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Welcome to Oakland Catholic High School! Spirituality, Scholarship, Service.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Oakland Catholic High School! Spirituality, Scholarship, Service."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Oakland Catholic High School! Spirituality, Scholarship, Service

2 Wednesday April 10 DAY 5 SPIRIT WEEK

3 Attention juniors in homeroom this morning you received course selection booklets and sheets. Please bring these materials with you to Religion class today.

4 Ms McNulty’s AP World History class are to bring their practice books to class today.

5 Student council will not meet today but all members are required to stay to take down their class decorations after school on Friday. Roll will be taken! All class presidents should submit their receipts to Mrs. Benedik for reimbursement of their decorating expenses. Please include the first and last name of the student on the receipt.

6 Students who purchased a ticket for the freshmen sophomore semi formal should stop in the main office for their contract. If you purchased a couple ticket, you also need to pick up a form for your date’s school to complete. Students who purchased a ticket for the freshmen sophomore semi formal should stop in the main office for their contract. If you purchased a couple ticket, you also need to pick up a form for your date’s school to complete.

7 Victory truly is our battle cry as the Eagles defeated the Obama school 14- 9 in tonight's game. The MVPs of the game were Amy and Alissa Buck and Gracie Daigle Congratulations, Team!! Victory truly is our battle cry as the Eagles defeated the Obama school 14- 9 in tonight's game. The MVPs of the game were Amy and Alissa Buck and Gracie Daigle Congratulations, Team!!

8 Softball Results OC lost to Penn hills 8-2 Go, Eagles!!

9 Today is Clash Day. After 9 th period return to homerooms. Tomorrow is preppy day.

10 Dancing with the Vikings earned $3508.00 – half for OC Guatemala mission charity and half for Hope Haiti- Central’s charity. Great job! Dancing with the Vikings earned $3508.00 – half for OC Guatemala mission charity and half for Hope Haiti- Central’s charity. Great job!

11 There will be a MAPS meeting Wednesday, April 10th, directly after school in the study lounge area.

12 Central wants you to be in a talent show at their school! Tryouts are this Friday after school in their theatre. Get together an act and try out!

13 Attention, Juniors All members of the Junior Class are invited to visit the Guidance Office College Room to review the many resources on colleges. College view books, CollegeBoard books, and internet sources are available. Stop by during any free period.

14 Spirit week dress themes 2013 Monday- Dress up day- mass Tuesday- wear tie dye- tie dye Tuesday! Wear tennis shoes for scavenger hunt Wednesday- Clash day- wear a clashing outfit Thursday- Preppy day Friday- Class color dress down- wear tennis shoes for activities Follow dress code handbook rules or wear your uniform!

15 Do you want a spirit-filled experience leading you to a new and different encounter with God? Sign up for the NET retreat! Get details from Ms. Farrell or Ms. Dorrie. Do you want a spirit-filled experience leading you to a new and different encounter with God? Sign up for the NET retreat! Get details from Ms. Farrell or Ms. Dorrie.

16 Attention, Seniors Attention Seniors Please submit all college acceptance, denial, and waitlist letters to the Guidance Office as soon as possible.


18 Prom contract and Cedar Point permission forms are now available in the main office and room 211. Dresses will be approved by Ms. Teeters and Mrs. Riegelnegg in rooms 211 and the back of the library. Tickets go on sale beginning Monday, April 8 in room 211. Prom contract and Cedar Point permission forms are now available in the main office and room 211. Dresses will be approved by Ms. Teeters and Mrs. Riegelnegg in rooms 211 and the back of the library. Tickets go on sale beginning Monday, April 8 in room 211.

19 The second annual 'Race Against Cancer' is going to be held Saturday, May 4th. Anyone interested may pick up a brochure in the office. The second annual 'Race Against Cancer' is going to be held Saturday, May 4th. Anyone interested may pick up a brochure in the office.

20 MAPS is sponsoring a gently used blanket and children's book drive. There will be a donation box located outside of the Guidance Office. The drive will run for the next few weeks and all donations will benefit "Angel's Place" which provides child care for Pittsburgh's impoverished families. MAPS is sponsoring a gently used blanket and children's book drive. There will be a donation box located outside of the Guidance Office. The drive will run for the next few weeks and all donations will benefit "Angel's Place" which provides child care for Pittsburgh's impoverished families.

21 Pittsburgh Pirates Catholic School Night Friday, May 31 at 7:05 Order Forms for Tickets are available in the office.


23 April is Head and Neck Cancer Awareness Month Tobacco and alcohol use are major risk factors for head and neck cancers 3% of cancers in the United States Commonly found in men over the age of 50 Ribbons colors are burgundy and ivory

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