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Anglo-Saxon World View and Key Themes

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Presentation on theme: "Anglo-Saxon World View and Key Themes"— Presentation transcript:

1 Anglo-Saxon World View and Key Themes

2 What is World View? How a person/group of people feels about and interacts with the world, nature, and God Anglo-Saxon worldview- grim, negative- they lived harsh lives full of war and hard work Saw nature as the enemy; no concept of happy afterlife or loving God

3 WYRD Anglo-Saxon concept of FATE.
They believed their lives were ruled by FATE (or wyrd).

4 LOF Because the Anglo-Saxons did not believe in an afterlife, they sought immortality through a concept called LOF (or FAME)

5 COMITATUS Again, because life was so harsh, they made life meaningful through relationships with one another and the king. Comitatus means COMPANIONSHIP- loyalty and love to your kinsmen, friends, and king

6 What made life worth living?
LOF (FAME)- for the afterlife COMITATUS (COMPANIONSHIP)- for now MEAD HALL- the king lived in a great hall called the mead hall where warriors would gather and tell stories and drink mead

7 SCOPS Pronounced SHOPES Storytellers and poets Entertainers

8 Conversion St. Augustine and St. Patrick are two famous missionaries who brought Christianity to Great Britain. Christianity offered a happy afterlife, a loving God, and ideas like forgiveness and hope that their religion had not. Celtic Cross= Pagan Celtic Sundial+Christian Cross

9 Make a chart listing the differences in Pagan and Christian Values

10 Pagan vs. Christian Monsters and supernatural beings Lof (Fame)
Warrior- Physical Strength Courage Pride (Heroic Boasts) Revenge (Weregild) Riches/Gold Loyalty Signs, Superstition, Wyrd (fate) Valhalla Sacrifice “The Almighty” Love Compassion Humility- “the meek shall inherit the earth” Forgiveness “love your enemies” Riches are in heaven, not on earth Sacrifice Heaven

11 Characteristics of Writing
Kenning- a metaphorical two word compound Caesura- a pause in the middle of a line Alliteration- repetition of initial consonant sounds

12 Reasons for these Characteristics
Euphony= pleasing to the ear; it sounds good!! Memory= rhythm and repetition help it make things easier to remember- the scops had to tell all of their stories from memory so caesura and alliteration helped

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