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To invest or not to invest....that is the question!

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Presentation on theme: "To invest or not to invest....that is the question!"— Presentation transcript:

1 To invest or not to invest....that is the question!

2 Research the company and report on the financial performance of a company in previous years If you were advising someone whether they should invest in a company you would need to

3 Company website Business Source premier (Available through LSBU) Infotrac (Available through Moodle – go to Learning Centre tab and then E-resources) FAME (Available through LSBU) How to get the information I need?

4 7 million companies in UK and Ireland Company financials for up to 10 years Stock information Peer analysis Export to Excel or word A great way to find data! FAME at last!! The Financial Accounting Made Easy (FAME) database has:

5 Writing up your findings An academic report will be more theoretical and contextual A Business report answers a specific questions and usually includes recommendations There is very little difference in the structure What’s the difference between an academic report and a business report?

6 1.Title 2.Abstract 3.List of contents 4.Introduction/terms of reference 5.Methods/procedure 6.Results/findings 7.Discussion 8.Recommendations 9.References/Bibliography 10.Appendices Full length reports need to include:

7 1.Title 2.Abstract 3.List of contents 4.Introduction/terms of reference 5.Methods/procedure 6.Results/findings 7.Discussion 8.Recommendations 9.References/Bibliography 10.Appendices Short reports made need to only include the blue sections Always check your assignment brief!

8 How do I display data? See handout on choosing graphs and charts that are appropriate for the type of data you are dealing with.

9 The aim is to prepare a business report on the financial performance of a company over four years. Should I invest in this company or not? In pairs you are to pick a company from FAME. Down load data from FAME into an Excel spreadsheet. Look at Revenue, Profit, Earnings per share Present the information in graph form in Excel. Research the market/company & find relevant points about the market/company that may affect my investment decision Create a very simple report in word reporting on your findings Embed the graphs into the report to support your answers. Have a go at referencing & Bibliography!!! Your task...

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