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Inclusivity as a precondition of integration Ethnicization of a Public Sphere in Central Europe as a Structural Problem. Summer School on Migration and.

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Presentation on theme: "Inclusivity as a precondition of integration Ethnicization of a Public Sphere in Central Europe as a Structural Problem. Summer School on Migration and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Inclusivity as a precondition of integration Ethnicization of a Public Sphere in Central Europe as a Structural Problem. Summer School on Migration and Integration České Budějovice, September 1-6, 2013 Michal Vašečka Masaryk University, Brno

2 Presentation Thesis One of few spheres where Central European countries have not been changing since 1989 is inability to change their ethnicized character and to move toward post-national era. Integration policies failed in most of countries of Central Europe due to structural reasons. In fact, they will remain unsuccessful without changes of a nation state character, constitutional changes, and precise definition of integration aims. Example of Slovakia as an ethicized country shows that the major issue is non- inclusiveness.

3 Transformation of CE countries after 1989 Unparallel transformation in all of its dimensions (economic, political, societal, moral) Unparallel transformation in all of its dimensions (economic, political, societal, moral) But very few changes occurred in a sphere of de-ethnicization of public policies. Discrepancy between multiple identities of post-modern era and 19th century type of nation state in CE countries rises. But very few changes occurred in a sphere of de-ethnicization of public policies. Discrepancy between multiple identities of post-modern era and 19th century type of nation state in CE countries rises. In spite of adopting all possible legal norms on protection of migrants and minorities, their equal status has not been secured so far. In spite of adopting all possible legal norms on protection of migrants and minorities, their equal status has not been secured so far.

4 Integration in 21st century - how to integrate or where to integrate? Difficulties to define what we mean by a nation (PACE) Difficulties to define what we mean by a nation (PACE) Eastern model versus Western model Eastern model versus Western model Kultursnation versus Staatsnation Kultursnation versus Staatsnation Ethnic model versus Civic model Ethnic model versus Civic model Cultural versus Voluntaristic model Cultural versus Voluntaristic model Primordialism – constructivism Primordialism – constructivism Blood-based primorialist type of nationalism in CE Blood-based primorialist type of nationalism in CE

5 Territorization of national identity in CE 19. century – nationalistic era – necessity to chose out of identities 19. century – nationalistic era – necessity to chose out of identities After 1918 – process of „fortification“ inside of borders of nation states in CEE After 1918 – process of „fortification“ inside of borders of nation states in CEE After 1945 – finalizing of the homogenous states building in CEE After 1945 – finalizing of the homogenous states building in CEE After 1989 – unification of the „nation“ over borders of the nation state (taking care of so-called ex-patriots) After 1989 – unification of the „nation“ over borders of the nation state (taking care of so-called ex-patriots) Clash with modern understanding of citizenship and disputes between countries are just a result of specific self-definitions of „imaginative communities“ Clash with modern understanding of citizenship and disputes between countries are just a result of specific self-definitions of „imaginative communities“

6 Ethnicized Citizenship in CE Countries Although modern national states create a „cocktail“ of civic and ethnic traditions, CE countries are rather ethnically defined with many differences in constitutional codifications of a nation. Although modern national states create a „cocktail“ of civic and ethnic traditions, CE countries are rather ethnically defined with many differences in constitutional codifications of a nation. Citizenship in CE is a mixture of ius soli and ius sanguini principles, but understood rather in ethnic terms. Citizenship in CE is a mixture of ius soli and ius sanguini principles, but understood rather in ethnic terms. It is reflected mostly in: It is reflected mostly in: 1. Constitutional Codifications 2. Modes of acquisition of citizenship 3. Ex-patriots policies Lack of thinking in terms of de-ethnicized or post-national citizenship. Lack of thinking in terms of de-ethnicized or post-national citizenship. Civic and ethnic dimensions of the modern citizenship still clash with each other: Civic and ethnic dimensions of the modern citizenship still clash with each other: Egalitarian, Democratic, Socially consequential  Sacred, National, Unique

7 CE constitutional codifications of a nation 1. Civic Codification (Czech republic) 1. Civic Codification (Czech republic) 2. Patriotic mixture of ethnic and civic codifications (Poland) 2. Patriotic mixture of ethnic and civic codifications (Poland) 3. Civic codification combined with externally focused ethnic codification (Hungary until 2011); 3. Civic codification combined with externally focused ethnic codification (Hungary until 2011); 4. Ethnic codification that defines sovereignty of a „volk“ as a participation and cooperation between ethnic majority and minorities (Slovakia) 4. Ethnic codification that defines sovereignty of a „volk“ as a participation and cooperation between ethnic majority and minorities (Slovakia) 5. Ethnic codification (Hungary since 2011) 5. Ethnic codification (Hungary since 2011)

8 Core of the problem… How to become part of the core. Integration in both social and civic terms rests on the concept of equal opportunities for all. In socio-economic terms, minorities must have equal opportunities to lead just as dignified, independent and active lives as the rest of the population. Integration in both social and civic terms rests on the concept of equal opportunities for all. In socio-economic terms, minorities must have equal opportunities to lead just as dignified, independent and active lives as the rest of the population. Integration is successful when minorities become part of the core in all aspects of life - social, societal, economic, cultural, and symbolic ones. Integration cannot be successful in situation when minorities have problems to penetrate into the core of society. Integration is successful when minorities become part of the core in all aspects of life - social, societal, economic, cultural, and symbolic ones. Integration cannot be successful in situation when minorities have problems to penetrate into the core of society.

9 Core and out groups - ideal type People with permanent residence Citizens of the country

10 Core and out groups in Slovakia- division of the out group Citizens of the country Ethnic Slovaks People with permanent residence

11 Core and out groups in Slovakia – complex analysis People with permanent residence People born in Slovakia Slovaks born in Slovakia, with multiple identities Slovaks not born in Slovakia Citizens of Slovakia Mythological „core“Slovaks

12 Core and out groups in Slovakia – media coverage and simplification in every-day life „Bad Slovaks“ (cosmopolitan, with various identities, „de-mythologizied“) „Good Slovaks“ (no matter of their citizenship) Non-citizens (with permanent residence) Non-Slovaks (citizens)

13 Failures of Integration Policies: Logical Consequence of Unclear Goals of these Policies It is not clear what goals CE government want to achieve. And it hardly can be clear - on one side these countries promise to do everything they can to integrate both migrant and autochtonous minorities and on the other minorities threaten social cohesion of ethnically defined countries. The most important reason behind unclear goals of integration policies? Most of people are afraid of integration of minorities, it destroys their blood-based image of a nation. Minorities are therefore subject to a so called racist paradox. The only dimension of broadly understood integration that is relatively successful in CE countries is socio-economic integration. But integration policies should be focused on full integration in all dimensions: 1. Cultural integration; 2. Social-economic integration; 3. Civic-political integration.

14 Failures of Integration Policies: Integration in 21st century - what do we mean by it? „There is no single, generally accepted definition, theory or model of integration. The concept continues to be controversial and hotly debated“ (Castles, 2001). „There is no single, generally accepted definition, theory or model of integration. The concept continues to be controversial and hotly debated“ (Castles, 2001). „Integration is a chaotic concept: a word used by many but understood differently by most“ (Robinson, 1998). „Integration is a chaotic concept: a word used by many but understood differently by most“ (Robinson, 1998). Terminology: Integration? Or incorporation? Accommodation? Inclusion? Culturalization? Naturalization? Terminology: Integration? Or incorporation? Accommodation? Inclusion? Culturalization? Naturalization?

15 Failures of Integration Policies: Integration in 21st century - what do we mean by it? Precise terminology might help, but we should rather tackle 2 issues: Precise terminology might help, but we should rather tackle 2 issues: 1. „Never-ending story…“ Integration is never-ending process, linear type of thinking is misleading. 1. „Never-ending story…“ Integration is never-ending process, linear type of thinking is misleading. 2. „This is the end of the world as we know it“ Integration as we know it from 20th century lost its meaning due to globalization processes and multilayer identities of people. Life „on the road“ and transnational perspective call for paradigmal shift in our understanding of integration. 2. „This is the end of the world as we know it“ Integration as we know it from 20th century lost its meaning due to globalization processes and multilayer identities of people. Life „on the road“ and transnational perspective call for paradigmal shift in our understanding of integration.

16 Failures of Integration Policies: What you see is not what you get… Integration attempts fails also due to inconsistency of „goals of integration“ and rising demands on the side of dominant cultures. Integration attempts fails also due to inconsistency of „goals of integration“ and rising demands on the side of dominant cultures. Minorities are not offered what they might have expected within liberal democratic regime that fosters equality (What you see is not what you get…) Minorities are not offered what they might have expected within liberal democratic regime that fosters equality (What you see is not what you get…)

17 What you see is not what you get…

18 Pre-conditions for becoming part of the core 1. Equal status (citizenship policies, equal rights) 1. Equal status (citizenship policies, equal rights) 2. De-ethnicization of public sphere 2. De-ethnicization of public sphere 3. Shift toward political nation 3. Shift toward political nation 4. Culturally neutral state 4. Culturally neutral state 5. De-racialization of interactions between citizens 5. De-racialization of interactions between citizens

19 What should be done? How to Overcome Historical Determinism in CE and to empower both autochtonous and migrant minorities? Need of transfer from ethno-cultural to legal-political definition of a nation in V4, or to shift from cultural definition of a nation to voluntaristic one (?) Need of transfer from ethno-cultural to legal-political definition of a nation in V4, or to shift from cultural definition of a nation to voluntaristic one (?) Need of redefinition of the core solidarity based on ethnicity to core solidarity based on modern citizenship (?) Need of redefinition of the core solidarity based on ethnicity to core solidarity based on modern citizenship (?) Need to move toward de-ethnicized citizenship (?) Need to move toward de-ethnicized citizenship (?) Need to support particular and universalistic identities that are in place (?) Need to support particular and universalistic identities that are in place (?) Need to „sell“ constitutional patriotism (?) Need to „sell“ constitutional patriotism (?)

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