexico

4 * 樣本 : 57 MNCs *4 cities: Ciudad Juarez(1993), Chihuahua City(1993), Guadalajara(1995), Monterrey(1995-1996) A series of studies( 研究資料及 樣本 )

5 Outline conflict between Mexican and expatriate managers(due to the lack of Spanish-language skills and to the imposition of a North- American managerial style on Mexican subordinates) MNC staffing policies these firms use Japanese management techniques(JMTs)

6 Expatriates and expatriate reduction Trend: U.S. MNCs to replace parent-company expatriates with host-country managers * Three explanations: 1. Cost is more 2-3 times than domestic salary 2. Lack of foreign-language and cross-cultural skills 3. Colonial mentality

7 The transfer of Japanese management techniques overseas * Japanese practices: such as “open communication, consensus-style decision making, job rotation, seniority-based wages…

8 Key components of Mexican culture U.S. vs. Mexico

9 Mexico vs. Japan ● Mexico * autocratic * employees must be loyal to their boss ● Japan * bottom-up decision * relatively open communication * continuous improvement

10 Research methods Interviews : plant manager, HR director, managers of other positions, employees 57 managers: 9 expatriates from U.S. 48 Mexican nationals

11 maquiladora (42 firms): these firms typically import all their raw materials into Mexico, process those goods using low-cost Mexican labor, and then export all of their production mariachi circles ( 墨西哥街頭樂隊 ) = Quality circles( 品管圈) 名詞解釋

12 A clash of cultures: Expatriates on the border Maquiladoras in Juarez(located on the U.S.--Mexican border) The border location certainly made it easier for expatriates, it contributed to another problems. Expatriates don’t want to learn Spanish.

13 * Separating the payroll systems * 墨西哥管理者對美國的外派人員之觀 點: 1. 缺乏跨 文化訓練以及不願學習當地語言。 2. 美國工程師當上司作錯的時候,就直接了當 說出來,在墨西哥主管的想法,這樣是貶低上 司的專業及權威。 A clash of cultures: Expatriates on the border( 續上 )

14 A clash of cultures: Expatriates reduction in interior cities Reason: 1. Cost 2. Development of local managers

15 No significant conflict between Mexican managers and expatriates from Japan or Europe. * 歐洲的外派人員有先前多個國家的 經驗. * 日本是因為通常先從美國設廠, 然後 再到墨西哥設廠,所以至少有一個以 上的文化學習經驗.

16 Implementing Japanese management techniques(JMT) * create a quality tradition break down the status and power distance * preferred to hire young people * Quality techniques needed to be modified => Quality circles mariachi circles * Mexican worker:

17 Conclusions and suggestions for future research Limitations: 1. Data source - largely relied on statements made by MNC managers 2. The issue of conflict between Mexican and expatriate employees is very sensitive 3. Focused on MNC activity in only 4 cities

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