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Motivation Chapter 11 Introduction Self Reference Effect: What motivates you? What motivates you? What motivates your mom/dad/pet? (choose) What motivates.

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Presentation on theme: "Motivation Chapter 11 Introduction Self Reference Effect: What motivates you? What motivates you? What motivates your mom/dad/pet? (choose) What motivates."— Presentation transcript:

1 Motivation Chapter 11 Introduction Self Reference Effect: What motivates you? What motivates you? What motivates your mom/dad/pet? (choose) What motivates your mom/dad/pet? (choose)

2 I.What is Motivation? A need or desire (want that energizes and directs behavior. 1.Need – A physiological “push” from the inside out. *primary reinforcer a.Examples? 2.Want – A cognitive, cultural, or psychological “pull” from the outside in. *secondary reinforcer a.Examples? 3.Instinct – Four elements to an instinct… a.Complex behavior b.Rigidly patterned c.Throughout a species d.UNLEARNED 4.Incentives -- Positive or Negative ENVIRONMENTAL stimuli that either lure (pull) or repel (push) us. *Needs and wants used with a purpose of motivating

3 Perspectives and Motivation- Biological and Behavioral A.Clark Hull - Drive-Reduction Theory  the idea that a physiological need creates an aroused tension state (a drive) that motivates an organism to satisfy the need Drive-reducing behaviors (eating, drinking) Need (e.g., for food, water) Drive (hunger, thirst)

4 II.Perspectives and Motivation 1.Drive-Reduction Theory (homeostatic model) a.Pushed by need to reduce an internal drive. Hence, DRIVE REDUCTION. *Sometimes the PUSH comes from an association we make (learned need). I have an internal NEED to eat. This DRIVES me to find food. I fulfill my motivation and I eat. My hunger is REDUCED. (physiological) I have a learned NEED to make money. I am driven to find a job. I find a job. My DRIVE is REDUCED. (behavioral) b.By reducing our drives, we maintain homeostasis, or a state of physiological and psychological balance. c.Homeostasis is maintained by our internal set point ….our personal “thermostat” for physiological needs. Thirst… Hunger…. Temperature… Sex Drive (Hypothalamus/Homeostasis)

5 Motivation 2.Optimal Arousal  Rather than reducing a physiological need or tension state, some motivated behaviors increase arousal Yerkes-Dodson Law  There is an optimal level of arousal for the best performance of any task; the more complex the task, the lower the level of arousal that can be tolerated before performance deteriorates.  Easy task = needs high arousal  Best performance = moderate level of arousal

6 Perspective and Motivation (cont.) 2.Optimal Arousal Theory a.Sometimes we are not motivated to REDUCE, but to INCREASE arousal. We do something for the sake of doing it. I have a WANT to run. I am motivated to run my first 5K. I want to run further next time. I run a 10 K. I want to run more. I run a marathon. Running reinforced MORE running. (behavioral/learned response) Airplane Jump Baby exploring it’s surroundings/Sensorimotor Stage

7 B.Humanistic Perspective (raise hand) 1.Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs You and your group/partner are about to be marooned on an unexplored island for an indefinite period of time. List 10 things you would take with you… INCLUDING people. Only ONE item per line. You are going with the clothes you currently have on, unless you put others on your list.

8 Maslow’s Hierarchy/Humanism (cont.)

9 C. Psychoanalytic Motivation (thumb) 1. Freud’s view of basic motivations: a.We are motivated early by self preservation and sex first. b.Later, we are motivated by aggression, wishes and fear. c.Sometimes, our wishes conflict with our fears, leading to UNCONSCIOUS conflict. d. Motivations have an unconscious source: I vow to never be in a relationship with an alcoholic or abuser, but I continuously finds find myself in such relationships. I am NOT hungry. I FEAR being fat. I WISH not to be stressed. I find myself eating a whole box of cookies. I feel shame or guilt.

10 Hunger Motivation The Motivation to Eat Physiology and Psychology

11 Motivation to Eat - Hunger We need to eat for basic survival We need to eat for basic survival We want to eat foods that don’t ensure our survival We want to eat foods that don’t ensure our survival –reinforcement/comfort/culture We find food both intrinsically (push) motivating and extrinsically (pull) motivating We find food both intrinsically (push) motivating and extrinsically (pull) motivating

12 Was Maslow Correct? Ancel Keys’ Minnesota Starvation Experiment Ancel Keys’ Minnesota Starvation Experiment –Baseline Calories 3200 per day for 3 months –3000 Calories of activity per day –Reduced to 1800 calories per day for 3 months –Lost all other motivation

13 Washburn and Cannon – The “Push” to eat 1.They attempted to find the PHYSIOLOGICAL motivation of hunger. 2.They looked for the root of hunger PANGS in the STOMACH. 3.What did they find? Balloon – our stomach does “pang” when empty, but we “feel” hunger long before then

14 The Physiology of Hunger 1.SEROTONIN increases as we eat which calms us. a. What drug manipulated this neurotransmitter? Fen 2.Glucose Levels and Hunger a.As glucose DECREASES hunger INCREASES. b.When hunger INCREASES the HYPOTHALAMUS reacts. (pleasure, drives)

15 Physiology of Hunger Continued c.The LATERAL hypothalamus brings on the feelings of hunger. d.I … LoVe to EAT Lateral Stimulated = EAT O Ventromedial Stimulated = STOP E ….ATING e.Lateral Hypothalamus: When cut, hunger decreased, skinny rat Ventromedial Hypothalamus: When cut, hunger increased, 2X their size or MORE

16 Physiology of Hunger Continued Brain and Set Point *These two structures “wire” you to maintain balance f.Define your set point: “Weight thermostat” – set to restore lost fuel and remove excess stores of fat g.Hypothalamic Centers are there to MAINTAIN this set point by increasing and decreasing HUNGER or altering your METABOLIC rate. 3.Define metabolic rate:Base resting rate of energy expenditure. Increase energy, increase calories burned. a.Physiology describes the biological PUSH to eat.

17 Psychology of Hunger Internal Eater Maintains Set Point Maintains Set Point Listens to hypothalamus and body when eating Listens to hypothalamus and body when eating –Starts when hungry –Stops when full External Eater Pulled by external cues to eat Pulled by external cues to eat –Culture –Reinforcements/Rewards –Emotion –Stress –Sensation (smell/sight) Ignores Set Point Ignores Set Point May over or under eat May over or under eat

18 Achievement Motivation The motivation to accomplish, master, control, and attain high standards.

19 Comparison Hunger and Sex Hunger and sex are both INTERNAL and EXTERNAL motivators Hunger and sex are both INTERNAL and EXTERNAL motivators –We learn to be motivated by these (pull) –We are physiologically motivated by these (push) Achievement Achievement, on the other hand, is purely INTERNAL. Achievement, on the other hand, is purely INTERNAL. –We learn to want (pulled) to achieve through our experiences. We are never physiologically driven (pushed) to achieve. –It also qualifies as a type of OPTIMAL AROUSAL Achievement breeds MORE desire/want to achieve

20 Sources of Achievement Motivation Emotional Roots -associate achievement with positive emotions (conditioning/behavioral) – take the EXTRINSIC and make it INTRINSIC Cognitive Roots -help person to attribute (mentally) achievement with one’s own efforts and high expectations – take the EXTRINSIC and make it INTRINSIC

21 Sources of Achievement Motivation Parental Influences -help children to make the associations and attributions EARLY and consistently over time – think acquisition and shaping. Birth Order (Adler?)- – –first children have a higher need for achievement – –later children (second onward) have a higher need for social interaction and are more likely to support non-traditional ideas

22 Sources of Achievement Motivation Intrinsic Motivation vs. Extrinsic Motivation Which is MORE motivating? BOTH – Walter Mischel – Stanford Marshmallow 1.Extrinsic in shaping/acquisition (at first) Teach to use effort/delay gratification Teach to control impulsivity _eat_the_marshmallow_yet.html 2. Intrinsic in maintaining long-term Self-discipline is higher predictor of achievement

23 Achievement Motivation in the Work Place Industrial/Organizational Psychology and Achievement

24 Work Place Motivation How the emotional, cognitive, and parental roots of fostering INTRINSIC motivation apply? Provide a sense of: recognition (cognitive) affiliation (emotion) accomplishment (extrinsic/intrinsic)

25 Work Place Motivation How to foster all three? Set specific and challenging goals with CLEAR objectives. (accomplishment) Provide feedback throughout the process (recognition and affiliation)

26 Leadership Style – to build all three Task Leader ACCOMPLISHMENT ACCOMPLISHMENT –Goal-oriented –Organized –Focus on goals –Set Standards – clearly –DIRECTIVE (men) Tend to think THEORY X Tend to think THEORY X Workers are X (extrinsically) motivated Workers error-prone Social Leader AFFILIATION and RECOGNITION AFFILIATION and RECOGNITION –Mediates conflict –Supportive –Build teamwork –Group-oriented –DEMOCRATIC (women) Tend to think Theory Y Tend to think Theory Y Workers are intrinsically motivated Workers strive to be the best

27 Your Teachers? Theory X or Theory Y? Theory X or Theory Y? Social or Task? Social or Task?

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