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Hunger Games Day 2, Lit Analysis Standards. The following questions are based on p. 141- 142 of The Hunger Games 1. “[Peeta’s sarcasm is] like a slap.

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1 Hunger Games Day 2, Lit Analysis Standards

2 The following questions are based on p. 141- 142 of The Hunger Games 1. “[Peeta’s sarcasm is] like a slap in the face” (142) is an example of A metaphor, B personification, C simile, D repetition 2. Peeta’s statement, “I didn’t want to miss the party. It’s for us after all” (141), is ironic because A he has never attended a party B Katniss has brought him a birthday cake C the party is a symbol for the Party that controls Panem D the partiers are celebrating Peeta’s imminent death 3. When Peeta says, “Only…I want to die as myself” (141), his statement impacts the passage because A It uses symbolism to develop the significance of the passage. B It clarifies his motivations of a character in the passage. C It uses formal language to enhance the serious tone of the passage. D It heightens the reader’s awareness of the historical nature of the passage. 4. Katniss most likely rejects Peeta’s statement “I’m more than just a piece in their Games” (142) because A her experience has taught her that the Capitol has total control. B the sadness that has afflicted the pair has been replaced with feelings of optimism. C her interaction with Peeta have prepared her to win the Games D the problems she thought were monumental now seem rather insignificant. 5. Katniss’ interaction with Peeta on the roof in this passage addresses which universal theme A Integrity is more important than materialism B Preserving your integrity can seem impractical to those who are closest to you. C Having integrity should be easy for everyone. D Purity of self is unattainable.

3 Model Analysis How is it organized? (as a whole? Within paragraphs?) How is it organized? (as a whole? Within paragraphs?) What’s strong about it? What’s strong about it? What could be improved? What could be improved?

4 3.2 Literary Analysis: Compare and contrast the presentation of a similar theme or topic across genres to explain how the selection of genre shapes the theme or topic (Section 2 of Final Project Analytical Letter) 3.12 Literary Analysis: Analyze the way in which a work of literature is related to the themes and issues of its historical period (Historical lens), society (feminist lens, post- colonial lens), genre (archetypal lens, deconstructionist lens), and psycho-social influences (psychoanalytical lens). (Section 2 of Final Project Analytical Letter) 3.5 Literary Analysis: Compare works that express a universal theme and provide evidence to support the ideas expressed in each work (Section 5 of Final Project Analytical Letter) 3.8 Literary Analysis: Interpret and evaluate the impact of ambiguities, subtleties, contradictions, ironies, and incongruities in a text (Section 3 of Final Project Analytical Letter) 3.7 Literary Analysis: Recognize and understand the significance of various literary devices, including figurative language, imagery, allegory, and symbolism, and explain their appeal (Section 3 of Final Project Analytical Letter) 3.11 Literary Analysis: Evaluate the aesthetic qualities of style, including the impact of diction and figurative language on tone, mood, and theme, using the terminology of literary criticism. (Section 3 of Final Project Analytical Letter)

5 Lens Review ArchetypeFeministPsychoanalyticHistoricalPostcolonialNew CriticalDeconstruction Homework: Choose a lens and a theme for your Final Project. Read Ch. 14-18 of HG.

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