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Penetrating and Blunt Neck Injuries “Deadly Missed Injuries”

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1 Penetrating and Blunt Neck Injuries “Deadly Missed Injuries”
Bradley J. Phillips, MD Burn-Trauma-ICU Adults & Pediatrics

2 Types of Injury - Penetrating
40% do not involve important structure GSW direct and delayed type of injury Structures major vein 15-25% major artery 10-15% pharynx or esophagus 5-15% larynx or trachea 4-12% major nerves 3-8%

3 Type of Injury - Blunt Cervical spine Vascular injuries Aerodigestive
internal carotid artery vertebral carotid artery Aerodigestive esophageal (rare) larynx

4 Deadly Missed Neck Injuries
Carotid Artery Injury Esophageal Perforation Laryngotracheal Injury

5 Diagnosis Significant injuries often asymptomatic
25% positive symptoms and 25% positive signs PE is often deceptively negative for severe injury Symptoms variable and delayed internal carotid artery > 2 weeks esophageal Weigelt (A J Surg 1987) 3/10 no signs or symptoms laryngeal more likely to have presenting symptoms/signs voice change, SOB, hemoptysis

6 Keys to Diagnosis Little need for labs High index of suspicion
Sense of urgency Operation vs radiology

7 Case #1 21 yom with GSW to right neck without exit site
c/o pain in throat/right neck VS : HR 110, BP 130/70, RR 27 sats 98% (40%) PE: mild swelling right neck, non-pulsetile ??

8 Penetrating Neck Zones

9 Vascular Injuries - Physical Exam
Penetrating Fogelman et al (Am J Surg,1956) 43% hemodynamically stable 70% no sign of bleeding Carducci et al(Ann Emerg Med, 1985) 1/3 no signs/symptom Apffelstaedt et al (World J Surg, 1994) Prospective study, 335 patients SW penetrating platysma clinical signs absent 30% of positive neck explorations

10 Physical Exam - Penetrating
Reliable for significant vascular injuries Demetriades et al (Br J Surg, 1993) prospecitive 335 patients, detailed written protocol 7/335 required angiography 269/335 nonoperative managed 2 required subsequent operations for vascular injury no complications Demetriades et al (World J Surg, 1996) prospective 223 patients, strict written protocol(Doppler) 160/223 no clinical signs underwent angio no vascular injury requiring treatment

11 Overview Management Penetrating Neck
Zone I routine angiography ? Esophageal evaluation (EGD, swallow) Airway evaluation (bronchoscopy) Zone II selective management vs operative neither approach superior (Asensio et al, Surg Clin N Amer, 1991) Zone III

12 Angiography Recommended in Zone I and III
difficult to assess clinically difficulty surgical exploration Policy reduces nontherapeutic intervention Costs (Demetriades et al, Br J Surg, 1993) Zone I only 5% required operation Zone III only 13% required operation

13 Zone III GSW

14 Zone III GSW

15 Management Penetrating Zone II
Mandatory exploration Advantages decreased injuries up to 25% unexpected injuries found low morbidity/mortality Disadvantages report up 67% negative exploration Recommendations Zone II injuries with/without instability GSW that cross midline

16 Transcervical GSW More likely to involve vital structures
73% vs 31% (GSW not cross midline) Hirshberg et al, Am J Surg 1994 retrospective 41 patients 30(83%) positive for cervical injury recommends mandatory exploration Demetriades et al, J of Trauma, 1997 prospective, 33 patients 73% injury to vital organ, only 21% therapeutic operation

17 Stab vs Gunshot Wounds Anecdotal suggestion
explore GSW, non-operative SW not supported in literature Prospective study (Demetriades et al, Br J Surg, 1993) 97 GSW, 89 SW GSW higher incidence of clinical signs than knives (35% vs 19%) GSW more likely injuries therapeutic operation: GSW 16.5%, SW 10.1%

18 Zone II - “Selective Conservatism”
If hemodynamically stable angiography, contrast study, endoscopy , +/- laryngoscopy Exploration if positive study Negative neck exploration 20% Missed injuries negligible (Jurkovich et al, Trauma, 1985) Disadvantages cost and time iatrogenic (CVA, esophageal perfs)

19 Acute Management Zone II Injury

20 Treatment- Specific Injuries
Carotid injuries 22% of penetrating cervical vascular injuries mortality 10-20% (in-hospital) Repair vs ligation repair if possible in absence of neurologic deficits prefer saphenous vein, but prosthetics ok if internal carotid injuries, transposition of external carotid ligation in neurologically intact for high internal carotid injury if very difficult or impossible

21 Treatment- Specific Injuries
Carotid injury Presence of neurologic deficits controversial ? Concern of postvascularization hemorrhagic infarct increased risk if evidence of sever anemic infarct or edema recommend repair if deficits are short of coma no evidence of anemic infarct patent distal carotid

22 Treatment- Specific Injuries
Carotid artery occlusion with symptoms may result in late local or neurologic complications may develop pseudoaneurysm or rupture recommend repair if technically feasible not at base of skull

23 Carotid Intimal Flap

24 Treatment - Specific Injuries
Minor carotid injuries (intimal flaps) natural history not known controversial: observation vs aggressive approach ? role of duplex for decision making role of anti-platelet unproven, but used

25 Vertebral Artery Pseudoaneurysm

26 Management - Specific Injuries
Vertebral artery increased frequency secondary liberal angio 10% of major vascular injuries 67% have association with major cervical injury mainly spine isolate injury asymptomatic in 1/3 patients thrombosis rarely lead to neurologic sequelae angiographic embolization standard of care if bleeding

27 Complications Nonoperative Management Operative Management
delayed bleeding CVA (dissection, emboli) pseudoaneurysm sepsis (missed esophageal leak) Operative Management injury to nerves (vagus, hypoglossal, recurrent) blood loss missed injury (particularly esophageal)

28 Summary Treatment - Vascular Injury
Surgical exploration unstable and stable Zone II (board answer) Angiography Zone I and III ? Nonoperative management stable Zone II depends on expertise and facilities Other interventions embolization high carotid or vertebral artery endovascular stent (pseudoaneurysms) anticoagulation blunt carotid/vertebral artery

29 Case #2 56 yom s/p MVC driver vs pole
Found unconscious at scene, intubated VS: HR 90, BP 110/80, sat 100% PE: abrasions to left shoulder/mid chest/LUQ GCS 7, pupil equal/reactive ??

30 Carotid Artery Dissection Internal Carotid Occlusion

31 Blunt Carotid Injury Low incidence (0.08-0.25%)
Male 76%, Mean age 35 +/- 2 yrs Most commonly intimal disruption ? asymptomatic Louisville U. (1998) 24 BCI all symptomatic Colorado U. (1998) 12/56 asymptomatic Often delayed diagnosis (Krajewski, Ann Surg 1980) 58% > 10hrs 36% > 24 hrs

32 Blunt Carotid Injury Eiology Associated injuries
MVC 41% (seat belt not a factor) Fall/ped struck 14% MCC 11% other 22% ski bike assault near hanging horseback Associated injuries CHI 65% facial fx 60% thoracic 51% basilar skull fx 32% extremity fx 32% abdominal 30% pelvic fx 16% cervical fx 5% none 16% Biffl et al, Ann Surg, 1998

33 Diagnosis - Vascular Injury
Careful PE hematomas, bruit, thrill Horner’s syndrome limb paresis or paralysis deep coma Delayed up to several days PITFALL: Failure to consider blunt carotid injury with negative CT and CNS changes delayed

34 Blunt Carotid Injury Screening asymptomatic (Biffl et al, 1998)
severe neck hyperflexion, flexion, or rotation significant soft-tissue injury anterior neck cervical spine fracture displaced midface fx or mandibular fx associated with a major injury mechanism basilar skull fx involving sphenoid/mastoid/petrous/foramen lacerum

35 Blunt Carotid Injury Biffl et al, 1998 (continued)
before screening 12/12429 (0.1%) after screening 25/2902 (0.86%) only 28% had lateralizing signs/symptoms 25% had concomitant head injury/depressed MS symptoms and timing > 24 hrs - 28% > 1 week %

36 Blunt Carotid Injury Biffl et al, 1998 (continued)
Outcome by symptoms at diagnosis Dead Major Minor Normal Asymptomatic Symptomatic

37 Blunt Carotid Injury Biffl et al, 1998 Treatment Outcome
Operative =1/37 Anticoagulation = 24/37 endovascular stent 10/24 No intervention = 11/37 Outcome Dead Major Minor Normal Anticoagulation No Anticoagulation

38 Blunt Carotid Injury Biffl et al, 1998 Complications Summary
angiography (2) - groin hematoma(1), CVA (1) hemorrhagic 54% rebleeding ( transfusions and/or cessation) Summary Anticoagulation improves outcome confirmed Fabian et al, Ann Surg, 1996 Aggressive screening ( ? Diagnostic test) Optimal intervention ? Stenting pseudoaneurysm

39 Blunt Carotid Injury Contraindicaton to Heparin No Yes Heparin Observe
Angiography 7-10 d Pseudoaneurysm Yes No Coumadin 3 mos Heparin/Stent or OR

40 Vascular Injury - Radiologic Test
C- spine films r/o fractures (spine/larynx) ? subcutaneous air anterior cervical soft tissue swelling tracheal deviation ? CXR/ skull xray (where’s the bullet ?)

41 BCI and Anticoagulation
Fabien et al, Surg, 1996

42 Vascular Injury - Radiologic Test
Duplex can be used for carotid injuries Zone II only as useful as angio in stable patients with Zone II injury (Thal, Trauma, 1991) operator dependent CT Angiogram limited studies ? comparable to angiogram (missed blunt injuries) advantage: no risk of CVA

43 Vascular Injury - Radiologic Test
Angiography gold standard (4 vessel runoff) Indications proximity to carotid with or without hematoma shotgun blasts with ? multiple artery segments injuries precise localization for planning proximal or high carotid injury blunt trauma with extensive soft-tissue injury blunt trauma with neurologic loss unexplained by CT

44 Case #3 29 yof restrained driver, head-on MVC
reported striking face/neck on steering wheel c/o neck/throat pain airway patent without voice change PE: anterior neck crepitus no stridor ??

45 Diagnosis - Esophageal
Blunt esophageal injury rare High index of suspicion in blunt trauma Penetrating trauma - evaluation part of a complete work-up If missed, high morbidity/mortality

46 GSW Anterior-Posterior Neck

47 Esophageal Injury - Diagnostic Test
Contrast swallow Extravasation is diagnostic Negative study is not reliable (particular in neck with gastrograffin) 50% of leaks missed with gastrograffin 25% of leaks missed with barium

48 Gastrograffin swallow

49 Esophageal Injury - Diagnostic Tests
Controversy of initial contrast to use gastrograffin pneumonitis if aspirated barium increased inflammation/infection in the mediastium Rec: If gastrograffin study is negative, repeat swallow this barium. Avoid gastrograffin in patients without gag/cough

50 Esophageal Injury - Diagnostic Test
Endoscopy Generally recommended when contrast swallow is negative, but suspicion is high Perforations often readily seen, however 50% missed (Weigelt et al Am J Surg 1987) missed in pharynx and cervical esophagus missed in patients on ventilator (poor expansion of esophagus) Combination of swallow/esophagoscopy reduces missed injuries to < 5%

51 Treatment - Esophageal Injury
Negative studies/high suspicion 24 hr observation Pharyngeal usually non-operative NPO/IV Abx Esophageal resection ? diversion

52 Laryngotracheal Injury
Larynx extends from epiglottis opposite C3 to cricoid cartilages at level C6 Cervical trachea cricoid to thoracic inlet Injury penetrating blunt

53 Penetrating Laryngotracheal Trauma
5-15% of penetrating neck trauma larynx 33% cervical trachea 67% Doubled if esophagus injury 25% of airway injuries have esophageal injury

54 Blunt Laryngotracheal Injury
Most common cause is MVC hitting steering wheel or dashboard “clothesline” with ATV/snowmobile Endotracheal intubation arytenoid subluxtion recurrent nerve paralysis (balloon overinflation)

55 Thyroid Fracture

56 Diagnosis - Laryngotracheal Injury
Pathology subglottic/supraglottic submucosa edema/air usually occurs within 6 hours > 70% cross-sectional area reduced before symptoms Associated with cervical spine injury Voice change most common Other S/S: dyspnea, pain, score throat, dysphagia, odynophagia, hemoptysis, subcutaneous air

57 Diagnosis - Laryngotracheal Injury
Plain xrays soft tissue emphysema airway compression fracture of laryngeal cartilages CT scan detailed and accurate appraisal Endoscopy Flexible vs rigid Bronchoscopy/laryngoscopy 100% accurate

58 Management of Laryngotracheal Injury
Airway control Preparation for surgical airway Non-operatively if, clinically stable airway endoscopy shows no displaced cartilages, mucosal disruptions or progressive edema/hematoma therapy semi-fowler position, humidified air, steroids, IV abx

59 Management of Laryngotracheal Injury
Operative tracheostomy if airway unstable no advantage in delay > 24 hrs to repair fx laryngeal fractures thyroid fx most common reduction and fixation with stainless +steel sutures delay of reduction > 7-10, scarring makes it more difficult and return of normal function unlikely

60 Outcomes of Laryngotracheal Injury
1/3 of patients who survive airway injury reach hospital alive suffer delay in diagnosis and treatment preventable death in 10% in upper airway trauma (most secondary to delay) most have some permanent voice and airway impairment or tendency to aspirate problems most significant after blunt injury and penetrating (more extensive damage)

61 Errors in Management of Laryngeal Trauma
Assuming airway problem in unconscious patient is only due to prolapse of the tongue attempting blind intubation in suspected larygneal injury inserting ET tube with force is through vocal cords and fails to advance use of muscle relaxation in a patient with a possible cricotracheal separation Inadequate assessment of esophageal injury

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