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International and European Update International events and European developments Programme Strategy Meeting on Shale gas October 10 th, 11 th, 12 th 2012.

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1 International and European Update International events and European developments Programme Strategy Meeting on Shale gas October 10 th, 11 th, 12 th 2012

2 Alternative World Water Forum (FAME) - March 16 th, 2012 - “We engage ourselves to organise the following actions : – Reinforcing the coordination of our actions at the European and international level; – Drafting a joint and international statement / petition against hydraulic fracturing; – Coordinating a joint calendar; – Constructing a day of international mobilisation as soon as possible ”

3 NGOs Joint Statement - April 24 th, 2012 - “We further note the following: – SG/SO/CBM will increase total GHG emissions and slow down large-scale deployment of RES – Fracking goes against precautionary principle – Many studies needed – No existing process to consistently include citizens and communities in decision-making related to shale gas – No exhaustive disclosure of chemicals used  Therefore, no further SG/SO/CBM activities should proceed & Member States should suspend all ongoing activities, abrogate permits, and place a ban on any new projects”

4 Rio +20 Anti-fracking meeting at the Cupula Dos Povos - June 22 nd, 2012 - “We engage ourselves to: – Reinforcing the coordination of our actions at international level; – Strengthen the alliances and solidarity between international, national and local movements; – Work on a process at the international level to hold frackers legally accountable; – Coordinate a global joint calendar; – Build a day of international mobilisation as well as supporting all national action days against fracking”

5 Global Frackdown - June 22 nd, 2012 - Objectives: Cut through the industry propaganda Global context to amplify local campaigns Build a broad based call for a ban on fracking Results: 180 partners organisations + 200 actions + 20 countries in 5 continents Number of people: dozens of thousands

6 Recent developments at the EU level

7 European Parliament Boguslaw Sonik, Poland, EPP, ENVI Committee – Pro-shale gas ₋Strong opposition in the ENVI Committee and among the shadow rapporteurs (Greens, S&D, ALDE, GUE) ₋Balanced compromises and many anti-shale gas amendments CCl: Most of the risks recognised, polluter pays pple promoted, baseline studies and monitoring needed, full chemicals disclosure mandatory, no EU funds, call for review a existing EU legislation and ban in sensitive areas Niki Tzavela, Greece, EFD, ITRE Committee – Pro-shale gas ⁻ITRE Committee very conservative  very pro-SG ⁻Limited influence of opposition CCl: Need for a robust regulatory framework… BUT: Shale gas sold as a necessary fuel for energy security, with a role to achieve EU climate objectives (decarbonisation of energy sector by 2050) and existing EU legislation adequate for licensing, early exploration and production.

8 DG Environment European Commission

9 DG Clima – Climate impact of SG production ₋Shale gas 41% - 49% less carbon-intensive than coal ₋But shale gas 5% more carbon-intensive than conventional gas  Ongoing debate JRC (Joint Research Centre) – Energy market impacts in the EU ₋Promotion of new technologies reducing the cost of production (closed-loop system, multi-directionnal wells ₋Uncertainties generated by unclear amount of reserves, cumulative impact of multi-well pads ₋Even in best-case scenario: Europe not gas self-sufficient (can only provide maximum 40% of the gas demand)  No energy independence European Commission

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