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Homelessness and Hunger in Boston ASB Spring Break 2002 PSC Approval Presentation October 25 th, 2001.

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Presentation on theme: "Homelessness and Hunger in Boston ASB Spring Break 2002 PSC Approval Presentation October 25 th, 2001."— Presentation transcript:

1 Homelessness and Hunger in Boston ASB Spring Break 2002 PSC Approval Presentation October 25 th, 2001

2 Levente Jakab ’03 ( Cristina Roussel ’03 ( We want to prepare a trip that will immerse our group in the issues of homelessness and hunger. Our efforts will serve to help us to learn and grow. It will be an enriching and unforgettable experience that we would be proud to provide. Trip Coordinators

3 Our trip will take place in the Boston/Cambridge area in cooperation with local food shelters/pantries and other organizations. We will focus on the issues of homelessness and hunger, as well as the city of Boston. Trip Description

4 Before spring break, our group will gather for reflection sessions and other activities that will help educate members about the social issues we are exploring. Tentative Agendas  Trip Kick-off Meeting (Late November) Introduce ASB Icebreaker with participants Trip goals and expectations Countdown to Spring Break calendar with deadlines Participant responsibilities Statistics/facts on homelessness/hunger Hand our trip tentative itineraries Survey on Boston Pre-Trip Plans

5 Additional Focus Activities To facilitate group dynamics and increase awareness of our mission, we will strongly encourage participation in the following activities:  Fall Term Activity Meet with Distribution Manager of Spare Change Newspaper Sell Spare Change Newspaper Share experiences  Spring Term Activity Fast for one day Meet for dinner Use readings to help reflect on hunger

6 Trip Activities Service Speakers Group reflection sessions Boston excursions

7 Post-Trip Meetings The week after Spring Break we will get together to make scrap books for our host organizations and to present to the other trips. Reflect on experiences. Educate participants about leadership opportunities and encourage continued involvement with ASB. Collect trip surveys.

8 Logistics Location: We will stay at a church/shelter in the Cambridge or Boston area. Transportation: Public Transportation is a beautiful (cheap and convenient) thing. Food: Participants will purchase meals for the week.

9 Budget Expenses: Transportation$150 Site Fees $500 Pre-trip expenses$70 Post-trip expenses$60 Revenues: Participant Fees $65x12=$780

10 Wish List Have community speakers give talks to group Have excursions to Boston’s cultural and historical attractions Instill participants with a new sense of responsibility and community obligation Move participants to continue to be active volunteers Educate ourselves regarding homelessness and hunger

11 Current Planning Goals Find host organizations Contact possible speakers

12 Thank You! Questions? Suggestions?

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