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These two images conveys the same idea…. But the details in the second image makes it aesthetic.

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Presentation on theme: "These two images conveys the same idea…. But the details in the second image makes it aesthetic."— Presentation transcript:


2 These two images conveys the same idea…. But the details in the second image makes it aesthetic.

3 Drawings are the language of an engineer, A graphical language that communicates ideas and information From one mind to another. Especially, it communicates all needed information from the Designer to the technician who will execute it.


5 Convey Ideas: Drawing should convey the same idea for the client and to the technician

6 Error Notification: Drawing should notify if there is any clash with other disciplines

7 Simplicity: a.It should be simple, always show necessary dimensions. b.Proper use of line weights to differentiate between various elements. c.Use annotated texts and dimensions to obtain uniformity across all details in a drawing.


9 Folder Structure: Each discipline should follow same folder structure Especially for the XREF folder which facilitates easy Access to the other discipline designers.

10 Layers : a. All objects in the drawing should be in proper layer. b. In the layer manager, description column should be filled, so that the designer easily understand about the objects. c. Avoid using long layer names.

11 Blocks: a.Using blocks for typical objects will increase workability. b.Give a little patience while creating blocks because a block can be useful in several drawings. c.Description column should be filled, so that the designer easily understand about the blocks. d.Always off “Allow exploding” unless it is not required.

12 External References: External references (XREFs) are useful in an environment where a team of drafters is working on a project, with each person constructing individual components of the project. Each team member can view drawings belonging to others, so that changes are handled and drawings stay synchronized.

13 Model space & Layout space: a. Always draw in 1:1 scale in the model space and then present it in the view port in the layout space to the desired scale. b. Multiple viewports should be used( in the layout space) to present details in different scale rather than copying a part to another location of the model space and scaling it.

14 Annotation: a. Using annotation for dimensions and texts allows uniformity in all viewports hence the present ability of a drawing enhances. b. Using the annotation scaling tools, you can save hours off the time you typically spend calculating scale factors and creating, editing and managing drawing annotations.

15 CTB: As a suggestion to those people are using same CTB for A1 size and A3 size prints, avoid using CTB and use VP freeze, VP color, VP line weight etc. In layer manager. It will give more freedom for drafting and missing CTB issue will also be resolved. Use minimum line weight as 0.05, it will give almost same result in A1 and A3 prints.

16 These few steps will ensure our drawings are updated to modern drawing standards which will serve the purpose of present ability and functionality.

17 Thanks & Regards Bijoy Manoharan

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