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1. There stands a Rock on shores of time, that rears to heav’n its

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Presentation on theme: "1. There stands a Rock on shores of time, that rears to heav’n its"— Presentation transcript:

1 1. There stands a Rock on shores of time, that rears to heav’n its
head sublime; That Rock is cleft, and they are blest who find within this

2 fame or their treas-ure or their land; Mine’s on the Rock that for -
cleft a rest: Some build their hopes on the ever-drifting sand, some on their fame or their treas-ure or their land; Mine’s on the Rock that for -

3 ev - er shall stand, Je - sus, the “Rock of A - ges.”

4 2. That Rock’s a cross, its arms outspread, Ce - les - tial glo - ry
bathes its head; To its firm base by all I bring, and to the cross of

5 fame or their treas-ure or their land; Mine’s on the Rock that for -
A-ges cling. Some build their hopes on the ever-drifting sand, some on their fame or their treas-ure or their land; Mine’s on the Rock that for -

6 ev - er shall stand, Je - sus, the “Rock of A - ges.”

7 3. That Rock’s a tow’r, whose loft - y height, Il-lumed with heav’n’s un -
clouded light, Opes wide its gates be-neath the dome where saints find rest with

8 fame or their treas-ure or their land; Mine’s on the Rock that for -
Christ at home. Some build their hopes on the ever-drifting sand, some on their fame or their treas-ure or their land; Mine’s on the Rock that for -

9 ev - er shall stand, Je - sus, the “Rock of A - ges.”

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