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 Journal  College essay candidates: Did they get in? Why or why not?  College essay assignment: Rough draft due to by 11:59pm Sun. 9/16.

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Presentation on theme: " Journal  College essay candidates: Did they get in? Why or why not?  College essay assignment: Rough draft due to by 11:59pm Sun. 9/16."— Presentation transcript:

1  Journal  College essay candidates: Did they get in? Why or why not?  College essay assignment: Rough draft due to by 11:59pm Sun. 9/16  Poetry Anthology: 1 st response due Mon. 9/17  How to Read Literature Like a Professor: 1st assgn. Due Friday 9/21  Poisonwood prompts/AP Lit Rubrics Timed writing Thurs. Sept. 27 Say/Mean/Matter due Fri. Sept. 21 Socratic Seminar Tues. Sept. 25

2  What happens to a dream deferred?  Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun? Or fester like a sore-- And then run? Does it stink like rotten meat? Or crust and sugar over-- like a syrupy sweet?  Maybe it just sags like a heavy load.  Or does it explode?

3  Journal  Read “Saving Sourdi” by May-Lee Chai pg. 281  Discuss: Conflict/Human Relationships/Theme  Peer editing/answer Peer Marks questions for 2 classmates college essays by Wed. 9/19: Final draft due to by 11:59pm Sun. 9/23

4 Once, when my older sister, Sourdi, and I were working alone in our family’s restaurant, just the two of us and the elderly cook, some men got drunk and I stabbed one of them. I was eleven.

5  Share snippet from “Saving Sourdi”  View Introduction to Literary Theory/Choose Critical Lens  Go to the yearbook Rm. 1301  Using the computers, Look up your literary theory (use link on my webpage)  Create a poster presenting your theory  Apply the theory to “Saving Sourdi”  HW: Peer mark 2 classmates College Essays.

6  Journal  Work in Literary Theory groups discussing the theory applied to “Saving Sourdi.”  Work in groups to create a visual representation of “Saving Sourdi” analyzed through the critical lens.  Present  Reflection

7  Homework: 2 nd Poetry Response due Tues. Sept. 25 th 1 st HTRLLP activity due Thurs. Sept. 27 th College Essay final draft due by 11:59pm Sun. Sept. 30th  Poisonwood Dates: Socratic Seminar Mon. Oct 1 st Say/Mean/Matter Chart due Wed. Oct. 3 rd M/C Diagnostic and Timed Writing Wed. Oct. 3 rd

8  “Sourdi told me a story once about a magic serpent, the Naga, with a mouth so large, it could swallow people whole. Our ancestors carved Naga into the stones of Angkor Wat to scare away demons. Sourdi said people used to believe they could come alive in times of great evil and protect the temples. They could eat armies. I wished I was a Naga. I would have swallowed the whole world in one gulp. But I have no magic powers. None whatsoever.”

9  In your groups, use the different colors of play-doh to create a visual representation of your literary theory as applied to “Saving Sourdi.”  Be prepared to explain your theory (use your poster) and your visual representation.

10  Journal “Saving Sourdi”  Read “Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin  Answer essential questions and annotate text as you read/after you read.  Take multiple choice quiz  Due dates: HTRLLP #1 due Thurs. 9/27 No final draft of college essay due Next week: Poisonwood; Oedipus Rex by Oct.9

11  The title of the story is “Saving Sourdi.” Do you feel this is an appropriate title for the piece? If so, explain its meaning to the text as a whole. If not, give an alternate title and explain your justification for this new title.

12  Journal  Scoring the essays: What do you think?  Poisonwood Discussion  For Monday: Come prepared for your Socratic Seminar!  Poetry Response #3 due Friday, Oct. 5

13  Read the passage and note the details. What do they convey about Orleanna and American culture?  “She wouldn’t go against him…’the bare minimum, for my children,’ she’d declare under her breath. In addition to the cake mixes, she piled up a dozen cans of Underwood deviled ham; Rachel’s ivory plastic hand mirror with powdered-wig ladies on the back; a stainless- steel thimble; a good pair of scissors; a dozen number-2 pencils; a world of Band-Aids, Anacin, Absorbine Jr; and a fever thermometer” (Leah 13).

14  The most important themes in literature are sometimes developed in scenes in which a death or deaths take place. Choose a novel or play and write a well- organized essay in which you show how a specific death scene helps to illuminate the meaning of the work as a whole. Avoid mere plot summary

15  How can the items listed metaphorically prepare the Prices’ for life in the Congo?  “She wouldn’t go against him…’the bare minimum, for my children,’ she’d declare under her breath. In addition to the cake mixes, she piled up a dozen cans of Underwood deviled ham; Rachel’s ivory plastic hand mirror with powdered-wig ladies on the back; a stainless- steel thimble; a good pair of scissors; a dozen number-2 pencils; a world of Band-Aids, Anacin, Absorbine Jr; and a fever thermometer” (Leah 13).

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